A simple application which exposes API for user (signup, login ,forgetPassword).
- Node.js - evented I/O for the backend
- MLab - Database-as-a-Service for MongoDB
- Postman - Postman Simplifies API Development
This application is tested on Node.js v10.x
$ git clone https://github.com/shubhamnagota/AuthenticationAPIs.git
$ cd AuthenticationAPIs
$ Open config/config.json file and change MONGO_MLAB_URL to your MongoDB URL.
$ npm start
- Open the postman and go to the link 'http://localhost:4000', if it says {success:true}
- Then test the app by following apis:
- Login : http://localhost:4000/api/login
- SignUp : http://localhost:4000/api/signup
- Forgot Password : http://localhost:4000/api/forgetPassword [NOTE: You have to pass email, name and password as json data for APIs]