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0,Partner plank band row,The partner plank band row is an abdominal exercise where two partners perform single-arm planks while pulling on the opposite ends of an exercise band. This technique can be done for time or reps in any ab-focused workout.,Strength,Abdominals,Bands,Intermediate,0.0,
1,Banded crunch isometric hold,"The banded crunch isometric hold is an exercise targeting the abdominal muscles, particularly the rectus abdominis or ""six-pack"" muscles. The band adds resistance and continuous tension to this popular exercise.",Strength,Abdominals,Bands,Intermediate,,
2,FYR Banded Plank Jack,"The banded plank jack is a variation on the plank that involves moving the legs in and out for repetitions. Having a band around the thighs forces the lower body to work harder, particularly the hips and glutes. The plank jack is commonly performed as part of a bodyweight circuit, or as part of a dynamic warm-up.",Strength,Abdominals,Bands,Intermediate,,
3,Banded crunch,"The banded crunch is an exercise targeting the abdominal muscles, particularly the rectus abdominis or ""six-pack"" muscles. The band adds resistance and continuous tension to this popular exercise.",Strength,Abdominals,Bands,Intermediate,,
4,Crunch,"The crunch is a popular core exercise targeting the rectus abdominis, or ""six-pack"" muscles, as well as the obliques. It has been the centerpiece of many ab-focused workouts, due to both its simplicity and the intense burn and mind-muscle connection it produces. It can be performed for time or reps as part of the ab-focused portion of any workout.",Strength,Abdominals,Bands,Intermediate,,
5,Decline band press sit-up,"The decline band press sit-up is a weighted core exercise that works the rectus abdominis or ""six pack"" muscles, as well as the deep core muscles. It also taxes the muscles of the shoulders and upper back. Sit-up variations with added resistance are usually performed for moderate to high reps, such as 8-12 reps per set or more, as part of the core-focused portion of a workout.",Strength,Abdominals,Bands,Intermediate,,
6,FYR2 Banded Frog Pump,,Strength,Abdominals,Bands,Intermediate,,
7,Band low-to-high twist,"The band low-to-high twist is a core exercise targeting the upper abdominals and the obliques. Take care to perform it with control, as rapid, uncontrolled twisting can injure the spine. It is usually performed for moderate to high reps, at least 8-15 per side, as part of the core-focused portion of a workout.",Strength,Abdominals,Bands,Intermediate,,
8,Barbell roll-out,"The barbell roll-out is an abdominal exercise that utilizes a barbell in the place of an ab roller. It is best performed with a barbell that has rotating collars, and is considered more difficult than other ab roller variations. Many lifters may not be able to perform a single rep at first, but once they can perform these for reps, they'll be rewarded with a seriously strong core.",Strength,Abdominals,Barbell,Intermediate,8.9,Average
9,Barbell Ab Rollout - On Knees,"The barbell roll-out is an abdominal exercise that utilizes a barbell in the place of an ab roller. It is best performed with a barbell that has rotating collars, and is considered more difficult than other ab roller variations. Many lifters may not be able to perform a single rep at first, but once they can perform these for reps, they'll be rewarded with a seriously strong core.",Strength,Abdominals,Barbell,Intermediate,8.9,Average
10,Decline bar press sit-up,"The decline bar press sit-up is a weighted core exercise targeting the abdominal muscles, particularly the lower abs. It also challenges the shoulders and upper back to move the weight. Weighted sit-up variations are usually performed for moderate to high reps, such as 8-12 reps per set or more, as part of the core-focused portion of a workout.",Strength,Abdominals,Barbell,Intermediate,8.5,Average
11,Bench barbell roll-out,"The bench barbell roll-out is a challenging exercise targeting the abdominals. It is similar to using an ab roller, but using a barbell allows for a wider grip. Placing the knees on a bench rather than the floor makes the move more difficult by increasing the challenge to the upper body.",Strength,Abdominals,Barbell,Beginner,8.3,Average
12,Barbell Side Bend,,Strength,Abdominals,Barbell,Beginner,7.0,Average
13,Seated bar twist,"The seated bar twist is a core exercise meant to strengthen the obliques. It is often performed for high reps with relatively light weight, such as an empty barbell, a lightweight fixed-weight bar, or even a PVC pipe. It can be performed during a workout, at the end of a workout, or outside of the gym to build core strength and resiliency.",Strength,Abdominals,Barbell,Intermediate,4.7,Average
14,Single-arm landmine pull and press,"The single-arm landmine pull and press is an explosive rotational movement using a barbell anchored in a landmine device. It combines a pull off the floor with rotation and finishes with a press. It is usually performed for low reps per set with an emphasis on speed and form, not moving heavy weight.",Strength,Abdominals,Barbell,Intermediate,,
15,Barbell Ab Roll Out - Gethin Variation,"The barbell roll-out is an abdominal exercise that utilizes a barbell in the place of an ab roller. It is best performed with a barbell that has rotating collars, and is considered more difficult than other ab roller variations. Many lifters may not be able to perform a single rep at first, but once they can perform these for reps, they'll be rewarded with a seriously strong core.",Strength,Abdominals,Barbell,Intermediate,,
16,30 Barbell Floor Wiper,"The barbell floor wiper is a core exercise in which the barbell is held in the locked-out position of a floor press, and the hips and legs are rotated side to side. It targets the oblique muscles of the lateral abdomen, but is also seriously challenging to the deep core and rectus abdominis or ""six-pack"" muscles.",Strength,Abdominals,Barbell,Intermediate,,
17,30 Barbell Roll-Out,"The barbell roll-out is an abdominal exercise that utilizes a barbell in the place of an ab roller. It is best performed with a barbell that has rotating collars, and is considered more difficult than other ab roller variations. Many lifters may not be able to perform a single rep at first, but once they can perform these for reps, they'll be rewarded with a seriously strong core.",Strength,Abdominals,Barbell,Intermediate,,
18,Decline plate sit-up,"The decline plate sit-up is a weighted core exercise that works the rectus abdominis or ""six pack"" muscles, as well as the deep core muscles. Weighted sit-up variations are usually performed for moderate to high reps, such as 8-12 reps per set or more, as part of the core-focused portion of a workout.",Strength,Abdominals,Barbell,Intermediate,,
19,KV Barbell Hip Thrust,,Strength,Abdominals,Barbell,Intermediate,,
20,Advanced Kettlebell Windmill,,Strength,Abdominals,Kettlebells,Beginner,8.3,Average
21,Kettlebell Windmill,"The single-kettlebell windmill is a dynamic kettlebell exercise emphasizing core strength and shoulder and hip mobility and stability. It is often used as a functional warm-up or for multi-directional strength work. It doesn't work as well in a metcon or conditioning setting, and shouldn't be performed under intense fatigue.",Strength,Abdominals,Kettlebells,Intermediate,7.7,Average
22,Kettlebell Pass Between The Legs,,Strength,Abdominals,Kettlebells,Beginner,7.3,Average
23,Kettlebell 3-point leg extension,"The kettlebell 3-point leg extension is a dynamic core exercise performed around and over a kettlebell or other short, stationary object. It is similar in some ways to a V-up or reverse crunch, but targets both the obliques and the rectus abdominis or ""six-pack"" muscles. It can be performed for reps or for time, usually in dedicated ab training or as part of a kettlebell and bodyweight circuit workout.",Strength,Abdominals,Kettlebells,Intermediate,0.0,
24,Double Kettlebell Swing,,Strength,Abdominals,Kettlebells,Intermediate,,
25,Burpee over kettlebell,"The burpee over kettlebell is a more advanced version of a popular conditioning exercise. If you're performing a circuit that already has both burpees and kettlebell movements, it's a simple way to provide a novel stimulus to the muscles of the lower body and create a more athletic style of training.",Strength,Abdominals,Kettlebells,Intermediate,,
26,Kettlebell toe-touch,"The kettlebell toe-touch is a more difficult version of a highly popular abdominal movement usually done for high reps. The simple addition of a weight makes the toe-touch far more difficult, providing a different stimulus to the core during training.",Strength,Abdominals,Kettlebells,Intermediate,,
27,Kettlebell swing,"The kettlebell swing is a popular lower-body exercise emphasizing the hamstrings, glutes, and back muscles. It is often used to train explosive power, for aerobic or cardiovascular conditioning, in circuit training, or as an accessory movement for the deadlift.",Strength,Abdominals,Kettlebells,Intermediate,,
28,Two-way swing,"The two-way kettlebell swing is an exercise that alternates a chest-height kettlebell swing (sometimes called a ""Russian"" or ""hardstyle"" swing) with an overhead kettlebell swing (sometimes called an ""American"" swing). Both swing variations work many of the same muscles, such as the hamstrings, glutes, and core, but because the weight must travel farther in the overhead swing, it's slightly more metabolically demanding and works the upper back and shoulders more. This combo can be performed for time or reps and works especially well in circuit-style or full-body training. If you can't perform the overhead swing without lower back or shoulder pain, just perform the chest-height swing.",Strength,Abdominals,Kettlebells,Intermediate,,
29,Kettlebell crab reach,"The kettlebell crab reach is a kettlebell pressing exercise in which the lifter presses a kettlebell overhead while in a modified single-arm bridge position. The simple addition of a weight makes the reach far more difficult, challenging the muscles of the back, shoulders, glutes, and core.",Strength,Abdominals,Kettlebells,Intermediate,,
30,Taylor Single-Arm Kettlebell Swing,,Strength,Abdominals,Kettlebells,Intermediate,,
31,Holman Kettlebell Up to Elbow Down,,Strength,Abdominals,Kettlebells,Intermediate,,
32,FYR2 Double-Kettlebell Ski,,Strength,Abdominals,Kettlebells,Intermediate,,
33,FYR2 Kettlebell Hike,,Strength,Abdominals,Kettlebells,Intermediate,,
34,FYR2 Kettlebell Cross-Body Catch,,Strength,Abdominals,Kettlebells,Intermediate,,
35,FYR2 Kettlebell Duck Walk,,Strength,Abdominals,Kettlebells,Intermediate,,
36,FYR2 Kettlebell Get-Up Reach,,Strength,Abdominals,Kettlebells,Intermediate,,
37,FYR2 Kettlebell Juggle,,Strength,Abdominals,Kettlebells,Intermediate,,
38,FYR2 Squat-Clean-Alternating-Press Complex,,Strength,Abdominals,Kettlebells,Intermediate,,
39,Dumbbell V-Sit Cross Jab,"The dumbbell V-sit cross jab is a hybrid movement that trains the abdominal and shoulder muscles simultaneously. It can address multiple muscle groups in a time-efficient muscle-building or circuit-style workout, while also providing a cardiovascular challenge.",Strength,Abdominals,Dumbbell,Intermediate,9.3,Average
