Alternate reverse Polish Notation based functional syntax
Treats functions as value first and function second, since that makes the handling of functions more consistent with the rest of the language.
or false
, 59
, and such.
Identified optional starting -
followed by only base 10 numbers.
, -50.93
, and such.
Identified by optional starting -
followed by base 10 numbers and at least
one .
, '👮♀️'
, '8'
and such.
Identified by enclosure by '
, will error if contents aren't a valid unicode
grapheme. (Annoying job, but should be done for correctness.)
, "bar"
and such.
Identified by enclosure by "
, will error if contents aren't complete and
valid unicode graphemes.
Backing implementation should be bytewise, but functions should work on the unicode graphemes when possible.
[1, "two", 3, '4']
and such.
Identified by enclosure by []
Held types not required to fully match as that kind of validation should be handled by the type system?
{1, "two", 3, '4'}
and such.
Identified by enclosure by {}
and no :
in the first parsing level inside.
Held types not required to fully match as that kind of validation should be handled by the type system?
{one: "one", two: 2.0, three: 3}
and such.
Identified by enclosure by {}
and :
in the first parsing level inside.
Will return error if there isn't a key for every value inside
(nr : >= nr ,
at every character of parsing).
Held types not required to fully match as that kind of validation should be handled by the type system?
(16 16 mul sqrt sqrt)
Identified by enclosure by ()
Creates a value that can be executed via !
It does have input types if the functions invoked within take more arguments than are enclosed. Likewise it has output types matching the values left on the substack after invocation.
<"Hi there" print "handsome" print>
Identified by enclosure by <>
Creates a value that can be executed via !
Same input/output type logic as substack, but internal execution is guaranteed to be sequential. (Intended use is to order calls to functions with side-effects.)
Identified by starting $
followed by a number.
Is only valid inside a meta-literal; list, set, struct, substack or script.
Replaces itself with whatever value is number steps before the start of the meta-literal. The value taken is removed from the stack and following entries, if any, are pushed back after the meta-literal has been declared.
Is only interpreted if inside the first layer of a meta-literal. For example:
a b ($2 ($1))
is interpreted to b (a ($1))
, since the inner substack's
stack substitution isn't interpreted until the outer substack is invoked.
Assuming def
has argument-decl {name: str, value: Any}
"approx_pi" 3 def!
Assuming match
has argument-decl
{value: Any, cases: [{case: Type, action: Substack | Script}]}
an invocation
could be:
"Yes" [
{ case: {"yes","Yes","y", "Y"}, action: (true) },
{ case: Any, action: <"That's not a yes" print! false> }
] match!
Assuming def
has argument-decl {name: str, value: Any}
and fn
description: str,
# The field names are mainly documentation, the order and types are what's
# used to take values from the stack.
argument-decl: AnyStruct,
body: Script | Substack,
return-decl: Any,
the creation of a function to print the same message twice looks like this:
"Prints given message to stdout twice"
{ message: str } <
# needed since each print will consume one value from the stack
# Indented relative the data/source of the data it consumes
(Formatting praxis is highly debatable.)
Executing this function should be functionally equivalent to running the script
<duplicate! print! print!>
. The benefit in creating functions is in adding a
layer of type validation and documentation around the code, aiding the developer
with more local type errors and function descriptions accessible from debugger.