A gulp plugin for watching and bundling javascripts using watchify and browserify.
See ./demo
for example usage.
gulp-watchify-browserify is a gulp plugin for watching and bundling javascripts using watchify and browserify.
Watchify offers a much more efficient and faster way of watching an rebundling
with browserify, than you could achieve with gulp.watch()
or similar methods.
To work as expected, watchify/browserify has to do the file reading jobs and not
. That's why this plugin is not usable in a .pipe()
. Instead, it
prepares the stream on demand and offers a callback function where you can pipe
to more gulp plugins and gulp.dest()
. See usage for more details.
"Can't you just use plain modules?"
Sure, this can also be achieved without a plugin, by just using a bunch of node modules in a custom gulp task – like you can replace every gulp plugin. (There is also a browserify recipe that does almost the same job like this plugin.)
But when you want to glob your browserify entries, log events and states to console, handle errors and make everything shiny, you propably come up with a script of ~80 loc, which would be hard to reuse and maintain over multiple projects (been there done that). So, imho, a plugin makes sense…