40,Dumbbell spell caster,"The dumbbell spell caster is an exercise that primarily targets the abdominal muscles such as the obliques. However, it also works shoulders, back, hips, and legs, and demands all of those muscles work together in a coordinated motion. It is usually performed with relatively light weights for moderate to high reps, at least 8-12 reps per side. Make sure to only use a weight you can control.",Strength,Abdominals,Dumbbell,Beginner,9.3,Average
41,Dumbbell side bend,"The dumbbell side bend is a popular exercise for targeting the oblique muscles of the abdomen. It is usually performed for relatively high reps, at least 8-12 reps per set or more. It can be performed one side at a time or alternating sides.",Strength,Abdominals,Dumbbell,Intermediate,8.6,Average
42,Dumbbell crunch,"The dumbbell crunch is a more difficult version of a highly popular abdominal movement. The simple addition of a weight makes the crunch far more difficult, providing a different stimulus to the core during training.",Strength,Abdominals,Dumbbell,Intermediate,,
43,Dumbbell Fix Dumbbell Sprawl,,Strength,Abdominals,Dumbbell,Intermediate,,
44,Dumbbell Fix Alternating Renegade Row,,Strength,Abdominals,Dumbbell,Intermediate,,
45,Dumbbell Fix Dumbbell Mountain Climber,,Strength,Abdominals,Dumbbell,Intermediate,,
46,Dumbbell Fix Dumbbell Russian Twist,,Strength,Abdominals,Dumbbell,Intermediate,,
47,Dumbbell Fix Dumbbell Pull-Over,,Strength,Abdominals,Dumbbell,Intermediate,,
48,Dumbbell Fix Dumbbell Sit-Up,,Strength,Abdominals,Dumbbell,Intermediate,,
49,Dumbbell Fix Dumbbell Front Squat,,Strength,Abdominals,Dumbbell,Intermediate,,
50,Dumbbell Fix Full Man Maker,,Strength,Abdominals,Dumbbell,Intermediate,,
51,Dumbbell T-hold,"The dumbbell T-hold is a static exercise that primarily targets the obliques, although it also works the shoulders and upper back. It involves holding a dumbbell in the air while in a side plank position. It is usually performed for timed holds, although it can be performed dynamically for reps as a plank with dumbbell rotation.",Strength,Abdominals,Dumbbell,Intermediate,,
52,Dumbbell hollow-body floor press,The dumbbell hollow-body floor press combines upper-body strength and core work in one move.,Strength,Abdominals,Dumbbell,Intermediate,,
53,Dumbbell crusher,"The dumbbell crusher is a dumbbell complex that combines a squat with a dumbbell curl, followed by a triceps press. It targets the legs, glutes, biceps, shoulders, and triceps in a single sequence, making it a great way to burn serious calories and hit a lot of muscles in a short period of time. The upper-body movements will determine the amount of weight you can effectively use.",Strength,Abdominals,Dumbbell,Intermediate,,
54,Dumbbell Crunch - Gethin Variation,"The dumbbell crunch is a more difficult version of a highly popular abdominal movement. The simple addition of a weight makes the crunch far more difficult, providing a different stimulus to the core during training.",Strength,Abdominals,Dumbbell,Intermediate,,
55,Single-arm dumbbell crunch,"The single-arm dumbbell crunch is a more difficult version of a highly popular abdominal movement. Adding a weight to one side makes the crunch far more difficult to your rectus abdominis or ""six-pack"" muscles, as well as the obliques and deep core muscles.",Strength,Abdominals,Dumbbell,Intermediate,,
56,HM Alternating Dumbbell Plank Row,,Strength,Abdominals,Dumbbell,Intermediate,,
57,Dumbbell straight-legged hip raise,The dumbbell straight-legged hip raise works the hips and glutes. It requires and teaches body control and coordination.,Strength,Abdominals,Dumbbell,Intermediate,,
58,Seated leg tuck with dumbbell,The seated leg tuck with dumbbell is an ab exercise requiring only a bench and a dumbbell. It's commonly performed for high reps as a burnout at the end of a core workout.,Strength,Abdominals,Dumbbell,Intermediate,,
59,Dumbbell V-sit cross jab-,"The dumbbell V-sit cross jab is a hybrid movement that trains the abdominal and shoulder muscles simultaneously. It can address multiple muscle groups in a time-efficient muscle-building or circuit-style workout, while also providing a cardiovascular challenge.",Strength,Abdominals,Dumbbell,Intermediate,,
60,30 Hanging Leg Raise With Dumbbell,,Strength,Abdominals,Dumbbell,Intermediate,,
61,Dumbbell Get-Up Sit-Up,,Strength,Abdominals,Dumbbell,Expert,,
62,Holman Right Side Plank with Left Triceps Press,,Strength,Abdominals,Dumbbell,Intermediate,,
63,Holman Left Side Plank with Right Triceps Press,,Strength,Abdominals,Dumbbell,Intermediate,,
64,Holman Boat with Feet Push-Out and Overhead Press,,Strength,Abdominals,Dumbbell,Intermediate,,
65,Holman Hovering Plank Row,,Strength,Abdominals,Dumbbell,Intermediate,,
66,Holman Weighted Seated Killer Abs to Russian Twist,,Strength,Abdominals,Dumbbell,Intermediate,,
67,Holman Straight Plank Dumbbell Reach-Under,,Strength,Abdominals,Dumbbell,Intermediate,,
68,Holman Straight-Arm Side Plank Overhead Press to Chest Press,,Strength,Abdominals,Dumbbell,Intermediate,,
69,Holman Weighted Burpee to Pike,,Strength,Abdominals,Dumbbell,Intermediate,,
70,Holman Straight-Legged Boat Chest Press,,Strength,Abdominals,Dumbbell,Intermediate,,
71,Holman Weighted Burpee to Side Delt Raise,,Strength,Abdominals,Dumbbell,Intermediate,,
72,Holman Heavy Double Pike,,Strength,Abdominals,Dumbbell,Intermediate,,
73,Holman Heavy Double Split Pike,,Strength,Abdominals,Dumbbell,Intermediate,,
74,MetaBurn Alternating Dumbbell Sit-Through,,Strength,Abdominals,Dumbbell,Intermediate,,
75,MetaBurn Alternating Plank Row With Dumbbell Pull-Through,,Strength,Abdominals,Dumbbell,Intermediate,,
76,MetaBurn Alternating Plank Row With Push-Up,,Strength,Abdominals,Dumbbell,Intermediate,,
77,MetaBurn Dumbbell Russian Twist,,Strength,Abdominals,Dumbbell,Intermediate,,
78,MetaBurn Dumbbell Toe-Touch,,Strength,Abdominals,Dumbbell,Intermediate,,
79,MetaBurn Plank To Alternating Row,,Strength,Abdominals,Dumbbell,Intermediate,,
80,Standing dumbbell knee crunch-,"The standing dumbbell knee crunch is a great way to train the abs while standing up. Additionally, the deltoids are worked because the lifter holds a pair of dumbbells overhead throughout.",Strength,Abdominals,Dumbbell,Intermediate,,
81,MetaBurn Plank With Dumbbell Rotation,,Strength,Abdominals,Dumbbell,Intermediate,,
82,FYR2 Dumbbell Crab Reach,,Strength,Abdominals,Dumbbell,Intermediate,,
83,FYR2 Dumbbell Man-Maker,,Strength,Abdominals,Dumbbell,Intermediate,,
84,FYR2 Dumbbell Sit-Up Reach,,Strength,Abdominals,Dumbbell,Intermediate,,
85,FYR2 Loaded Beast Sprawl,,Strength,Abdominals,Dumbbell,Intermediate,,
86,FYR2 Loaded to Unloaded Beast,,Strength,Abdominals,Dumbbell,Intermediate,,
87,Lying Leg Pullover,,Strength,Abdominals,Dumbbell,Intermediate,,
88,Landmine twist,"The landmine twist is a rotational abdominal movement performed using an angled barbell anchored at floor level in a landmine device. It can also be performed by sticking a barbell in the corner of a room, preferably in a towel to protect the walls. It targets the deep muscles of the core, including both the obliques and the transversus abdominis. It can be done fast or slow, for time or reps, either in traditional muscle-focused rep ranges such as 8-12 reps per side or for higher rep ranges.",Strength,Abdominals,Other,Intermediate,9.5,Average
89,Suspended ab fall-out,"The suspended ab fall-out is a dynamic abdominal exercise utilizing a suspension strap system or gymnastic rings. It is similar in form to an ab roller, but can more easily be scaled to be more or less difficult. It targets the muscles of the rectus abdominis or ""six-pack"" muscles, as well as the deep core muscles. It can be trained for low reps for strength or higher reps for muscle definition.",Strength,Abdominals,Other,Intermediate,9.3,Average
90,Decline reverse crunch,"The decline reverse crunch is a popular bodyweight exercise targeting the abdominal muscles, particularly the lower abs. It is usually performed for high reps, such as 10-15 reps per set or more, as part of the ab-focused portion of a workout.",Strength,Abdominals,Other,Intermediate,9.2,Average
91,Plate Twist,,Strength,Abdominals,Other,Beginner,9.0,Average
92,Weighted Crunches,"The weighted suitcase crunch is a weighted version of a popular abdominal training exercise. The simple addition of a weight makes the suitcase crunch far more difficult, helping build the ""six pack"" muscles and providing a different stimulus to the core during training.",Strength,Abdominals,Other,Intermediate,8.9,Average
93,Ab Roller,"The ab wheel roll-out is an exercise targeting the abdominals, often with an inexpensive wheel device with a handle on either side. Many trainers and strength coaches claim it's one of, if no the best exercise for developing strength in the midsection. Beginners may have to start with a limited range of motion or just wheel planks.",Strength,Abdominals,Other,Intermediate,8.9,Average
94,Otis-Up,"The Otis-up is a weighted exercise focusing on the abdominal muscles, as well as the shoulders to a lesser degree. It primarily targets the rectus abdominus or “six-pack” muscles, but also involves the obliques and deep core muscles. It is normally performed on a decline bench holding a weight plate, but can also be performed with a dumbbell, kettlebell, or other weight.",Strength,Abdominals,Other,Intermediate,8.8,Average
95,Captain's chair knee raise,"The captain's chair knee raise is a bodyweight exercise that targets the abs. It is performed on an apparatus that allows the forearms to rest on pads and the upright torso to hang freely. Knee raises are often performed for moderate to high reps, such as 8-12 reps or more, as part of ab-focused training.",Strength,Abdominals,Other,Intermediate,8.6,Average
96,Sledgehammer swing,The sledgehammer swing is an exercise working the abdominals and numerous other muscles. The sledgehammer is slammed from overhead onto a tire which absorbs the impact and causes the hammer to bounce back up. It can be performed for time or reps as part of a functional fitness or athleticism-focused workout.,Plyometrics,Abdominals,Other,Intermediate,8.6,Average
97,Decline bar press sit-up,"The decline bar press sit-up is a weighted core exercise targeting the abdominal muscles, particularly the lower abs. It also challenges the shoulders and upper back to move the weight. Weighted sit-up variations are usually performed for moderate to high reps, such as 8-12 reps per set or more, as part of the core-focused portion of a workout.",Strength,Abdominals,Barbell,Intermediate,8.5,Average
98,Pallof press,"The Pallof press is an isometric exercise that trains core stability. It involves resisting rotation from a cable or band, developing what is sometimes called ""anti-rotation"" core strength. It is most often seen in programs for athletes who compete in sports that test strength, power, and functional movements. It can be trained in timed holds or for reps by pressing the cable or band away from the body.",Strength,Abdominals,Other,Intermediate,8.4,Average
99,Weighted Sit-Ups - With Bands,"The weighted sit-up is a more difficult version of a highly popular abdominal movement. The simple addition of a weight makes the sit-up far more difficult, providing a different stimulus to the core during training and helping build strong abs.",Strength,Abdominals,Other,Intermediate,8.0,Average
