- aFrame
- Babel
- Bootstrap
- esLint
- JavaScript
- Jest
- jQuery
- npm
- popper.js
- Web Audio API
- webpack and webpack-cli
- use mouse to click and drag
- when bullseye enters sound spheres, sounds begin
- toggle on/off nature sounds, low chatter
- headphone use recommended for optimal experience
- toggle full screen by clicking VR glasses icon at bottom right
- Open the terminal on your local machine
- If Node.js and Node Package Manager (npm) are not installed on your local device, follow the instructions here
- Clone this project with the following git command
$ git clone https://github.com/njhnny/Team-Week
- Navigate to the top level of the repository with the command
$ cd project
- Recreate project environment and install required dependencies with terminal command
$ npm install
- Create production environment with terminal command
$ npm run build
- Open project in a development server in the browser of your choice with the command
$ npm run start
- Lint code with the command
$ npm run lint
- Run tests in Jest with the command
$ npm test
- No known issues
- Please suggest fixes to any of the contributors
Name | Creator | URL | Licensing |
Outside ambiance with birds | Ryntjie | https://freesound.org/s/365041/ | Attribution Noncommercial |
Small Crowd pre-concert talking party bar walla talking | JohnsonBrandEditing | https://freesound.org/s/243373/ | Creative Commons 0 |
Passing Intercity train with a persistant Robin | plantmonkey | https://freesound.org/s/381221/ | Attribution Noncommercial |
river spring birds NL 02 190407_1332.wav | klankbeeld | https://freesound.org/s/566143/ | Attribution |
estate February NL Haanwijk 130217_00.flac | klankbeeld | https://freesound.org/s/178374/ | Attribution |
Copyright (c) 2021 HR Williams, Nick Hennessy, Tyler Sinks, Garrett Brown
HR Williams williams.hr@gmail.com
Nick Hennessy njhnny@gmail.com
Tyler Sinks tyler.sinks@gmail.com
Garrett Brown garrettpaulbrown@gmail.com