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File metadata and controls

430 lines (281 loc) · 12.5 KB


a neat little library powered by bun for building apis.

learning by doing

api reference

learning by doing section

create a new fluxify project

bun create simylein/fluxify

Please take a look at the little todo app example in the src directory for some basic examples on usage. If you would like to start fresh delete everything in the src directory and make sure to keep the lib one which is the library. Then create a main.ts file inside the src directory which will become your entrypoint.


  • bun fmt formats your code using prettier
  • bun lint lints your code using eslint
  • bun check type checks your code using tsc
  • bun bundle bundles your code for portability
  • bun test:dev runs your tests with hot reload
  • bun test:prod runs your tests for production
  • bun start:dev starts your http server with hot reload
  • bun start:prod starts your http server for production
  • bun schema:init initializes an new empty database
  • bun schema:drop drops all registered tables
  • bun schema:sync syncs all registered tables
  • bun schema:seed runs all registered seeds


configuration is done by environment variables in the .env file. you can find an example in the example.env file. default values are given below and will be used if none are provided.

PORT=4000 the server will run on this port, the port must not be occupied
NAME=fluxify the name of you app, put anything you like, this will show in logs

ALLOW_ORIGIN=* used for cors, put your frontend address there, the star is a wildcard
GLOBAL_PREFIX= if you would like to prefix all your routes, should start with a slash
DEFAULT_VERSION=0 used when no version was provided in the router nor endpoint, 0 means disabled

JWT_SECRET=random keep this secret, use a strong random value
JWT_EXPIRY=1600 after that many seconds your token will expire

CACHE_TTL=0 your cache's time to live in seconds, 0 means disabled
CACHE_LIMIT=0 the maximum amount of items in the cache, 0 means disabled

THROTTLE_TTL=0 your throttle's time to live in seconds, 0 means disabled
THROTTLE_LIMIT=0 how many requests a single ip may do in the given ttl, 0 means disabled
THROTTLE_REGROW=0 amount of requests which regrow in the given ttl, 0 means disabled

DATABASE_PATH=:memory: provide a file path to a database on your system
DATABASE_MODE=readwrite can either be readwrite or readonly

LOG_LEVEL=info can be one of trace debug info warn error, trace will log the most info
LOG_REQUESTS=false set to true for logging incoming requests, useful in development
LOG_RESPONSES=false set to true for logging outgoing responses, useful in development


to start up a fluxify http server use


import { bootstrap } from 'lib/core';
// import any controllers you plan on using
// import './auth/auth.controller.ts';


bootstrap returns a FluxifyServer object which enables you to build custom logging


import { bootstrap } from 'lib/core';

const server = bootstrap();
	res: ({ id, timestamp, status, time }) => {
		console.log('fires on response', { id, timestamp, status, time });
	info: ({ timestamp, message, context }) => {
		console.log('fires on info', { timestamp, message, context });

you can also register global headers which will be sent in every response


import { bootstrap } from 'lib/core';

const server = bootstrap();
server.header({ 'cache-control': 'no-cache' });

for those who do not like json feel free to override request and response serialization


import { bootstrap } from 'lib/core';

const server = bootstrap();
server.serialize({ req: (request) => 'hello', res: (body) => 'world' });


every entity has to have an id: primary() column


import { Infer, column, entity, primary } from 'lib/database';

export const userEntity = entity('user', {
	id: primary('uuid'),
	username: column('varchar').length(16),
	password: column('varchar').length(64),

export type User = Infer<typeof userEntity>;


use the repository to work with entities


import { repository } from 'lib/repository';
import { userEntity } from '../user/user.entity';
import { SignUpDto } from './dto/sign-up.dto';

const userRepository = repository(userEntity);

export const signUp = async (body: SignUpDto): Promise<void> => {
	await userRepository.insert(body);


register routes


import { router } from 'lib/router';

const app = router();

app.get('/hello', null, () => {
	return 'hello world'; // will become the response body
	return new Response(); // you can also directly control it

validate request bodies


import { Infer, object, string } from 'lib/validation';

export const signUpDto = object({
	username: string().max(16),
	password: string().max(64),

export type SignUpDto = Infer<typeof signUpDto>;


import { router } from 'lib/router';
import { signUp } from './auth.service';
import { signUpDto } from './dto/sign-up.dto';

const app = router('/auth');'/sign-up', { body: signUpDto }, ({ body }) => {
	return signUp(body); // enjoy the validated request body

validate query params


import { Infer, object, string } from 'lib/validation';

export const userQueryDto = object({
	username: string().optional().max(16),

export type UserQueryDto = Infer<typeof userQueryDto>;