100,Suitcase crunch,"The suitcase crunch is a bodyweight movement that targets the muscles of the abs, the rectus abdominis or ""six-pack"" muscles in particular. It is similar to a V-up, but the lower back stays flat against the ground. It can be performed for time or reps in the ab-focused portion of any workout.",Strength,Abdominals,Other,Intermediate,0.0,Average
101,FYR Rope Jumping,"Jumping rope is classic conditioning exercise that is popular with everyone from children to boxers to CrossFit athletes. It targets many different muscles, including the calves, glutes, shoulders, and upper back, and is great for everything from fat loss to improving overall athletic performance.",Strength,Abdominals,Other,Intermediate,,
102,Barbell press sit-up,"The barbell press sit-up is a weighted exercise focusing on the abdominal muscles, as well as the shoulders to a lesser degree. It primarily targets the rectus abdominis or ""six-pack"" muscles, but also involves the obliques and deep core muscles. It can be performed on the floor with the feet anchored or unanchored, or on a decline or other bench. It is similar to the Otis-up, which is performed with a weight plate.",Strength,Abdominals,Other,Intermediate,,
103,Single-arm bent-over rear delt fly,"The single-arm bent-over rear delt fly is a popular upper-body exercise that targets the muscles on the back of the shoulder joint, specifically the rear head of the deltoid. Since pressing movements build the front and (to a lesser degree) side deltoid heads, this move is often done to promote balanced shoulder development. It is usually performed for high reps, such as 10-15 reps per set or more, as part of a shoulder or upper-body workout.",Strength,Abdominals,Other,Intermediate,,
104,Captain's chair leg raise,"The captain's chair leg raise is a bodyweight exercise that targets the abs. It is performed on an apparatus that allows the forearms to rest on pads and the upright torso to hang freely. Leg raise variations are often performed for moderate to high reps, such as 8-12 reps or more, as part of ab-focused training.",Strength,Abdominals,Other,Intermediate,,
105,Shoulder-Elevated One-Leg Hip Thrusts,,Strength,Abdominals,Other,Intermediate,,
106,Ab Twist - Gethin Variation,"The cross-body sit-up is a bodyweight exercise targeting the ab muscles, the obliques and rectus abdominis or ""six-pack"" muscles in particular. It involves bringing the opposite-side knee and elbow together, usually alternating sides with each rep. It can be performed for time or reps as part of the ab-focused portion of any workout.",Strength,Abdominals,Other,Intermediate,,
107,Weighted Crunch - Gethin Variation,"The weighted sit-up is a more difficult version of a highly popular abdominal movement. The simple addition of a weight makes the sit-up far more difficult, providing a different stimulus to the core during training and helping build strong abs.",Strength,Abdominals,Other,Intermediate,,
108,Ab Wheel Roll-Out - Gethin Variation,"The ab wheel roll-out is an exercise targeting the abdominals, often with an inexpensive wheel device with a handle on either side. Many trainers and strength coaches claim it's one of, if no the best exercise for developing strength in the midsection. Beginners may have to start with a limited range of motion or just wheel planks.",Strength,Abdominals,Other,Intermediate,,
109,Bench crunch,"The bench crunch is a popular ab exercise performed lying on a bench. It is largely similar to the same exercise performed on the floor, but being able to press the lower back into the bench pad can help reinforce proper form and increase the burn in the abs. Like most crunch variations, it is usually performed for moderate to high reps, such as 8-12 reps per set or more.",Strength,Abdominals,Other,Intermediate,,
110,Decline plate sit-up twist,"The decline plate sit-up twist is a weighted core exercise that works the obliques and rectus abdominis or ""six pack"" muscles, as well as the deep core muscles. Weighted sit-up variations are usually performed for moderate to high reps, such as 8-12 reps per set or more, as part of the core-focused portion of a workout.",Strength,Abdominals,Other,Intermediate,,
111,Reverse ab roll-out,"The reverse ab roll-out is an exercise targeting the abdominals. It's a twist on the ab wheel roll-out, and is similar to a body saw exercise, only performed on a foam roller. Instead of your arms moving and your lower body remaining stationary, your lower body moves and your arms remain stationary. Beginners may need to use a limited range of motion.",Strength,Abdominals,Other,Intermediate,,
112,30 Seated Twist With PVC Pipe,The seated bar twist is a core exercise aiming to strengthen the obliques.,Strength,Abdominals,Other,Intermediate,,
113,Suspended crunch-,"The suspended crunch is an abdominal exercise performed with the feet in the stirrups of a suspension strap system. It targets the muscles of the core, most prominently the rectus abdominis or ""six-pack"" muscles, but also taxes the shoulders and deep core muscles.",Strength,Abdominals,Other,Intermediate,,
114,Suspended oblique crunch,"The suspended oblique crunch is an abdominal exercise performed with the feet in the stirrups of a suspension strap system. It targets the muscles of the core, most prominently the obliques, but also the rectus abdominis or ""six-pack"" muscles, the shoulders, and deep core muscles.",Strength,Abdominals,Other,Intermediate,,
115,Weighted sit-up,"The weighted sit-up is a more difficult version of a highly popular abdominal movement. The simple addition of a weight makes the sit-up far more difficult, providing a different stimulus to the core during training and helping build strong abs.",Strength,Abdominals,Other,Intermediate,,
116,30 Decline Press Sit-Up,The decline bar press sit-up is a core and upper body exercise targeting the lower abdominals and shoulders.,Strength,Abdominals,Other,Intermediate,,
117,Holman Towel Reverse Plank Alternating Heel Pull-in,,Strength,Abdominals,Other,Intermediate,,
118,Holman Boat with Weighted Cross Punch,,Strength,Abdominals,Other,Intermediate,,
119,Holman Weighted Hook Punch,,Strength,Abdominals,Other,Intermediate,,
120,Holman Weighted Traveling Punch,,Strength,Abdominals,Other,Intermediate,,
121,Holman Weighted Uppercut Punch,,Strength,Abdominals,Other,Intermediate,,
122,Holman Slow Weighted Double Pike,,Strength,Abdominals,Other,Intermediate,,
123,Holman Plate Straight Plank Reach,,Strength,Abdominals,Other,Intermediate,,
124,Holman Plate Elbow Plank Jack to Straight Plank Jack,,Strength,Abdominals,Other,Intermediate,,
125,Holman Plate Hill Climber,,Strength,Abdominals,Other,Intermediate,,
126,Holman Plate Reverse Plank Hill Climber,,Strength,Abdominals,Other,Intermediate,,
127,Holman Plate Straight Plank Pike to Jack,,Strength,Abdominals,Other,Intermediate,,
128,Holman Plate In-and-Out Push-Up,,Strength,Abdominals,Other,Intermediate,,
129,Holman Plate Burpee,,Strength,Abdominals,Other,Intermediate,,
130,Holman Plate Elbow Plank Reach,,Strength,Abdominals,Other,Intermediate,,
131,Holman Elbow Plank to Renegade Row,,Strength,Abdominals,Other,Intermediate,,
132,Holman Straight Plank Weighted Hand Hill Climber,,Strength,Abdominals,Other,Intermediate,,
133,Holman Weighted Left Side Diagonal Pike,,Strength,Abdominals,Other,Intermediate,,
134,Holman Weighted Right Side Diagonal Pike,,Strength,Abdominals,Other,Intermediate,,
135,Holman Weighted W-Boat to Overhead Press,,Strength,Abdominals,Other,Intermediate,,
136,Holman Weighted Kneeling Lift,,Strength,Abdominals,Other,Intermediate,,
137,Holman Hips-Up Weighted Pull-Over,,Strength,Abdominals,Other,Intermediate,,
138,Holman Weighted Cross Punch,,Strength,Abdominals,Other,Intermediate,,
139,Holman Straight-Leg Boat Hover Chest Press,,Strength,Abdominals,Other,Intermediate,,
140,Holman Weighted Pike,,Strength,Abdominals,Other,Intermediate,,
141,Holman Feet-Elevated Wax-On Wax-Off,,Strength,Abdominals,Other,Intermediate,,
142,Holman Elbow Plank to Towel Pike,,Strength,Abdominals,Other,Intermediate,,
143,Holman Seated Killer Abs Overhead Press,,Strength,Abdominals,Other,Intermediate,,
144,Holman Straight Plank Alternating Weighted Open,,Strength,Abdominals,Other,Intermediate,,
145,Holman Weighted Killer Abs with Overhead Press,,Strength,Abdominals,Other,Intermediate,,
146,Holman Weighted Split-Leg Pike,,Strength,Abdominals,Other,Intermediate,,
147,Holman Towel Reverse Plank Heel Pull-in,,Strength,Abdominals,Other,Intermediate,,
148,Stick Twist,,Strength,Abdominals,Other,Intermediate,,
149,Roc Everest,,Cardio,Abdominals,Other,Intermediate,,
150,Standing cable low-to-high twist,"The standing cable low-to-high twist is a core exercise targeting the upper abdominals and the obliques. Take care to perform it with control, as opposed to violent twisting which can injure the back. It is usually performed for moderate to high reps, at least 8-15 per side, as part of the core-focused portion of a workout.",Strength,Abdominals,Cable,Intermediate,9.3,Average
151,Single-arm high-cable side bend,The single-arm high-cable side bend is an exercise targeting the obliques using a cable stack machine.,Strength,Abdominals,Cable,Intermediate,9.1,Average
152,Kneeling cable oblique crunch,"The kneeling cable oblique crunch is a popular core isolation exercise using a rope attachment and cable stack while kneeling on the floor. It primarily targets the obliques and rectus abdominis or ""six-pack"" muscles, but also strengthens the deep core muscles. It is most commonly performed for moderate to high reps, such as 8-12 reps per set or higher.",Strength,Abdominals,Cable,Intermediate,9.0,Average
153,Kneeling cable crunch,"The kneeling cable crunch is a popular core isolation exercise using a rope attachment and cable stack while kneeling on the floor. It primarily targets the rectus abdominis or ""six-pack"" muscles, but also strengthens the deep core muscles. It is most commonly performed early in an ab workout, usually in moderate to high reps, such as 8-12 reps per set or higher.",Strength,Abdominals,Cable,Intermediate,8.9,Average
154,Rope Crunch,"The kneeling cable crunch is a popular core isolation exercise using a rope attachment and cable stack while kneeling on the floor. It primarily targets the rectus abdominus or ""six-pack"" muscles, but also strengthens the deep core muscles. It is most commonly performed early in an ab workout, usually in moderate to high reps like 8-12 reps per set or higher.",Strength,Abdominals,Cable,Intermediate,8.6,Average
155,Standing cable crunch,"The standing cable crunch is a popular core isolation exercise using a rope attachment. It primarily targets the rectus abdominis or ""six-pack"" muscles, but also strengthens the deep core muscles. It is most commonly performed early in an ab workout, usually in moderate to high reps, such as 8-12 reps per set or higher.",Strength,Abdominals,Cable,Intermediate,8.6,Average
156,Bosu Ball Cable Crunch With Side Bends,,Strength,Abdominals,Cable,Beginner,8.5,Average
157,Standing Cable Wood Chop,The standing cable high-to-low twist is a core exercise targeting the lower abdominals and the obliques.,Strength,Abdominals,Cable,Intermediate,8.2,Average
