Yii 1.x Sendinblue Mailer
Send transactional emails via Sendinblue API (requires active sendinblue account).
- Local email PHP templates (Yii views)
- Local PHP Layouts
- Automatic CSS inlining via CssToInlineStyles
- Sendinblue Templates
- Sendinblue Template Attributes
- Events:
Clone this repository in protected/extensions
Fetch git submodules inside the cloned directory: git submodule update --init
Set up the mailer instance in application config:
'from' => [ 'email' => 'website@example.com', 'name' => 'My Website' ], // The default from address
'apiKey' => 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX', // Sendinblue API Key
The class methods are compatible with to the popular YiiMailer class.
$mailer = Yii::app()->mailer;
$mailer->setLayout('example_layout'); // default folder: protected/views/layouts/
$mailer->setView('example_view'); // default folder: protected/views/mail/
$mailer->setSubject('Example Subject');
$mailer->addReplyTo( 'replyto@example.com' );
* The following cata will be flattened with this structure in Sendinblue
* template replacements
* array(
* 'key1' => 'value1'
* 'key2_subkey1' => 'subvalue1'
* 'key3_attribute1' => 'attributevalue1'
* )
'key1' => 'value1'
'key2' => array(
'subkey1' => 'subvalue1'
'key3' => CModel {
'attribute1' => 'attributevalue1'
if( !$mailer->send() ) {
throw new CHttpException(500, 'Unable to send email: ' . $mailer->GetError() );