To get started with SCHIZOID, you'll need to get familiar with Git and Repo.
To initialize your local repository using the Schizoid Tenderloin trees, use this command:
repo init -u git:// -b cm-10.1
Then to sync up (Schizoid defaults to -j16, so set it to something else if you want):
repo sync
The inital sync takes as much time to complete as a build, so expect to wait a LONG time to complete.
To build, make sure you're in your build directory, i.e. ~/android/skz, or whatever, then type in the terminal window
. build/ (note the space between . and build)
When that completes, type "lunch" and select the number corresponding to "skz_tenderloin-userdebug"
Type "make bacon", wait a another LONG time while it compiles and builds.
You will find your installation skz_(something).zip file waiting in the out/target/product/tenderloin directory or you can just type "cd OUT$"