158,Cable reverse crunch,"The cable reverse crunch is performed on the ground facing away from a high pulley, which helps target the lower abdominals specifically.",Strength,Abdominals,Cable,Beginner,8.2,Average
159,Cable Russian Twists,,Strength,Abdominals,Cable,Beginner,8.1,Average
160,Pallof press with rotation,The Pallof press with rotation is a dynamic variation of the Pallof press that incorporates weighted rotation away from the torso using resistance from a cable pulley. It is intended to build abdominal strength and teach proper bracing. It can be performed for time or for reps in the core-focused portion of any workout.,Strength,Abdominals,Cable,Intermediate,7.9,Average
161,Cable Seated Crunch,,Strength,Abdominals,Cable,Beginner,7.7,Average
162,Cable Judo Flip,,Strength,Abdominals,Cable,Beginner,5.0,Average
163,Exercise Ball Cable Crunch - Gethin Variation,"The exercise ball crunch is a popular gym exercise targeting the abdominals. Unlike crunches on the floor or a bench, by using a ball, you can increase the range of motion and both stretch and contract the abs on every rep. The ball crunch can be performed for low reps with a slower tempo, focusing on a hard contraction, or for higher reps.",Strength,Abdominals,Cable,Intermediate,,
164,Standing cable high-to-low twist,"The standing cable high-to-low twist is a core exercise targeting the lower abdominals and the obliques. Take care to perform it with control, as opposed to violent twisting which can injure the back. It is usually performed for moderate to high reps, at least 8-15 per side, as part of the core-focused portion of a workout.",Strength,Abdominals,Cable,Intermediate,,
165,Bent-Over Reverse Cable Fly,,Strength,Abdominals,Cable,Intermediate,,
166,Standing Cable Crunch - Gethin Variation,"The standing cable crunch is a popular core isolation exercise using a rope attachment. It primarily targets the rectus abdominus or ""six-pack"" muscles, but also strengthens the deep core muscles. It is most commonly performed early in an ab workout, usually in moderate to high reps like 8-12 reps per set or higher.",Strength,Abdominals,Cable,Intermediate,,
167,AM Cable Crunch,"The kneeling cable crunch is a popular core isolation exercise using a rope attachment and cable stack while kneeling on the floor. It primarily targets the rectus abdominus or ""six-pack"" muscles, but also strengthens the deep core muscles. It is most commonly performed early in an ab workout, usually in moderate to high reps like 8-12 reps per set or higher.",Strength,Abdominals,Cable,Intermediate,,
168,Tyler Holt Weighted Knee-To-Chest Crunch,,Strength,Abdominals,Cable,Intermediate,,
169,Standing cable twist,"The standing cable twist is a core exercise that targets the abdominals, particularly the obliques. Take care to perform it with control, as opposed to violent twisting which can injure the back. It is usually performed for moderate to high reps, at least 8-15 per side, as part of the core-focused portion of a workout.",Strength,Abdominals,Cable,Intermediate,,
170,30 Cable Rope Crunch,"The kneeling cable crunch is a popular core isolation exercise using a rope attachment and cable stack while kneeling on the floor. It primarily targets the rectus abdominus or ""six-pack"" muscles, but also strengthens the deep core muscles. It is most commonly performed early in an ab workout, usually in moderate to high reps like 8-12 reps per set or higher.",Strength,Abdominals,Cable,Intermediate,,
171,30 Cable Rope Oblique Crunch,"The kneeling cable oblique crunch is a popular core isolation exercise using a rope attachment and cable stack while kneeling on the floor. It primarily targets the obliques and rectus abdominus or ""six-pack"" muscles, but also strengthens the deep core muscles. It is most commonly performed for moderate to high reps like 8-12 reps per set or higher.",Strength,Abdominals,Cable,Intermediate,,
172,Cable lying twist on ball,The cable lying twist on ball is an exercise targeting the core and obliques with the added challenge of stability to keep from losing position on the unstable surface.,Strength,Abdominals,Cable,Intermediate,,
173,30 Cable Pallof Press,"The pallof press is an anti-rotation, isometric exercise that trains core stability. It is most often seen in programs for athletes who compete in sports that test strength, power, and functional movements.",Strength,Abdominals,Cable,Intermediate,,
174,30 Cable Reverse Crunch On Ball,"The cable reverse crunch on a BOSU is performed on top of a BOSU ball between two cable pulleys, which helps target the lower abdominals specifically and is more proprioceptively challenging than a cable reverse crunch on the floor.",Strength,Abdominals,Cable,Intermediate,,
175,30 Cable Reverse Crunch,"The cable reverse crunch is performed on the ground facing away from a high pulley, which helps target the lower abdominals specifically.",Strength,Abdominals,Cable,Intermediate,,
176,Tyler Holt Cable Torso Twist,,Strength,Abdominals,Cable,Intermediate,,
177,Single-Arm Cable Outward-Facing Biceps Curl,The single-arm cable outward-facing biceps curl is a cable exercise that targets the biceps. It is performed standing in front of a cable machine facing away from the cable stack to increase the range of motion by fully extending the elbows. This movement is usually performed for moderate to high reps for a burn and pump as part of an arm-focused workout.,Strength,Abdominals,Cable,Intermediate,,
178,Biceps Rope Curl,,Strength,Abdominals,Cable,Intermediate,,
179,Kneeling Cable Crunches,,Strength,Abdominals,Cable,Intermediate,,
180,Ab Crunch Machine,"The machine crunch is a machine-based exercise targeting the abdominal muscles. It involves sitting upright in the machine and curling the torso down toward the chest against some pre-set level of resistance. On some machines, the knees also curl up torward the torso. Crunch machines usually use extra resistance in the form of selectorized weight stacks or plate loading, and are often performed for moderate to high reps, like 8-12 reps per set or higher, as part of the ab-focused portion of a workout.",Strength,Abdominals,Machine,Intermediate,8.0,Average
181,Smith machine straight-legged hip raise,"The Smith machine straight-legged hip raise is an exercise targeting the abdominal muscles. Because of the potential awkwardness of getting into position, it is usually performed for moderate to high reps, such as 8-12 reps per set or more. If your Smith machine has safety bars, set them at a height that allows you a full range of motion while giving adequate protection from the weight potentially falling.",Strength,Abdominals,Machine,Intermediate,8.0,Average
182,Machine crunch,"The machine crunch is a machine-based exercise targeting the abdominal muscles. It involves sitting upright in the machine and curling the torso down against a pre-set level of resistance. On some machines, the knees also curl up toward the torso. Crunch machines usually use extra resistance in the form of selectorized weight stacks or plate loading, and are often performed for moderate to high reps, such as 8-12 reps per set or more, as part of the ab-focused portion of a workout.",Strength,Abdominals,Machine,Intermediate,,
183,AM Ab Machine,,Strength,Abdominals,Machine,Intermediate,,
184,Smith machine V-up,The smith machine V-up is a weighted abdominal exercise that involves pressing a weighted bar upward while performing a V-up. Performing it in a Smith machine eliminates the balance challenge of a free weight. It is usually performed for moderate to high reps in the ab-focused portion of a workout.,Strength,Abdominals,Machine,Intermediate,,
185,Elbow plank,"The elbow plank is a popular isometric abdominal exercise. It is common in all types of exercise programs, as well as in group fitness and yoga classes. It targets the muscles of the core, the deep core or transversus abdominis in particular. It is also often prescribed for time to help back pain or to teach proper bracing.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,9.3,Average
186,Bottoms Up,"The lying leg lift is a popular bodyweight exercise targeting the muscles of the abs, the rectus abdominis or “six-pack” muscles in particular. It can be performed for time or reps in the core-focused portion of any workout.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,9.3,Average
187,Spider crawl,"The spider crawl is a bodyweight exercise that involves crawling on the floor with the knees outside of the elbows. It is different from a leopard crawl in that the hips are higher, and it's different from a bear crawl because the knees are wider. It can be done as a full-body warm-up, in short bursts for power or circuit training, or for longer durations as cardiovascular conditioning.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,9.2,Average
188,Cocoons,"The cocoon crunch is a bodyweight exercise targeting the ab muscles, the rectus abdominis or ""six-pack"" muscles in particular. It involves bringing your knees to your chest and your arms from overhead to center. It can be performed for time or reps as part of the ab-focused portion of any workout.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,9.1,Average
189,Cross-Body Crunch,"The elbow-to-knee crunch is a bodyweight exercise targeting the ab muscles, the obliques and rectus abdominis or ""six-pack"" muscles in particular. It can be performed for time or reps as part of the ab-focused portion of any workout.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,9.1,Average
190,Elbow-to-knee crunch,"The elbow-to-knee crunch is a bodyweight exercise targeting the ab muscles, the obliques and rectus abdominis or ""six-pack"" muscles in particular. It can be performed for time or reps as part of the ab-focused portion of any workout.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,9.1,Average
191,Decline Crunch,The decline crunch is an effective core exercise targeting the rectus abdominis.,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,9.0,Average
192,Hanging toes-to-bar,"The hanging toes-to-bar is an advanced abdominal exercise in which the lifter touches their feet to a pull-up bar. There are many ways to perform this movement (strict or swinging, arms completely straight or slightly bent, legs straight or bent) each providing unique benefits and challenges. Initially, it may be a difficult move to do for a single rep, but once you build the requisite core, lat, and shoulder strength, it can be performed for higher reps.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,9.0,Average
193,Hanging Oblique Knee Raise,"The hanging oblique crunch an abdominal exercise that targets both the rectus abdominus or “six-pack” muscles, and the oblique muscles. It can be performed hanging from a bar, or if grip strength is a limitation, by placing the elbows in ab straps. If hanging from a straight bar is uncomfortable to the wrists or shoulder, you can also perform them hanging with a neutral grip (palms facing one another)",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,9.0,Average
194,Gorilla Chin/Crunch,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Beginner,9.0,Average
