The API is procedural and data-oriented rather than object-oriented. This makes it easy to work with the data using common Python libraries like NumPy, which provides efficient methods to manipulate multidimensional arrays. It is also possible to access the simulation data as CPU or GPU tensors that can be shared with common deep learning frameworks like PyTorch.
- Initialize gym
from isaacgym import gymapi gym = gymapi.acquire_gym()
- Get default set of parameters
sim_params = gymapi.SimParams()
- Set common parameters
sim_params.dt = dt # control timestep sim_params.substeps = 2 # physics simulation timestep sim_params.up_axis = gymapi.UP_AXIS_Z sim_params.gravity = gymapi.Vec3(0.0, 0.0, -9.81)
- Set PhysX parameters
sim_params.physx.use_gpu = True sim_params.physx.solver_type = 1 # TGS sim_params.physx.num_position_iterations = 4 # improve solver convergence sim_params.physx.num_velocity_iterations = 1 # keep default # shapes whose distance is less than the sum of their contactOffset values will generate contacts sim_params.physx.contact_offset = 0.02 # two shapes will come to rest at a distance equal to the sum of their restOffset values sim_params.physx.rest_offset = 0.0 # A contact with a relative velocity below this will not bounce. sim_params.physx.bounce_threshold_velocity = 0.2 # The maximum velocity permitted to be introduced by the solver to correct for penetrations in contacts. sim_params.physx.max_depenetration_velocity = 100.0
- Creating a simulation
sim = gym.create_sim(compute_device=0, graphics_device=0, type=gymapi.SIM_PHYSX, params=sim_params)
Gym currently supports loading models in URDF, MJCF, and USD file formats.
- Configure asset options
asset_options = gymapi.AssetOptions() asset_options.fix_base_link = False asset_options.use_mesh_materials = True asset_options.flip_visual_attachments = False # switch mesh coordinates asset_options.armature = 0.01 # value added to the diagonal elements of inertia. Could improve simulation stability
- Loading assets
asset_root = "assets" asset_file = "robot_description/model.urdf" asset = gym.load_asset(sim, asset_root, asset_file, asset_options)
Set up the environment grid
# set up the env grid num_envs = 64 envs_per_row = 8 env_spacing = 2.0 env_lower = gymapi.Vec3(-env_spacing, 0.0, -env_spacing) env_upper = gymapi.Vec3(env_spacing, env_spacing, env_spacing)
Create and populate environments and actors
# cache some common handles for later use envs = [] actors = [] # create and populate the environments for i in range(num_envs): env = gym.create_env(sim, env_lower, env_upper, envs_per_row) envs.append(env) pose = gymapi.Transform() pose.p = gymapi.Vec3(0.0, 0.0, height) actor_handle = gym.create_actor(env, asset, pose, "MyActor", group=i, filter=1) actors.append(actor_handle)
Note in
:collision_group: Two bodies will only collide with each other if they belong to the same collision group.
collision_filter: Two bodies will not collide if their collision filters have a common bit set.
Add a viewer
viewer = gym.create_viewer(sim, gymapi.CameraProperties cam_pos = gymapi.Vec3(1, 1, 1) cam_target = gymapi.Vec3(0, 0, 0) gym.viewer_camera_look_at(viewer, env, cam_pos, cam_target)
Set up a basic simulation loop
while not gym.query_viewer_has_closed(viewer): # step the physics gym.simulate(sim) gym.fetch_results(sim, True) # run controller # update the viewer gym.step_graphics(sim); gym.draw_viewer(viewer, sim, True) # Wait for dt to elapse in real time gym.sync_frame_time(sim) # release viewer and sim objects gym.destroy_viewer(viewer) gym.destroy_sim(sim)
Configure joint properties
props = gym.get_actor_dof_properties(env, actor) # DOF_MODE_EFFORT, DOF_MODE_POS, DOF_MODE_VEL props["driveMode"].fill(gymapi.DOF_MODE_EFFORT) # stiffness and damping are used for joint PD control props["stiffness"].fill(0.0) props["damping"].fill(0.0) gym.set_actor_dof_properties(env, actor, props)
Retrieve joint states
dof_states = gym.get_actor_dof_states(env, actor, gymapi.STATE_ALL) dof_states["pos"] # all positions in meters/radians dof_states["vel"] # all velocities in meters/radians per second
Apply joint torque control
# efforts must be applied every frame gym.apply_actor_dof_efforts(env, actor, efforts)
Get rigid body states of the robot body
body_idx = gym.find_actor_rigid_body_index(env, actor, body_name, gymapi.DOMAIN_ACTOR) body_states = gym.get_actor_rigid_body_states(env, actor, gymapi.STATE_ALL)[body_idx]
Access rigid body states
body_states["pose"]["p"] # positions (Vec3: x, y, z) body_states["pose"]["r"] # orientations (Quat: x, y, z, w) body_states["vel"]["linear"] # linear velocities (Vec3: x, y, z) body_states["vel"]["angular"] # angular velocities (Vec3: x, y, z)
Force sensors are created on assets. This way, you only need to define the force sensors once and they will be created on every actor instanced from the asset.
