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siedi edited this page Jan 4, 2016 · 1 revision

Via Bash script

There is a bash script provides which sets the necessary environment for the script and launches the ndoe script:

  Usage: [-k <apikey>] [-l <location>] [-n <label>] <url-to-test>

Minimal command


Command giving a label for the test (stored as a tag in InfluxDB) and a different webpagetest agent location (you should have received a list when applying for the API key)

./ -n Google-Homepage -l ec2-eu-west-1:Chrome

Adding to your crontab

To run the test regularly, e.g. hourly, just add it to the crontab

crontab -e
  1 * * * *    /root/webpagetest-influxdb/ -n Google-Homepage -l ec2-eu-west-1:Chrome > /dev/null

Keep the frequency in mind, there is a daily limit on the public server of max. 200 requests.