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File metadata and controls

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Sqmpy is a web application based on Flask miroframework and RADICAL-SAGA distributed computing access layer. Sqmpy lets user to submit simple python or shell scripts on remote machines. Then user can monitor the running job in job detail page. The notification system will send emails after status changes to the user. Moreover sqmpy lets user to have a history of previous jobs and all files related to those jobs.


Sqmpy is hosted on Github:


Sqmpy has a few dependencies which will be installed while installing with python setup or pip:

  • SAGA-python
  • Flask
  • Flask-SQLAlchemy
  • Flask-Login
  • Flask-WTF
  • Flask-CSRF
  • Flask-Uploads
  • enum34
  • py-bcrypt

Optional Requirements

In order to use LDAP support, a few libraries and a python package should be installed on the system. In an Ubuntu machine they could be installed this way:

# apt-get install libldap2-dev libsasl2-dev libssl-dev

In OpenSUSE they could be installed this way:

# zupper in openldap2-devel cyrus-sasl-devel

The following python package should be installed afterwards:

  • python-ldap


Sqmpy will locad configuration keys from a file called inside the application directory. Alternatively, configurations can be loaded from a user defined python file using SQMPY_CONFIG environment variable:

$ export SQMPY_CONFIG = /path/to/config/file/
Even though Sqmpy will run with default configuration, for a proper installation certain settings inside
file must be changed. This will be explained shortly for server setup, here is a short overview:
SECRET_KEY = 'This should be replaced with a long unique string in your setup'
CSRF_SESSION_KEY = "Same for this one"

Above two keys must be changed. There are more configuration options which are explained in file.

Local Installation

Sqmpy is meant to be installed on a web server and used as a multi-user website. However, in early stages and for demonstration purposes one can run it on a local computer. I will explain further how to install it on a web server. I suggest to install a virtaul environment to try Sqmpy when running it on your local machine:

$ virtualenv --no-site-packages sqmpy-env
$ source sqmpy-env/bin/activate

If you don't have virutalenv on your machine then try to download it. Please be aware that this is outdated since new versions of virtualenv do not download and install pip and setuptools for security reasons.

$ wget
$ python --no-site-packages sqmpy-env
$ source sqmpy-env/bin/activate

If you clone Sqmpy from Github then you can easily install the requirements with pip and then run the program directly:

$ git clone git://
$ cd sqmpy
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ python

Then browse to to use the application. By default, Sqmpy uses user's SSH keys when accessing remote resources. Therefore, user must have passwordless SSH access to remote machines.


The above setup uses a lightweight internal development web server which might be slow and problematic. It is only mentioned for demonstration and development purposes. Read on to Gunicorn section to learn more.

Running with Gunicorn

Running with Gunicorn is the preferred way to use Sqmpy, either local or on a web server as a proxy. First install its python package:

$ pip install gunicorn

Inside Sqmpy's folder, there is a file called You can change that file to configure Gunicorn, e.g. to change default port. To run Sqmpy with gunicorn run:

$ gunicorn -c run:app

In order to run Sqmpy as a daemon:

$ gunicorn -c run:app -D

Enabling LDAP Support

If you use LDAP in your organization it is possible to configure Sqmpy to use it as authentication backend. The following keys should be changed:

LDAP_SERVER = '' # your ldap server here
LDAP_BASEDN = 'ou=People,ou=IWM,o=Fraunhofer,c=DE' # your BASEDN here

We have only tested this inside IWM, so it might not work for you, hence experimental! There is one point here. Sqmpy, by default, will use SSH keys of the current user to connect to remote machines in order to run submitted jobs there. To force it to use the login information, e.g. in LDAP case, change the following key:


Enabling SSL Support

In case of a multiuser setup, SSL must be enabled. Otherwise, users' information will be transferred in clear-text throught the network. Here we generate a self-signed SSL certificate to use with Gunicorn:

$ openssl genrsa -des3 -passout pass:x -out server.pass.key 2048
$ openssl rsa -passin pass:x -in server.pass.key -out server.key
$ rm server.pass.key
$ openssl req -new -key server.key -out server.csr
$ openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in server.csr -signkey server.key -out server.crt

Now we have three files, called server.crt, server.csr and, server.key. Edit and uncomment certificate lines:

keyfile = 'server.key'
certfile = 'server.crt'

# And re-run Sqmpy
$ gunicorn -c run:app

Now you should be able to browse https://localhost:5000 which is SSL protected.

Deploying on a Web Server

As a Flask application, sqmpy can be deployed in multiple ways: The best deployment scenario for Sqmpy is running it as a WSGI application and use nginx to forward requests to it. It is beyond scope of this README to explain deployment WSGI application with web servers. There are many good guides on the internet, however we will update this guide if users ask for it. We strongly recommend using Sqmpy + Gunicorn + nginx.

About Files and Folders, Local or Remote

Sqmpy will create a sqmpy.log and sqmpy.db and a staging folder called staging. The path to these files are read from config values: LOG_FILE, SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI and STAGING_FOLDER. Staging folder will contain uploaded files and script files created by Sqmpy. Moreover, on remote machines Sqmpy will create another folder called sqmpy in user's home directory and will upload files there before running tasks. For each job one folder will be created and will be set as job's working directory. This folder will contain input and output files as well as script file and any other files being produced or consumed by the remote job.