A DHIS2 package that can be used by any team working on hypertension and/or diabetes control projects. The package consists of a DHIS2 Tracker program to manage individual patients and a DHIS2 Dashboard to monitor program outcomes.
This package draws on the many lessons the team has learned while developing the Simple.org project and is based on the WHO HEARTS indicators. This package is used in Nigeria to manage over 30,000 patients with hypertension. Find out more on how this package can support your hypertension and/or diabetes control project here.
Please feel free to use or copy any ideas that you see in this package. This package is maintained by Resolve to Save Lives, contact us at info@resolvetosavelives.org for more information.
- Install DHIS2 on your server using DHIS2 guidelines.
- Refer to the design guide for an overview of the design of the DHIS2 Tracker program and DHIS2 dashboard.
- Install the hypertension and diabetes package using this installation guide.