195,Hanging leg raise,"The hanging leg raise is an exercise targeting the abs, but which also works the lats and hip flexors. Instead of resting your forearms on the pads of a captain's chair, you perform these hanging from a bar. Experienced lifters make these look easy, but beginners may need time to build up to sets of 8-12 reps.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,8.9,Average
196,Mountain climber,"The mountain climber is a popular bodyweight exercise targeting the muscles of the core, as well as the shoulders, hips, and cardiovascular system. It involves lifting one knee to the chest at a time from a straight-arm plank position. It can be performed for time or reps as part of a dynamic warm-up, for bodyweight cardio or conditioning, or as no-equipment dynamic core training.",Plyometrics,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,8.8,Average
197,Ab bicycle,"The ab bicycle is a bodyweight movement that targets the muscles of the abs, the obliques and rectus abdominis or ""six-pack"" muscles in particular. It can be performed for time or reps in the ab-focused portion of any workout.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,8.8,Average
198,3/4 sit-up,"The 3/4 sit-up is a bodyweight exercise focused on the muscles of the core. It is similar to a sit-up, but stops short of the top position. This keeps constant tension on the abs, making it more difficult than traditional sit-ups. It can be performed for time or for reps, with the feet anchored or free, as part of the ab-focused portion of any workout.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,8.8,Average
199,Reverse crunch,"The reverse crunch is a popular exercise targeting the abdominals, particularly the lower half. It’s easy to perform on either the floor or a flat bench. Many lifters think of this as a companion to the crunch, which targets the upper abdominals more than the lower.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,8.8,Average
200,Crunches,"The crunch is a popular core exercise targeting the rectus abdominis, or ""six-pack"" muscles, as well as the obliques. It has been the centerpiece of many ab-focused workouts, due to both its simplicity and the intense burn and mind-muscle connection it produces. It can be performed for time or reps as part of the ab-focused portion of any workout.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,8.7,Average
201,Dead bug reach,"The dead bug reach is an exercise for strengthening the core in which you alternate lowering your opposing arm and leg simultaneously, controlling the movement with the abdominal muscles. It can be part of a dynamic warm-up to activate the core for other athletics or lifting, or be performed in a circuit or on its own in the ab-focused portion of any workout.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,8.6,Average
202,Crunch - Hands Overhead,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Beginner,8.6,Average
203,V-up,"The V-up is a bodyweight movement that targets the muscles of the abs, the rectus abdominis or ""six-pack"" muscles in particular. It is similar to a suitcase crunch, but the lower back lifts off the ground at the top of each rep. It can be performed for time or reps in the ab-focused portion of any workout.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,8.5,Average
204,Stomach Vacuum,,Stretching,Abdominals,Body Only,Beginner,8.5,Average
205,Russian twist,"The Russian twist is an exercise targeting the abdominals and the obliques. Beginning from a position that resembles stopping midway through a sit-up, it involves twisting side to side. It can be performed with body weight alone or while holding a weight plate or other object. It is performed by alternating sides with each rep and can be done for time or for a specific number of reps as part of the ab-focused portion of any workout.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,8.4,Average
206,Flat Bench Lying Leg Raise,"The lying leg lift is a popular bodyweight exercise targeting the muscles of the abs, the rectus abdominis or “six-pack” muscles in particular. It can be performed for time or reps in the core-focused portion of any workout.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,8.4,Average
207,Knees tucked crunch,"The knees tucked crunch is a core exercise that involves performing a crunch while keeping the knees bent in a 90-degree position. It primarily targets the rectus abdominis or ""six-pack"" muscles. It can be performed for time or reps as part of any abs-focused circuit or workout.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,8.4,Average
208,Butt-Ups,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Beginner,8.3,Average
209,Feet-elevated oblique crunch,"The feet-elevated oblique crunch is a variation on the crunch exercise that targets the obliques as well as the rectus abdominis or ""six-pack"" muscles. Resting the feet on a bench takes some of the hip flexor activation out of the movement, focusing the stress more on the abs.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,8.3,Average
210,Bent-knee reverse crunch,"The bent-knee reverse crunch is a popular bodyweight core exercise. It targets the lower portion of the rectus abdominis or ""six-pack"" muscles. It can be performed for time or reps as part of any ab-focused workout.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,8.1,Average
211,Alternating heel-touch,"The alternating heel-touch is a popular bodyweight exercise that targets the obliques, as well as the rectus abdominis, or ""six-pack"" muscles. It can be performed for time or reps as part of any abs-focused circuit or workout.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,8.0,Average
212,Suspended Reverse Crunch,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,7.8,Average
213,Lying bench reverse crunch,"The lying bench reverse crunch is a popular ab exercise performed by bringing the knees toward the chest while lying on a bench. It is largely similar to the same exercise performed on the floor, but being able to press the lower back into the bench pad can help reinforce proper form and increase the burn in the abs. Like most crunch variations, it is usually performed for moderate to high reps, such as 8-12 reps per set or more.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,7.7,Average
214,Sit-up,"The sit-up is a popular bodyweight exercise focused on the abdominal muscles. It has also been used as part of military, tactical, and scholastic fitness tests for many years. It can be performed for time or reps, with the feet anchored or free, on flat ground or a bench.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,7.5,Average
215,Side Bridge,"The side plank is a popular isometric abdominal exercise focusing on the oblique muscles, as well as the transversus abdominis or deep core muscles. It is sometimes paired with the curl up and bird dog as the “McGill big three” for core strength and stability. It is performed for time and can work in a warm-up or in the core-focused portion of any workout.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,7.5,Average
216,Lying oblique crunch,The lying oblique crunch is a bodyweight exercise targeting the oblique muscles. It can be performed for a specific number of reps or to fatigue or failure as part of the ab-focused portion of any workout.,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,7.4,Average
217,Janda Sit-Up,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Beginner,7.4,Average
218,Leg Pull-In,"The reverse crunch is a popular exercise targeting the abdominals, particularly the lower half. It’s easy to perform on either the floor or a flat bench. Many lifters think of this as a companion to the crunch, which targets the upper abdominals more than the lower.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Beginner,7.4,Average
219,Side Jackknife,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,7.3,Average
220,Scissor Kick,,Stretching,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,7.0,Average
221,Toe Touchers,"The toe-touch is a bodyweight movement that targets the muscles of the abs, the rectus abdominis or ""six-pack"" muscles in particular. It can be performed for time or reps in the ab-focused portion of any workout.",Stretching,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,6.9,Average
222,Lower Back Curl,,Stretching,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,6.5,Average
223,Exercise ball torso rotation,"The exercise ball torso rotation is a rotational abdominal exercise performed while holding a yoga or exercise ball between the hands. It focuses on the rotational muscles of the core, including the obliques, glutes, and hip muscles. It can be performed one side at a time or alternating, either for time or reps. To make it more difficult, wrap a light exercise band around the ball and anchor it to a solid object.",Stretching,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,5.0,Average
224,Seated Overhead Stretch,,Stretching,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,4.7,Average
225,Overhead Stretch,,Stretching,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,3.9,Average
226,Seated Scissor Kick,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,0.0,Average
227,Partner resistance standing twist,"The partner resistance standing twist is a bodyweight exercise in which one partner performs bodyweight twists while the other provides manual resistance. It targets the muscles of the core, and the obliques in particular. It can be performed in the core-focused part of any workout.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,0.0,
228,Cross Crunch,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Beginner,0.0,Average
229,Full Moon,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Beginner,0.0,
230,Hanging knee raise with manual resistance,"The hanging knee raise with manual resistance is a more advanced version of the hanging knee raise that utilizes a partner. The partner applies enough resistance to make the movement more difficult, while still allowing the lifter to perform multiple reps.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Beginner,0.0,
231,Straight-Legged Hip Raise,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,0.0,Average
232,Wall mountain climber,The wall mountain climber is a challenging exercise targeting the shoulders and abdominals. It's most common in bodyweight circuit training because it targets a lot of muscles as well as the cardiovascular system all at once. It can be performed for time or reps.,Plyometrics,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,0.0,
233,Skin The Cat To Push-Up,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,0.0,
234,Partner lying leg raise with lateral throw down,The partner lying leg raise with lateral throw down is a core exercise in which one partner performs a leg raise while the other partner pushes their legs back down at a lateral angle. The partner performing the exercise has to use core strength and stability to keep their legs from falling to the ground.,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Beginner,0.0,
235,Hanging leg raise with throw down,"The hanging leg raise with throw down is a more advanced version of the hanging knee raise that utilizes a partner to make the movement more difficult. The partner pushes down at the top of each rep, forcing the lifter to ""fight back"" with their abs.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Beginner,0.0,