import { router } from 'lib/router';
import { userQueryDto } from './dto/user-query.dto';
import { findUsers } from './user.service';

const app = router('/user');

app.get('', { query: userQueryDto }, ({ query }) => {
	return findUsers(query); // enjoy the validated query params


require auth by adding the jwt: jwtDto in the schema

import { jwtDto } from 'lib/auth';
import { router } from 'lib/router';
import { findMe } from './auth.service';

const app = router('/auth');

app.get('/me', { jwt: jwtDto }, ({ jwt }) => {
	return findMe(;


use the built in logger which also calls your custom logger


import { debug, info, warn } from 'lib/logger';

debug('print a debug message');
info('print a info message');
warn('print a warn message');


you can register seeds by naming a file anything.seed.ts


import { word, words } from 'lib/fake';
import { repository } from 'lib/repository';
import { userEntity } from '../user/user.entity';

const userRepository = repository(userEntity);

export const users = async (): Promise<void> => {
	await Promise.all(
		[ Set(
					.map(() => word(4)),
		].map((username) => userRepository.insert({ username, password: words(4).split(' ').join('-') })),


you can return the openapi 3 standard in json


import { generateDocs } from 'lib/docs';
import { router } from 'lib/router';

const app = router();

app.get('/docs', null, () => {
	return generateDocs();

api reference section


hash() useful for hashing passwords. uses createHash from crypto under the hood

signJwt() signs json web tokens using the sha256 algorithm. depends on the configured jwtSecret and jwtExpiry from config. uses createHmac from crypto under the hood

verifyJwt() verifies json web tokens using the sha256 algorithm. depends on the configured jwtSecret and jwtExpiry from config. uses createHmac from crypto under the hood

jwtDto useful for marking a route with authentication. also performs validation to ensure proper content in jwt payload


config holds the global configuration state of the application. change properties only if you know what you are doing


bootstrap() used for bootstrapping the application

FluxifyServer the returned type from bootstrap


entity() create entities by providing an table name and some columns. every entity needs at least an id: primary() column. pass the return to the repository for easy data manipulation

primary() this marks your id column as the primary key. uses non nullable uuids version 4 or auto incrementing integers

column() create database columns inside the entity function

relation() this marks a column as a foreign key. provide the entity you would like to relate against

created() creates a column which holds the date of creation of said row

updated() creates a column which holds the date of last update to said row

deleted() creates a column which holds the date on which the entity was soft deleted

runQuery() selectMany() selectOne() insertOne() insertMany() raw methods in which you may write your sql directly. only use them if you cannot fulfill you needs using the repository

Entity the return type of the entity function

Infer provide any entity as the type argument for getting a inferred type which is bound to that entity. works like magic


generateDocs() returns a openapi v3 compliant spec of your api routes. return this from any route handler


subscribe() used for server sent events. return this from a get route handler and provide a channel for listening

emit() emits an event with some optional data to the specified channel


Accepted() NoContent() BadRequest() Unauthorized() Forbidden() NotFound() MethodNotAllowed() Conflict() Gone() IamTeapot() Locked() TooManyRequests() InternalServerError() throw those for returning the corresponding http status codes. they accept an optional message which will override the default one


adjective() adjectives() returns one or many random adjectives

color() colors() returns one or many random colors

element() elements() returns one or many random periodic elements

email() emails() returns one or many random email addresses

excuse() excuses() returns one or many random developer excuses

material() materials() returns one or many random materials

product() products() returns one or many random products

quote() quotes() returns one or many random famous quotes

sentence() sentences() returns one or many random conversational sentences

username() usernames() returns one or many random usernames


trace() debug() info() warn() error() they all call their console equivalent function internally. also call custom logger functions registered on bootstrap. they only fire if the log level matches or is higher than the specific function


repository() provide an entity and get access to rich data manipulation. use functions like find() insert() update() and delete() to work with the chosen entity

IdEntity the most basic entity possible. all entities must correspond to this type

FindOptions FindOneOptions the types used in find and findOne from repository. they require generics to work

InsertData all keys of an entity which need to be present at insert. requires generics to work

UpdateData all keys of an entity which need to be present at update. requires generics to work


router() returns access to get post put patch delete and all route handlers. accepts an optional prefix which will affect all routes. you can also override the global prefix or version to be used by its routes

get() post() put() patch() delete() all() route handlers used to map http routes in your application. they accept an endpoint and optional schema for validation and a handler which will be called when a request hits said endpoint


string() number() boolean() object() uuid() date() union() array() blob() they all validate types on the runtime while providing awesome intellisense in development

Infer provide any dto as the type argument for getting a inferred type which is bound to that dto. works like magic