This README would normally document whatever steps are necessary to get your application up and running.
- The repository is used as VCS for the ESP32 IOT Project
- The setup is composed by the ESP32 chip on its board plus another board acting as a USB to serial converter (LC tech company)
- Ide for the development is Visual Studio Code.
- The project was developed adding the extension PlatformIO from Visual Studio code.
- On the file platformio.ini you can find all the information related to the project and used external libraries
- For installing new libraries click on the PlatformIO icon then look for the Quick search menu and look for PIO Home (libraries). Search and install the library you need.
- For Building ,Uploading and Monitor click on the PlatformIO icon and under the menu esp32dev search for General.
- For Loading remember to keep pressed the reset buttons on the converter and on the esp32 module
- When monitoring remember to change the serial baud rate to 115200
- The MCU is Espressif ESP32WROOMSE
- Toolchain is xtensa32 2.50200.97
- For the deployment refer to the confluence pages of the project
- Code review is performed by default review
- Simone Gasparella