ScrapeCom - Discover and explore a wide range of products in real-time, scraped from Google. ScrapeCom is your go-to marketplace for high-quality digital goods.
Built with the Next.js 14 App Router, OxyLabs API, TypeScript, Shadcn UI & Tailwind
- 🛠️ Complete marketplace built from scratch in Next.js 14
- 💻 Beautiful landing page & product pages included
- 🎨 Custom artwork included
- 🛍️ Users can browse any products
- 🛒 Products will be directly scraped from google in real time
- 🖥️ Learn how to self-host Next.js
- 🌟 Clean, modern UI using shadcn-ui
- ⌨️ 100% written in TypeScript
- 🎁 ...much more
To get started with this project, run
git clone
and make the .env.example variables into a separate .env.local file, fill them out by making account on OxyLabs & and that's all you need to get started!
- Oxylabs for making this project possible