An asynchronous task processing system that should be easily extendable to accommodate new type of tasks.
The system utilises a priority based queue system with backoff, retries and persistence for task information.
docker-compose up -d
Go locally (requires go installed):
make db
make up
Goroutines are utilised to allow for async processing of multiple workers as well as scanning of channels for new work / results.
Golang channels are a way of goroutines to communicate between each other, the limitation being that in case of the worker pool
we need a buffered channel ( channel of set size ) as this means the channels will keep data on it until it is picked up by a worker.
- API will take in our requests and route them to the correct handler with some validation, parsing and error returns
- Queue is created at startup and maintains a channel which can be written to with new tasks to be processed
- The Queue is backed by a linked list due to buffer channel limitations, it also help us being able to dynamically scan for next
tasks to be processed while considering backoff times. Linked list will not maintain the order but allows us to easily pop tasks out of the queue
when we find one that is ready to be processed. I believe this was the best middle solution as a queue implementation - The queue has routines running for : awaitTasks, awaitResults and pushToProcess
- The task package provides a task object as well as holding the Processable interface which means we can easily implement new types of tasks
- WorkerPool maintains a list of workers which listen for incoming Tasks on the channels and process them based on priority
This could be improved with more time by adding more dynamic priority / task chans that could be adjusted based on needs and to avoid
resources starvation on Lower priority tasks by making sure they get some CPU time every once in a while - The workers write success / error result to result channel for the queue to decide on how to proceed furter ( backoff / failure / success)
- Storage is a simple wrapper for a postgres database with create, update and get by ID functions
Storage Schema:
- errors are stored as nullable strings to make it easier to parse back
- Payload is stored as json so that we could easily unwrap the task data and re-run failing ones
id varchar(100) primary key,
priority int,
taskType varchar(30),
status varchar(60),
backOffDuration bigint,
payload jsonb,
createdAt timestamp,
createdBy varchar(30),
startedAt timestamp,
finishedAt timestamp,
error varchar(100)
- Every task status is written to database to have an up to date status but perhaps it could be improved on
and only write a subset since some tasks can be very fast causing a high load on the database for no reason - Cleanup of logging and string formatting, I have used slog since it is a new core library that was added but I should have stuck with zerolog for better readability
- Add better shutdowns through context
- Improve documentation
- Improve endpoint comments and add swagger
listenAddr: ':8080'
maxBufferSize: 10
workerPoolSize: 5
maxTaskRetry: 3
host: 'db'
user: 'postgres'
dbname: 'postgres'
password: 'asyncProcessor'
Outside of the api address and storage info we can configure the queue to our expectations
# sets the max size of the buffer channels which means how many tasks can wait in a channel to be processed
# tasks outside of the buffer will still be tracked in the queue this is to control the channel size
maxBufferSize: 10
workerPoolSize: 5 # amount of workers processing tasks
maxTaskRetry: 3 # max retry on tasks when they fail
Sample task body:
"taskType" : "CPUProcess",
"priority" : 1, // Optional
"payload" : {
"ProcessType" : "want to fail"
"backOffDuration" : "5s" // Optional
All of the requests and postman collection can be found in api/requests to easily import and test.
curl --location 'http://localhost:8080/healthz'
curl --location 'http://localhost:8080/task/{taskId}'
There are currently 3 task types with taskType CPUProcess being implemented to fail on purpose to allow for testing
curl --location 'http://localhost:8080/tasks/enqueue' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"tasks" : [
"taskType" : "SendEmail",
"payload": {
"sendTo" : ["", ""],
"sendFrom": "",
"subject" : "Hi !",
"body" : "hope you are well"
"taskType" : "GenerateReport",
"priority" : 1,
"payload" : {
"notify" : ["", ""],
"reportType" : "Financial Report"
"taskType" : "CPUProcess",
"priority" : 1,
"payload" : {
"ProcessType" : "want to fail"
"backOffDuration" : "5s"
curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:8080/task/e83a5116-0191-462c-8cf7-18c21a3a4939/retry' \
--data ''
- Update config file to match dockerfile and be read from one place
- Tests
- Queue Management - Being able to prioritise queues dynamically and add more queues when needed
- Queue prioritisation (avoid starvation for low priority tasks by making sure they are executed from time to time)
- Batch task creation for DB
- Improve architecture diagram
- Add swagger spec generation
- Config
- Endpoint for enqueue tasks
- Endpoint for querying tasks
- Retry failed endpoint
- Generic Task
- Queue Management
- Queue prioritisation (avoid starvation)
- Storage database
- Add docker-compose db to create persistence through sql
- Async Processing
- Error handling, retries
- Dead Letter Queue
- Logging
- Tests
- Code Documentation
- System Documentation
- Max concurrent limit
- Retries with backoff
- Persistence
- Lint and format imports