- Create rigid body force sensors
body_idx = gym.find_asset_rigid_body_index(asset, "bodyName") sensor_pose = gymapi.Transform(gymapi.Vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)) sensor_props = gymapi.ForceSensorProperties() sensor_props.enable_forward_dynamics_forces = True sensor_props.enable_constraint_solver_forces = True sensor_props.use_world_frame = False gym.create_asset_force_sensor(asset, body_idx, sensor_pose, sensor_props)
- Cache the force sensor handles
sensors = [] for env, actor_handle in zip(envs, actors): num_sensors = gym.get_actor_force_sensor_count(env, actor_handle) for i in range(num_sensors): sensor = gym.get_actor_force_sensor(env, actor_handle, i) sensors.append(sensor)
- Query sensor readings
sensor_data = sensors[0].get_forces() print(sensor_data.force) # force as Vec3 print(sensor_data.torque) # torque as Vec3
- Enable reading forces on each degree-of-freedom of articulated actors
gym.enable_actor_dof_force_sensors(env, actor_handle)
- Retrieve force data
forces = gym.get_actor_dof_forces(env, actor_handle)
Configure the ground plane
plane_params = gymapi.PlaneParams() plane_params.normal = gymapi.Vec3(0, 0, 1) # z-up! plane_params.static_friction = 1 plane_params.dynamic_friction = 1 plane_params.restitution = 0 # elasticity of collisions
Create the ground plane
gym.add_ground(sim, plane_params)
Supported terrains types are Random Uniform Terrain, Sloped Terrain, Pyramid Sloped Terrain, Discrete Obstacles Terrain, Wave Terrain, Stairs Terrain, Pyramid Stairs Terrain, Stepping Stones Terrain.
- Configure uneven terrains
num_terains = 8 terrain_width = 12. terrain_length = 12. horizontal_scale = 0.25 # [m] vertical_scale = 0.005 # [m] num_rows = int(terrain_width/horizontal_scale) num_cols = int(terrain_length/horizontal_scale) heightfield = np.zeros((num_terains*num_rows, num_cols), dtype=np.int16) def new_sub_terrain(): return SubTerrain(width=num_rows, length=num_cols, vertical_scale=vertical_scale, horizontal_scale=horizontal_scale)
- Create all available terrain types
heightfield[0*num_rows:1*num_rows, :] = random_uniform_terrain(new_sub_terrain(), min_height=-0.2, max_height=0.2, step=0.2, downsampled_scale=0.5).height_field_raw heightfield[1*num_rows:2*num_rows, :] = sloped_terrain(new_sub_terrain(), slope=-0.5).height_field_raw heightfield[2*num_rows:3*num_rows, :] = pyramid_sloped_terrain(new_sub_terrain(), slope=-0.5).height_field_raw heightfield[3*num_rows:4*num_rows, :] = discrete_obstacles_terrain(new_sub_terrain(), max_height=0.5, min_size=1., max_size=5., num_rects=20).height_field_raw heightfield[4*num_rows:5*num_rows, :] = wave_terrain(new_sub_terrain(), num_waves=2., amplitude=1.).height_field_raw heightfield[5*num_rows:6*num_rows, :] = stairs_terrain(new_sub_terrain(), step_width=0.75, step_height=-0.5).height_field_raw heightfield[6*num_rows:7*num_rows, :] = pyramid_stairs_terrain(new_sub_terrain(), step_width=0.75, step_height=-0.5).height_field_raw heightfield[7*num_rows:8*num_rows, :] = stepping_stones_terrain(new_sub_terrain(), stone_size=1., stone_distance=1., max_height=0.5, platform_size=0.).height_field_raw
- Add the terrain as a triangle mesh
vertices, triangles = convert_heightfield_to_trimesh(heightfield, horizontal_scale=horizontal_scale, vertical_scale=vertical_scale, slope_threshold=1.5) tm_params = gymapi.TriangleMeshParams() tm_params.nb_vertices = vertices.shape[0] tm_params.nb_triangles = triangles.shape[0] tm_params.transform.p.x = -1. tm_params.transform.p.y = -1. gym.add_triangle_mesh(sim, vertices.flatten(), triangles.flatten(), tm_params)