This is a student's marks management system
- Follow the below instructions to install the NodeJS in Ubuntu
- Open the terminal and run curl -fsSL | sudo -E bash -
- Run sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
- Follow the below instructions to install mysql-server in Ubuntu
- Run sudo apt install mysql-server in terminal.
- To check the version enter mysql --version
- To set root password run sudo mysql_secure_installation
- Open mysql by running sudo mysql
- To check the plugin of root run select user, authentication_string, plugin from mysql.user;
- If plugin of root is auth_socket, change it to mysql_native_password by running ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost'IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password by 'sc123456';
- To make the changes effectively and immediately run FLUSH PRIVILEGES;
- Now you can open mysql using command sudo mysql -u root -p
- Clone this repo.
- Open the terminal and go to the main directory of the project i.e. 'Marks-Management-System'.
- Install all the packages mentioned in the 'dependencies' section of package.json using the command npm install
- If you have mysql-server password other than 'sc123456', then go to the file database.js and change password from 'sc123456' to your password at line 5.
- Run the application by running the command node app.js and it will automatically create the required database and table.