Full list of supported languages and their corresponding aliases to use.
var some = new actionscript();
ServerName apacheconf
display alert "Hello, world!"
<asp:Label runat="server" id="aspnet"></asp:Label>
$some = "bash";
Dim basic As Integer
set some="batch"
char some = "c";
some = "coffeescript"
char some = "cpp";
string some = "csharp";
#some { content: 'css'; }
int mySum(int a, int b) pure nothrow
var some = "dart";
not changed
- removed
+ added
IO.puts "Hello World!"
function foo(x: ?number): string {}
let mutable x = 1
type go string
type Query {hero: Character}
haskell :: Str -> String
variable "a" {}
<p id="some">html</p>
public static final void main java();
let some = 'javascript';
const some = 'js'
{"some": "json"}
const element = <h1>Hello, {name}</h1>
local some = "lua"
check: makefile
`some` **markdown**
server_name nginx;
char some = "objectivec";
let sum xs = List.fold_left (fun acc x -> acc + x) 0 xs;;
$some = "perl";
$some = "php";
some('prolog', 1972)
some = 'python'
x <- c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
let merge: (('a, 'a) => bool, list('a), list('a)) => list('a);
some = "ruby"
let some = 'rust';
@include sass;
def formatApples(x: Int) = "I ate %d apples".format(x)
(define some 'scheme')
@include scss;
'some smalltalk'
select * from `language` where `name` = 'sql';
var some = "swift"
var some: string = "typescript";
Function ReadLine(Optional prompt As String = Nothing) As String
(import "math" "exp" (func $exp (param f64) (result f64))
<some name="xml"></some>
- language: yaml