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Deploy Instructions

1. Create Google Cloud Project

1.1 Create a new GCP Project (if not already present)

gcloud projects create [project-name] --name="[Project Nice Name]" --set-as-default

# Otherwise set an existing project as default
gcloud config set project [project-name]

1.2 Inizialize App Engine in the preferred region.

WARNING: the region can't be changed after. You can use GCPing to find the one with the lowest latency from your country.

gcloud app create --region=[europe-west3]

2. Create Database

2.1 Create a new database instance (if not already present)

This will create a new DB instance named wp-website with a root user password set to [password] (replace it with a 32-char random password).

IMPORTANT: Choose the same region of the GAE app or the inter-region network latency will impact you site performance massively.

gcloud sql instances create [wp-website] --root-password=[password] --region=[europe-west3] --tier=[db-f1-micro]

It might take up to 10 mins to create the instance.

2.2 Create database and user

Connect to the instance

gcloud sql connect [wp-website] --user=root

You will be asked for the root user password set up in the step 2.1).

Create the database and an user that can only R/W to this DB. In this case we will create a database named wordpress and a user wordpress_user with the password [mysql-user-password] (replace it with a 32-char random password).

CREATE DATABASE wordpress; GRANT ALL ON wordpress.* TO 'wordpress_user'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY '[mysql-user-password]';

and exit.

3. Setup the GAE environment

Open the /env_variables.yaml file and configure:

3.1 Connect to Database

Insert the instance, DB and user credentials set up in the steps 2.1) and 2.2) in the corresponding vars:

DB_NAME: 'wordpress'
DB_USER: 'wordpress_user'
DB_PASSWORD: '[mysql-user-password]'
DB_HOST:  ':/cloudsql/project-name:europe-west3:wp-website' # You can get the DB connection string via the command `gcloud sql instances describe [wp-website] --format="value(connectionName.scope())"`

3.2 Change the DB tables prefix

Replace the default wp_ prefix with something custom, to prevent SQL injection attacks. Usually adding 2-3 random chars before the _ it's enough.

DB_PREFIX: 'wpxx_'

3.3 Set the website URL

For this bedrock installation the siteurl always has a /wp suffix.

WP_HOME: 'https://[project-name]'
WP_SITEURL: 'https://[project-name]'

3.4 Generate the SALT keys for this installation

  1. Visit
  2. Copy the Env format block: the var names must be uppercase.
  3. Replace the empty vars with this whole block
  4. Replace each var's =' assign with the : ' assign
AUTH_KEY: '[...]'
LOGGED_IN_KEY: '[...]'
# ...

Replace other WP vars accordingly..

4. Deploy the app to App Engine

Test the app in the local environment before deploying to production.

4.1 Start the deployment of the app and the cron jobs:

gcloud beta app deploy app.yaml cron.yaml --no-cache

The beta's --no-cache flag is actually REQUIRED due to this bug in GAE composer installation procedure

Wait for the app to be successfully deployed.

4.2 Install and configure Wordpress

  1. Visit the app URL setup above and wordpress should redirect you to the installation page. Follow the wizard and don't forgot the admin password.
  2. Activate all the needed plugins
  3. Activate the theme and initialize it by visiting the Customizer page (if required).
  4. Connect Jetpack (if required)
  5. Add users/admins

4.3 Set up uploads via Google Cloud Storage

  1. Check that you have enabled the Google cloud Storage plugin
  2. Log in the Wordpress Admin and from the Main menu select Settings > Media
  3. In the Bucket name for media upload field insert your GCS bucket url. If you don't need to use a custom bucket, GAE creates a default bucket named gs://[project-name]

Allow anonymous users to read uploads from the default bucket

gsutil defacl ch -u AllUsers:R gs://[project-name]

5. Import and setup your contents

Now it's time to set-up your theme and import o write your contents.

6. Set you custom domain

Replace the * URL with a custom domain.

6.1 Change the env_variables.yaml file WP urls:


6.2 Deploy the change to GAE

gcloud app deploy app.yaml

6.3 Set up the custom domain in the GAE app

  1. Visit the App Engine Custom Domain page
  2. Click on [Add Custom Domain] button
  3. Follow the GAE domain configuration wizard
  4. Insert/replace the provided records in the domain DNS zone
  5. Wait 5-10 mins for the SSL Certificates

6.4 Search and replace for old URLs