- Each product is represented by its 'Title' and 'Description'. There are 209 classes into which a given product can be classified. This is not a multilabel classification problem, so each product has to be assigned one out of the 209 classes only
- The data was cleaned by removing stopwords, punctuations and special characters from the text
- Each product is represented by a document, which is it's Title and Description combined
- The cleaned up data is represented as TFIDF vectors
- Only unigram tokens are a part of the vocabulary, as it was observed that n-gram tokens led to a slight drop in classification accuracy
- Limiting the vocabulary size by setting parameters such as max_df (frequency of word occurrence across the dataset) further boosts classifier performance by a small margin
- Dimensionality reduction through PCA (Truncated SVD in this case, because TFIDF features are sparse) dropped the precision by a few points, and so it was decided to retain the original dimensionality of the TFIDF vectors
Naive Bayes
- Multinomial Naive Bayes serves as a quick baseline, achieving 75% precision with very low training time
- The classifier used here is a linear SVM, as it was observed that an RBF or polynomial kernel doesn't perform well
- The classifier achieves 83% precision
- While this is the best performing classifier, it also requires the longest training and prediction time among the ones listed here
- This classifier achieves 81% precision, but at the same time is a lot faster than the SVM
- The optimal loss function is 'modified huber loss'
Multilayer Perceptron
- This classifer achieves 79% precision, when optimized using LBFGS
- The MLP might perform better than the SVM as data size grows
Voting Classifier
- Linear SVM and SGD are used to provide two votes, and both the votes are given equal weights
- This classifier achieves 82% accuracy, and takes a longer time to train than any individual classifier
Random Forests
- This classifier achieves 75% precision at best
- It also requires high training time