QXG-Builder is an approach for building spatio-temporal graphs from scenes in automated driving.
Install required libraries in requirement.txt file.
pip install -r requirements.txt
Download the nuscenes dataset in the working directory by executing this script (Mentioned in : https://www.nuscenes.org/nuscenes?tutorial=nuscenes):
# !mkdir -p /data/sets/nuscenes # Make the directory to store the nuScenes dataset in.
# !wget https://www.nuscenes.org/data/v1.0-mini.tgz # Download the nuScenes mini split.
# !tar -xf v1.0-mini.tgz -C /data/sets/nuscenes # Uncompress the nuScenes mini split.
-mode : indivudal or temporal (Individual is for seprate frame by frame graphs, Temporal is the graph for the whole scene)
-d: dataroot of the downloaded dataset
-v: version of the dataset (v1.0-mini)
This mode gives independent graphs for each frame.
python Main.py individual -d /data/sets/nuscenes -v v1.0-mini
This mode gives independent graphs for each frame.
python Main.py temporal -d /data/sets/nuscenes -v v1.0-mini
For each selected sensor there will be a folder created in the directory results
which will contain both the execution time and the graph.
To build and run the container:
docker build -t qxg-builder .
docker run -it qxg-builder Note: Since this project works with the NuScenes dataset, you'll need to mount the dataset directory when running the container in practice. You can do this by adding a volume mount:
docker run -it -v /path/to/your/nuscenes/dataset:/data/sets/nuscenes qxg-builder
The path /data/sets/nuscenes matches the default dataroot path shown in Main.py
help="Path of nuScenes dataset",