- Merge pull request #23 from simonwiles/0.5.3 e7ab269
- v0.5.3 b272a8a
- Register d3.selection.prototype manually d68b269
- Linting 0fa9ce9
- Update to parcel2 stable release 08bb960
- Update dependencies 3a16f48
- Deduplicate labels for multiple overlapping points 9a2426b
- Linting f3d295f
- Merge pull request #20 from simonwiles/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/path-parse-1.0.7 3bf85f1
- Merge pull request #22 from simonwiles/housekeeping 3b70c25
- Bump eslint 439752c
- Bump major dependencies 7fe973f
- Additional comments in palladio-map-component.js 655d257
- Update NPM scripts for individual components 7170272
- Bump path-parse from 1.0.6 to 1.0.7 24c7b2f