Mandatory exercise 1 in Security 1. The goal is to implement the ElGamal public key method. The assignment is the following:
You are Alice and want to send 2000 kr. to Bob through a confidential message. You decide to use the ElGamal public key method. The keying material you should use to send the message to Bob is as follows:
- The shared base g=666
- The shared prime p=6661
- Bob’s public key PK = gx mod p =2227
Send the message ’2000’ to Bob.
You are now Eve and intercept Alice’s encrypted message. Find Bob’s private key and reconstruct Alice’s message.
You are now Mallory and intercept Alice’s encrypted message. However, you run on a constrained device and are unable to find Bob’s private key. Modify Alice’s encrypted message so that when Bob decrypts it, he will get the message ’6000’.