is a Python tool for generating and verifying Sigstore signatures.
You can use it to sign and verify Python package distributions, or anything
- Features
- Installation
- Usage
- Documentation
- Licensing
- Community
- Contributing
- Code of Conduct
- Security
- SLSA Provenance
- Support for keyless signature generation and verification with Sigstore
- Support for signing with "ambient" OpenID Connect identities
- A comprehensive CLI and corresponding importable Python API
requires Python 3.9 or newer, and can be installed directly via pip
python -m pip install sigstore
See the installation page in the documentation for more installation options.
For Python API usage, see our API.
You can run sigstore
as a standalone program:
sigstore --help
usage: sigstore [-h] [-v] [-V] [--staging | --trust-config FILE] COMMAND ...
a tool for signing and verifying Python package distributions
positional arguments:
COMMAND the operation to perform
attest sign one or more inputs using DSSE
sign sign one or more inputs
verify verify one or more inputs
retrieve and return a Sigstore-compatible OpenID
Connect token
plumbing developer-only plumbing operations
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --verbose run with additional debug logging; supply multiple
times to increase verbosity (default: 0)
-V, --version show program's version number and exit
--staging Use sigstore's staging instances, instead of the
default production instances (default: False)
--trust-config FILE The client trust configuration to use (default: None)
usage: sigstore sign [-h] [-v] [--identity-token TOKEN] [--oidc-client-id ID]
[--oidc-client-secret SECRET]
[--oidc-disable-ambient-providers] [--oidc-issuer URL]
[--oauth-force-oob] [--no-default-files]
[--signature FILE] [--certificate FILE] [--bundle FILE]
[--output-directory DIR] [--overwrite]
positional arguments:
FILE The file to sign
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --verbose run with additional debug logging; supply multiple
times to increase verbosity (default: 0)
OpenID Connect options:
--identity-token TOKEN
the OIDC identity token to use (default: None)
--oidc-client-id ID The custom OpenID Connect client ID to use during
OAuth2 (default: sigstore)
--oidc-client-secret SECRET
The custom OpenID Connect client secret to use during
OAuth2 (default: None)
Disable ambient OpenID Connect credential detection
(e.g. on GitHub Actions) (default: False)
--oidc-issuer URL The OpenID Connect issuer to use (conflicts with
--staging) (default:
--oauth-force-oob Force an out-of-band OAuth flow and do not
automatically start the default web browser (default:
Output options:
--no-default-files Don't emit the default output files
({input}.sigstore.json) (default: False)
--signature FILE, --output-signature FILE
Write a single signature to the given file; does not
work with multiple input files (default: None)
--certificate FILE, --output-certificate FILE
Write a single certificate to the given file; does not
work with multiple input files (default: None)
--bundle FILE Write a single Sigstore bundle to the given file; does
not work with multiple input files (default: None)
--output-directory DIR
Write default outputs to the given directory
(conflicts with --signature, --certificate, --bundle)
(default: None)
--overwrite Overwrite preexisting signature and certificate
outputs, if present (default: False)
usage: sigstore attest [-h] [-v] --predicate FILE --predicate-type TYPE
[--identity-token TOKEN] [--oidc-client-id ID]
[--oidc-client-secret SECRET]
[--oidc-disable-ambient-providers] [--oidc-issuer URL]
[--oauth-force-oob] [--bundle FILE] [--overwrite]
positional arguments:
FILE The file to sign
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --verbose run with additional debug logging; supply multiple
times to increase verbosity (default: 0)
DSSE options:
--predicate FILE Path to the predicate file (default: None)
--predicate-type TYPE
Specify a predicate type
(, (default: None)
OpenID Connect options:
--identity-token TOKEN
the OIDC identity token to use (default: None)
--oidc-client-id ID The custom OpenID Connect client ID to use during
OAuth2 (default: sigstore)
--oidc-client-secret SECRET
The custom OpenID Connect client secret to use during
OAuth2 (default: None)
Disable ambient OpenID Connect credential detection
(e.g. on GitHub Actions) (default: False)
--oidc-issuer URL The OpenID Connect issuer to use (conflicts with
--staging) (default:
--oauth-force-oob Force an out-of-band OAuth flow and do not
automatically start the default web browser (default:
Output options:
--bundle FILE Write a single Sigstore bundle to the given file; does
not work with multiple input files (default: None)
--overwrite Overwrite preexisting bundle outputs, if present
(default: False)
usage: sigstore verify identity [-h] [-v] [--certificate FILE]
[--signature FILE] [--bundle FILE] [--offline]
--cert-identity IDENTITY --cert-oidc-issuer
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --verbose run with additional debug logging; supply multiple
times to increase verbosity (default: 0)
Verification inputs:
--certificate FILE, --cert FILE
The PEM-encoded certificate to verify against; not
used with multiple inputs (default: None)
--signature FILE The signature to verify against; not used with
multiple inputs (default: None)
--bundle FILE The Sigstore bundle to verify with; not used with
multiple inputs (default: None)
FILE_OR_DIGEST The file path or the digest to verify. The digest
should start with the 'sha256:' prefix.
Verification options:
--offline Perform offline verification; requires a Sigstore
bundle (default: False)
--cert-identity IDENTITY
The identity to check for in the certificate's Subject
Alternative Name (default: None)
--cert-oidc-issuer URL
The OIDC issuer URL to check for in the certificate's
OIDC issuer extension (default: None)
usage: sigstore verify github [-h] [-v] [--certificate FILE]
[--signature FILE] [--bundle FILE] [--offline]
[--cert-identity IDENTITY] [--trigger EVENT]
[--sha SHA] [--name NAME] [--repository REPO]
[--ref REF]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --verbose run with additional debug logging; supply multiple
times to increase verbosity (default: 0)
Verification inputs:
--certificate FILE, --cert FILE
The PEM-encoded certificate to verify against; not
used with multiple inputs (default: None)
--signature FILE The signature to verify against; not used with
multiple inputs (default: None)
--bundle FILE The Sigstore bundle to verify with; not used with
multiple inputs (default: None)
FILE_OR_DIGEST The file path or the digest to verify. The digest
should start with the 'sha256:' prefix.
Verification options:
--offline Perform offline verification; requires a Sigstore
bundle (default: False)
--cert-identity IDENTITY
The identity to check for in the certificate's Subject
Alternative Name (default: None)
--trigger EVENT The GitHub Actions event name that triggered the
workflow (default: None)
--sha SHA The `git` commit SHA that the workflow run was invoked
with (default: None)
--name NAME The name of the workflow that was triggered (default:
--repository REPO The repository slug that the workflow was triggered
under (default: None)
--ref REF The `git` ref that the workflow was invoked with
(default: None)
documentation is available on
is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.
is developed as part of the Sigstore project.
We also use a Slack channel! Click here for the invite link.
See the contributing docs for details.
Everyone interacting with this project is expected to follow the sigstore Code of Conduct.
Should you discover any security issues, please refer to sigstore's security process.