236,Partner sit-up with high-five,The partner sit-up with high-five is a full-body exercise targeting the core. Partners each perform a sit-up and high-five each other mid rep.,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Beginner,0.0,
237,Exercise ball knee roll-in,The exercise ball knee roll-in is an abdominal exercise that involves supporting yourself with your hands in a plank or push-up position and drawing the knees in toward the chest. This is a fairly advanced abdominal move requiring a fair amount of core strength.,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,0.0,Average
238,Partner lying leg raise with throw down,The partner lying leg raise with throw down is a core exercise in which one partner performs a leg raise while the other partner pushes their legs back down. The partner performing the exercise has to use core strength and stability to keep their legs from falling to the ground.,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Beginner,0.0,
239,Crab toe-touch,"The crab toe-touch is a full-body exercise targeting the glutes, hamstrings, quads, and core. It is a challenging move that trains balance, core strength, and many muscle groups, making it work well in a time-efficient bodyweight circuit workout.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,0.0,
240,Side kick-through,"The side kick-through is a full-body movement that involves isometric holds and moving the body through different ranges of motion, beginning in a bear crawl position. The difference between a side kick-through and a sit-through is that your butt stays off the ground throughout the entire rep. It is commonly performed in bodyweight circuits and animal-style flows, but can also work for reps on its own or as part of a dynamic warm-up or mobility sequence.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,0.0,
241,Partner target sit-up,"The partner target sit-up is a core exercise where one partner performs sit-ups, while the other uses his or her hands to create a target for them to reach for. This increases the challenge of each rep. It can be performed for time or reps in the ab-focused portion of any workout.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Beginner,0.0,
242,Suspended Crunch,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Beginner,0.0,Average
243,Jump Lunge,"The alternating lunge jump is an explosive bodyweight exercise that targets the lower-body muscles, including the quads, glutes, and hamstrings. It can be performed for time or reps in power training, and is also effective in any fat-loss or athleticism-focused workout.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
244,Side plank hip dip,"The side plank hip dip is a dynamic version of the side plank exercise focusing on the oblique muscles, as well as the transversus abdominis or deep core muscles. It can be performed for time or reps and can work in a warm-up or in the core-focused portion of any workout.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
245,Elbow plank jack,"The elbow plank jack is an isometric abdominal exercise with a dynamic lower-body component. It targets the muscles of the core, the deep core or transversus abdominis in particular. It can be performed for time or reps in the ab-focused portion of any workout.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
246,Exercise ball V-up,"The exercise ball V-up is a popular movement to target the abdominal muscles, particularly the rectus abdominis or ""six-pack"" muscles. It involves passing an exercise ball or yoga ball back and forth between the hands and feet while performing V-ups. It can be performed for reps or time as part of any ab-focused workout or bodyweight circuit.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
247,Standing torso twist stretch,"The standing torso twist stretch is a stretching exercise targeting the lats and core, particularly the obliques. It’s great before a workout or any sporting event that involves a lot of twisting of the upper body.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
248,Slalom jumps,"The slalom jump is an explosive bodyweight exercise that targets the lower body, including the quads, glutes, and hamstrings. Performed for reps, it also provides a serious cardiovascular challenge. It can be performed for time or reps and is especially effective in a fat-loss or athleticism-focused circuit or workout.",Plyometrics,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
249,Bear crawl,"The bear crawl is a popular bodyweight crawling exercise. While it looks simple, the bear crawl is an intense full-body movement that targets the cardiovascular system as well as a wide range of muscle groups, the shoulders, core, and legs in particular. It can be done as a full-body warm-up, in short bursts for power or circuit training, or for longer durations as cardiovascular conditioning.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
250,Crab single-arm reach,"The crab single-arm reach is a full-body exercise that requires maintaining a tabletop position while alternating arm raises. It is an excellent movement to include in a dynamic warm-up, a bodyweight circuit, or for muscle activation or mobility anytime.",Stretching,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
251,Side lunge cross-body heel-touch,"The side lunge cross-body heel-touch is a lower-body exercise targeting the quads, glutes, and hamstrings. The heel-touch adds a slight rotational challenge.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
252,Alligator Crawl,"The spider crawl is a bodyweight exercise that involves crawling on the floor with the knees outside of the elbows. It is different from a leopard crawl in that the hips are higher, and it's different from a bear crawl because the knees are wider. It can be done as a full-body warm-up, in short bursts for power or circuit training, or for longer durations as cardiovascular conditioning.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
253,Lying cross-over lower back stretch,"The lying cross-over lower back stretch is a simple bodyweight stretch targeting the lower back, hips, and torso. It involves rotating the legs while lying flat on the back. It is commonly included in dynamic warm-ups, but can also be performed as full-body mobility work anytime.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
254,Half bird dog,"The half bird dog is a core exercise designed to strengthen the posterior chain. In the half bird dog, you will raise one arm or one leg at a time, rather than both at once as you would for a regular bird dog.",Stretching,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
255,Shoulder tap,"The shoulder tap is an exercise targeting the abdominals and core. The basic stance matches the top of a push-up position. From there, one hand is raised to tap its opposing shoulder. A tap with each hand to each opposing shoulder equals one rep.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
256,Double crunch,"The double crunch is a bodyweight exercise focused on the muscles of the core, the rectus abdominis or ""six-pack"" muscles in particular. It's a very simple exercise that involves ""crunching"" the knees and elbows toward each other using the abdominal muscles, while keeping the back flat against the ground.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
257,Flutter kick,"The flutter kick is a core exercise where the legs are held off the ground as you flutter your feet over and under each other in small motions. It targets multiple muscles of the core, but particularly the rectus abdominis or ""six-pack"" muscles. It can be performed for time or reps in the ab-focused portion of any workout.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
258,Sprawl,"The sprawl is an explosive bodyweight exercise that targets the core, upper body, and lower body. It is similar to a burpee, but without a jump at the top and with a plank instead of a push-up at the bottom. It can be performed for time or reps in any fat-loss or athleticism-focused circuit or workout.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
259,Spider plank jack,"The spider plank jack is a bodyweight core exercise that begins in a straight-arm plank, then combines a spider crunch and a plank jack into a single sequence. It can be performed as bodyweight core training or for conditioning in a fat-loss or athleticism-focused circuit.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
260,Pillar-To-Plank,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
261,Alternating High Knee Raise,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
262,Sumo Squat Pulse,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
263,Line-Drill Foot Work,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
264,Plank Fire Hydrants,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
265,Banded jumping jack,"The banded jumping jack takes a classic plyometric exercise and adds an extra degree of difficulty in the form of a band surrounding the thighs, just above the knees. It can be performed for time or reps and is a great way to warm up for athletics or lower-body lifting.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
266,Shin hug,"The shin hug is a bodyweight exercise focused on the muscles of the core. It shares characteristics with V-ups and crunches, but finishes with the ribs touching the thighs. It can be performed for time or for reps as part of the ab-focused portion of any workout.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
267,FYR Bear Crawl Fire Feet,"Bear crawl fire feet is a variation of the bear crawl that involves running in place while in a static bear crawl hold. It adds an extra coordination and full-body challenge to an already intense full-body movement that targets the cardiovascular system as well as a wide range of muscle groups. It can be done as a full-body warm-up, or as part of a bodyweight circuit or flow.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
268,Bear crawl up-down,"The bear crawl up-down is a variation of the bear crawl that involves lowering the forearms to the ground in an alternating rhythm while in a static bear crawl hold. It adds an extra coordination and upper-body challenge to an already intense full-body movement that targets the cardiovascular system as well as a wide range of muscle groups. It can be done as a full-body warm-up, or as part of a bodyweight circuit or flow.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
269,FYR Crab Kick,"The crab toe-touch is a full-body exercise targeting the glutes, hamstrings, quads, and core.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
270,Bear crawl hold,"The bear crawl hold is a static variation of the bear crawl exercise performed for time. It looks simple, but it demands full-body tension and is taxing to the shoulders, core, and legs. It can be done as a full-body warm-up, as part of a bodyweight circuit or flow, or as a build-up to the traditional bear crawl.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
