Simple Android kotlin app, consuming Recipe API to show a list of recipes via HTTP request. It's build with MVVM architecture pattern. Getting hands dirty on how to work with RESTful web Services in android. Built this to practice Android Interviews: Take-home assessment tests questions by Valentine Rutto medium post.
- Retrofit - Type-safe HTTP Client for consuming RESTful API web services in android
- Gson - Kotlin/Java library for converting Kotlin/Java Objects into their JSON representation
- Glide - Image Loader Library for Android
- Navigation Components - Android Jetpack's component for implementing navigation for consistent and predictable user experience in android app
- ViewModel - Responsible for preparing and managing the data for an Activity or a Fragment
- Room - Persistence library that provides app local data storage by providing abstract layer over the SQLite Database
- Coroutines - Kotlin features for executing synchronous and asynchronous task/code in android
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