This project requires PostgreSQL 9+ and uses Python 3.7.x and Django 2.2.x
$ git clone
$ cd simpl-games-api
Using docker is the easiest way to get started with Simpl. After you clone the repo, run:
$ docker-compose up
to get the Simpl API up and running on your local system.
After you have the containers up, you will need to create a superuser and staff user.
- The superuser is used to inspect the data in the Simpl API's Django admin .
- The staff user is used by Simpl model services to connect to the Simpl API.
In a separate terminal, create a shell into the Simpl API container by running:
$ make shell
make shell
is just a helper that runs docker-compose run --rm api bash
for you.
Once you are in the container shell, create your superuser and staff user by running:
$ ./ simpl_setup
Create the staff user with email address
and password simpl
After you clone the repo, run:
$ mkvirtualenv simpl-games-api
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Create a database:
$ createdb simpl
Sync models to database:
$ ./ migrate
Create a superuser account to access the admin:
$ ./ createsuperuser
For local development, run:
$ ./ create_simpl_user
This creates a super user with email address '' and password 'simpl' and ensures test users can be assigned passwords in scripts.
to use:
$ export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=config.settings.local
$ ./ runserver
NOTE: You may need to create a directory named staticfiles
and run collectstatic
to have the admin media show up correctly.
Django's runserver
does not support Keep-Alive
requests, so we use gunicorn
instead in production.
A command to run gunicorn is included in simpl-games-api
$ ./ run_gunicorn
Run py.test
$ export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=config.settings.test
$ py.test
Do not commit code if tests are failing.
To release a new version of the docker image, tag a new version with bumpversion
$ bumpversion patch
Then push to the repo:
$ git push && git push --tags
If you are using an environment that supports running Pillow, uncomment the Pillow line in requirements.txt and run:
$ pip install -r requirements.txt --upgrade
$ ./ graph_models games -o docs/models.png
We have a simple management command which will check DNS, HTTP/HTTPS connectivity in general, ability to login to the admin, that the API responds properly and that the game slug in question is installed. To use this command you MUST have a valid admin login to use the command.
Simple usage: check_deploy https://simpl.mine.ed/
The command will prompt you for your admin user's email address (aka username), password, and game slug. Or you can provide them on the command line like this: check_deploy https://simpl.mine.ed/ --email='me@mine.ed' --password='sumpun' --game=sim
Management command that print counts of all simpl model objects based on game slug. For example, run
./ count_game_models -s calc
to see counts of all model objects for a game with slug 'calc'.
Copyright © 2018 The Wharton School, The University of Pennsylvania
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.