271,Traveling bear crawl,"The traveling bear crawl is a more advanced version of the bear crawl exercise that moves side to side rather than front to back. While it looks simple, the traveling bear crawl is an intense full-body movement that targets the cardiovascular system as well as a wide range of muscle groups, the shoulders, core, and legs in particular. It can be done as a full-body warm-up, in short bursts for power or circuit training, or for longer durations as cardiovascular conditioning.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
272,Single-leg V-up,"The single-leg V-up is a bodyweight exercise that targets the abdominals and the hip flexors, working one side of the body at a time. It can be performed for time or reps in the ab-focused portion of any workout.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
273,FYR Bear Crawl Shoulder Tap,"The bear crawl shoulder tap is a variation of the bear crawl that involves touching the opposing shoulder while in a static bear crawl hold. It adds an extra coordination and core challenge to an already intense full-body movement that targets the cardiovascular system as well as a wide range of muscle groups. It can be done as a full-body warm-up, or as part of a bodyweight circuit or flow.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
274,Alternating single-leg sprawl,"The alternating single-leg sprawl is an explosive bodyweight exercise that targets the core, upper body, and lower body. It differs from a standard sprawl by including a single-leg plank instead of a regular plank at the bottom. It can be performed for time or reps in any fat-loss or athleticism-focused circuit or workout.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
275,Wide mountain climber,"The wide mountain climber is a popular bodyweight exercise targeting the muscles of the core, as well as the shoulders, hips, and cardiovascular system. It is different from a traditional mountain climber because you bring the knee to the outside of the elbow rather than the inside. It can be performed for time or reps as part of a dynamic warm-up, for bodyweight cardio or conditioning, or as no-equipment dynamic core training.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
276,Plank leg raise,"The plank leg raise is an isometric abdominal exercise that targets the muscles of the core, the deep core or transversus abdominis in particular. It also targets the muscles of the glutes and hips. It can be performed for time or reps in the ab-focused portion of any workout.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
277,Glute bridge step-out,"The glute bridge step-out is a lower-body bodyweight exercise that targets the glutes and hamstrings. It differs from a glute bridge by the addition of a step-out, which increases stress on the hamstrings. It can be performed for time or reps and works perfectly in a dynamic warm-up for lower-body training, but can also be performed for glute activation anytime.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
278,Knee up-down,"The knee up-down is a bodyweight exercise that mimics getting up and down from a kneeling position on the floor. It combines the low position of a squat with lunges, bringing some of the benefits of both. It can be done for time or reps as part of a dynamic warm-up or as part of a bodyweight circuit or workout.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
279,FYR Sprawl,"The sprawl is an explosive bodyweight exercise that targets the core, upper body, and lower body. It is similar to a burpee, but without a jump at the top and with a plank instead of a push-up at the bottom. It can be performed for time or reps in any fat-loss or athleticism-focused circuit or workout.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
280,Reach crunch,The reach crunch is a bodyweight core exercise that involves keeping the arms raised toward the ceiling while performing a crunch. It can be performed for time or reps as part of any abs-focused circuit or workout.,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
281,FYR Push-Up Plank Hold,"The straight-arm plank is an exercise targeting the core muscles. It is basically the top of a push-up position, with elbows fully extended and palms on the floor. The position is held for time to target the muscles of the core, as well as the shoulders.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
282,FYR Hollow-Body Rock,"The hollow-body rock is a bodyweight abdominal exercise performed on the floor. It starts with a hollow-body hold and adds a back-and-forth rock that challenges core stability and increases the difficulty of the movement. It can be performed for time or for reps, either in an ab-focused portion of a workout or as part of a circuit workout.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
283,V-up plus knee-to-chest combo,The V-up plus knee-to-chest combo is a core exercise that targets the abdominals and hip flexors by combining two movements into a single sequence. It can be performed for time or reps in the ab-focused portion of any workout.,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
284,Side plank lateral raise,"The side plank lateral raise is an exercise that combines an isometric side plank hold with a dumbbell raise to target both the core and the shoulders. You probably won't be able to use much weight without disrupting your balance, but even at light weight, this is a movement that can help address multiple muscle groups in a time-efficient workout.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
285,Superhero burpee,"The superhero burpee is an advanced variation of the burpee exercise. The main difference between this and the standard burpee is that while on the floor, the hands are extended in front of the body like Superman taking flight. This increases the challenge to the upper back and shoulders. These can be performed for time or reps as part of any fat-loss or athleticism-focused workout or circuit.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
286,Hollow-body abduction,"The hollow-body abduction is an isometric core exercise that includes leg abductions for an added challenge to the core and abductors. It targets multiple muscles of the core, but particularly the rectus abdominis or ""six-pack"" muscles. It can be performed for time or reps in the ab-focused portion of any workout.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
287,FYR Hollow Hold,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
288,Tip-toe crunch,The tip-toe crunch is a variation on the crunch exercise that involves placing the toes on or near the ground. This can help isolate the abs from the hip flexors. The tip-toe crunch can be performed for time or for reps as part of the core-focused component of any workout.,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
289,Knee-to-nose pulse,"The knee-to-nose pulse is a bodyweight exercise that targets the core by pulsing your knee toward your nose. It starts in a straight-arm plank position, and is similar to a mountain climber, but with a hold or pause in the bent-knee position.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
290,Plank walk-out,"The plank walk-out is an advanced plank variation targeting the core and shoulders. From a standing position, the lifter descends into a plank-type position but “walks” the hands forward until they are out in front of the head. This is far more challenging to the core than having the arms directly under the shoulders. Beginners will need to progress to this exercise.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
291,FYR V-Up,"The V-up is a bodyweight movement that targets the muscles of the abs, the rectus abdominis or ""six-pack"" muscles in particular. It is similar to a suitcase crunch, but the lower back lifts off the ground at the top of each rep. It can be performed for time or reps in the ab-focused portion of any workout.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
292,Long sit-up,"The long sit-up is an advanced version of the sit-up exercise that is performed with the hands reaching over the head. This lengthens the torso, making it harder for the abs to contract and lift the upper body. Long sit-ups can be performed for time or for reps, with the feet anchored or free.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
293,FYR Breakdancer,"The side kick-through is a full-body movement that involves isometric holds and moving the body through different ranges of motion, beginning in a bear crawl position. The difference between a side kick-through and a sit-through is that your butt stays off the ground throughout the entire rep. It is commonly performed in bodyweight circuits and animal-style flows, but can also work for reps on its own or as part of a dynamic warm-up or mobility sequence.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
294,Seated leg lift,The seated leg lift is a bodyweight exercise targeting the muscles of the core and hip flexors. It can be performed for time or reps in the core-focused portion of any workout.,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
295,Gorilla burpee,"The gorilla burpee is a variation of the burpee exercise that consists of a reverse lunge on each leg, a full squat, then a standard burpee. It is extra challenging for the lower body, including the quads, glutes, and hamstrings. It can be performed for time or reps in any fat-loss or athleticism-focused circuit or workout.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
296,Knee-in to V-out,"The knee-in to V-out is a bodyweight abdominal exercise performed on the floor. It is similar to both the reverse crunch and the V-up exercise, but combines elements of both. It primarily targets the muscles of the rectus abdominis, or “six-pack” muscles. It can be performed for reps or time, either as part of an ab-focused workout or as a component of a circuit workout.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
297,Bear crawl push-up,"The bear crawl push-up is a variation of the bear crawl hold with a push-up added. It adds an extra coordination and shoulder challenge to an already intense full-body movement that targets the cardiovascular system as well as a wide range of muscle groups, the shoulders, core, and legs in particular. It can be done as a full-body warm-up, or as part of a bodyweight circuit or flow.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
298,FYR Front Step,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
299,Plank reach,"The plank reach is an exercise targeting the entire core, particularly the oblique muscles. It resembles a plank exercise, but the primary difference is that the lifter extends their arms forward, one at time. The core, especially the obliques, must work hard to maintain stability. It can be performed for time, with holds in the reaching position, or for reps.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
300,Eiffel Tower leg raise,"The Eiffel Tower leg raise is a bodyweight exercise targeting the muscles of the abs, the rectus abdominis or “six-pack” muscles in particular. It is similar to a V-up, but with the added challenge of “drawing” a pyramid shape in the air with the legs during each rep. It can be performed for time or reps in the core-focused portion of any workout.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
