Welcome to Hianime, your one-stop destination for streaming your favorite anime series and movies! This website is built using React and leverages several libraries and APIs to provide a seamless anime streaming experience.
- Anime Library: Browse and search for a wide range of anime series and movies.
- Anime Details: Get detailed information about each anime, including synopsis, genres, release date, and more.
- Streaming: Stream anime episodes and movies directly from the website.
- User-friendly: Hianime is designed with a user-friendly interface to enhance your viewing experience.
- React: The website is built using the React JavaScript library for creating dynamic user interfaces.
- React Router: For handling client-side routing and navigation within the app.
- React Query: For efficient data fetching and state management.
- p-queue: To manage concurrent API requests efficiently.
- Node.js: For consuming data from various publicly available anime APIs.
- Jikan REST API: Retrieves anime information, including details about episodes, genres, and more.
- Kitsu API: Provides additional data and information about anime titles.
If you like this project and want to support its development, consider donating!
Check out the live demo of Hianime here.
If you want to set up Hianime locally on your machine, follow these steps:
- Node.js and npm should be installed on your local machine. If not, download and install them from Node.js.
git clone https://github.com/shubham-king/Hianime.git
cd Hianime
Nothing here , just reminder if you forked it then give stars and also the credits etc.....
- Manjot [DEV]
- Consumet [API]
- Jikan [API]
- Kitsu [API]