A minimal macOS menubar app that displays ping times as a compact visualization.
PING_INTERVAL = 2 # seconds
PING_TIMEOUT = 3 # seconds
PING_SAMPLES = 16 # number of results to show
# Ping time ranges and colors (RGB)
{"limit": 0, "color": NSColor.colorWithRed_green_blue_alpha_(0, 0, 0, 1.0)},
{"limit": 70, "color": NSColor.colorWithRed_green_blue_alpha_(0.051, 0.843, 0.129, 1.0)},
{"limit": 150, "color": NSColor.colorWithRed_green_blue_alpha_(0.820, 0.839, 0.153, 1.0)},
{"limit": 400, "color": NSColor.colorWithRed_green_blue_alpha_(0.820, 0.059, 0.114, 1.0)},
Download the latest release.
# Optional: Set up virtual environment
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
# Install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
# Run directly
python ping-menubar.py
Required for launch-at-login functionality
# Install build dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install setuptools==70.3.0
pip install py2app
# Build app
python3 setup.py py2app
# Copy to Applications
cp -r "dist/ping-menubar.app" /Applications/
# Install create-dmg
brew install create-dmg
# Build dmg
rm ping-menubar.dmg; create-dmg \
--volname "Ping Menubar" \
--window-size 400 160 \
--icon-size 50 \
--app-drop-link 270 100 \
--icon "ping-menubar.app" 90 100 \
"ping-menubar.dmg" dist