301,Straight-arm plank,"The straight-arm plank is an exercise targeting the core muscles. It is basically the top of a push-up position, with elbows fully extended and palms on the floor. The position is held for time to target the muscles of the core, as well as the shoulders.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
302,Plank up-down,"The plank up-down is a variation of the plank push-up that ends in an elbow plank rather than with the chest on the ground. It involves transitioning between the two positions one arm at a time, rather than two. It puts more stress on the triceps and core than traditional planks. It can be performed for time or reps in any bodyweight workout or during the core-focused portion of any workout.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
303,Frog kick,"The frog kick is an explosive bodyweight movement that involves hopping the rear legs up and forward from a straight-arm plank position. It targets the legs, core, and shoulders, but is also a high-intensity conditioning movement that will raise core body temperature and burn serious calories. It can be performed for time or reps as part of any athleticism-focused or fat-loss circuit or workout.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
304,FYR Knees to Chest,"The hollow-body alternating knee-to-chest is a core exercise that involves bending the legs while holding the hips and shoulder blades off the ground. It targets the rectus abdominis or ""six-pack"" muscles. It can be performed for time or reps in the ab-focused portion of any workout.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
305,Front kick-through,"The front kick-through is a full-body movement that involves moving the legs from a bear crawl position to a balanced one-legged stance. It is commonly performed for reps or time in bodyweight circuits and animal-style flows, but can also work on its own or as part of a dynamic warm-up or mobility sequence.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
306,FYR Sit-Up,"The sit-up is a popular bodyweight exercise focused on the abdominal muscles. It has also been used as part of military, tactical, and scholastic fitness tests for many years. It can be performed for time or reps, with the feet anchored or free, on flat ground or a bench.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
307,FYR Leg Lift,The seated leg lift is a bodyweight exercise targeting the muscles of the core and hip flexors. It can be performed for time or reps in the core-focused portion of any workout.,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
308,TBS Toes-to-bar,"The hanging toes-to-bar is an advanced abdominal exercise in which the lifter touches their feet to a pull-up bar. There are many ways to perform this movement: strict or swinging, arms completely straight or slightly bent, legs straight or bent, each providing unique benefits and challenges. Initially, it may be a difficult move to do for a single rep, but once you build the requisite core, lat, and shoulder strength, it can be performed for higher reps.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
309,FYR Mountain Climber,"The mountain climber is a popular bodyweight exercise targeting the muscles of the core, as well as the shoulders, hips, and cardiovascular system. It involves lifting one knee to the chest at a time from a straight-arm plank position. It can be performed for time or reps as part of a dynamic warm-up, for bodyweight cardio or conditioning, or as no-equipment dynamic core training.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
310,Roman Chair Side Ups,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
311,Push-Up Roll Out - Gethin Variation,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
312,Cross-Body Crunch - Gethin Variation,"The cross-body sit-up is a bodyweight exercise targeting the ab muscles, the obliques and rectus abdominis or ""six-pack"" muscles in particular. It involves bringing the opposite-side knee and elbow together, usually alternating sides with each rep. It can be performed for time or reps as part of the ab-focused portion of any workout.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
313,Decline leg lift with twist,"The decline leg lift with twist is a bodyweight core exercise targeting the obliques and rectus abdominis or ""six-pack"" muscles, particularly the lower abs. It can be performed for time or for reps as part of the core-focused portion of any workout or circuit.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
314,Hanging Leg Raise - Variation Gethin,"The hanging leg raise is an exercise targeting the abs and hip flexors. Instead of resting the forearms on the pads of apparatus, hang from a bar. It can be performed for time or reps in the ab-focused portion of any workout.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
315,Butterfly crunch,"The butterfly crunch is a popular bodyweight exercise that targets the rectus abdominis, or ""six-pack"" muscles. It gets its name from the position of the elbows and knees, both of which are bent out like wings. It can be performed for time or reps as part of any abs-focused circuit or workout.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
316,Cross-body mountain climber,"The cross-body mountain climber is a popular bodyweight exercise targeting the muscles of the core, as well as the shoulders, hips, and cardiovascular system. It is different from a traditional mountain climber because you bring the knee to the opposite side of the body rather than simply to the chest. It can be performed for time or reps as part of a dynamic warm-up, for bodyweight cardio or conditioning, or as no-equipment dynamic core training.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
317,Flat Bench Lying Leg Raise - Gethin Variation,"The lying leg lift is a popular bodyweight exercise targeting the muscles of the abs, the rectus abdominis or “six-pack” muscles in particular. It can be performed for time or reps in the core-focused portion of any workout.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
318,Lying leg lift,"The lying leg lift is a popular bodyweight exercise targeting the muscles of the abs, the rectus abdominis or “six-pack” muscles in particular. It can be performed for time or reps in the core-focused portion of any workout.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
319,Hanging alternating single-leg raise,"The hanging alternating single-leg raise is an exercise targeting the abs, but which also works the lats and hip flexors. Rather than performing both legs at a time, you lift one and alternate with each rep. Leg raises are often performed for moderate to high reps, such as 8-12 reps or more, as part of ab-focused training. However, this difficult variation may require some time to build up to those rep ranges.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
320,Plank Walk,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
321,Sit-Up - Gethin Variation,"The sit-up is a popular bodyweight exercise focused on the abdominal muscles. It has also been used as part of military, tactical, and scholastic fitness tests for many years. It can be performed for time or reps, with the feet anchored or free, on flat ground or a bench.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
322,Plank Push-Up,"The plank up-down is a variation of the plank push-up that ends in an elbow plank rather than with the chest on the ground. It involves transitioning between the two positions one arm at a time, rather than two. It puts more stress on the triceps and core than traditional planks. It can be performed for time or reps in any bodyweight workout or during the core-focused portion of any workout.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
323,Decline crunch-,"The decline crunch is a popular bodyweight exercise targeting the rectus abdominis or ""six-pack"" muscles, particular the upper abs. It is usually performed for high reps, such as 10-15 reps per set or more, as part of the ab-focused portion of a workout.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
324,Alternating lying leg raise,"The alternating lying leg lift is a popular bodyweight exercise targeting the muscles of the abs, the rectus abdominis or “six-pack” muscles in particular. It can be performed for time or reps in the core-focused portion of any workout.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
325,Decline leg lift,"The decline leg lift is a popular bodyweight core exercise targeting the rectus abdominis or ""six-pack"" muscles, particularly the lower abs. It can be performed for time or for reps as part of the core-focused portion of any workout or circuit.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
326,Crunch - Gethin Variation,"The crunch is a popular core exercise targeting the rectus abdominis, or ""six-pack"" muscles, as well as the obliques. It has been the centerpiece of many ab-focused workouts, due to both its simplicity and the intense burn and mind-muscle connection it produces. It can be performed for time or reps as part of the ab-focused portion of any workout.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
327,Plank - Gethin Variation,"The elbow plank is a popular isometric abdominal exercise. It is common in all types of exercise programs, as well as in group fitness and yoga classes. It targets the muscles of the core, the deep core or transversus abdominis in particular. It is also often prescribed for time to help back pain or to teach proper bracing.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
328,Barbell floor wiper,"The barbell floor wiper is a core exercise in which the barbell is held in the locked-out position of a floor press, and the hips and legs are rotated side to side. It targets the oblique muscles of the lateral abdomen, but is also seriously challenging to the deep core and rectus abdominis or ""six-pack"" muscles.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
329,Prison Push-Up,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
330,McGill Modified Curl-Up,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
331,Cross-body toe-touch,"The cross-body toe-touch is a version of the toe-touch stretch where instead of both hands reaching down toward both feet, one hand at a time reaches for the opposing foot. It's a common component in dynamic warm-ups for training or sports, but can also be performed for simple flexibility work anytime.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
332,Toy soldier,"The toy soldier is a calisthenics exercise targeting the hip flexors and legs, which are kicked up one at a time. When each leg is at the top of the kick, the opposing hand touches that foot. It's a common warm-up exercise before athletics, but can also help raise core temperature and mobilize a wide range of muscles and joints prior to training.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
333,Natural Glute Ham Raise with Stability Ball,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
334,Lateral ape,"The lateral ape is an exercise focused on the lower body that involves staying in a low squat position as you hop laterally. It can be performed as part of a dynamic warm-up, to improve hip mobility, or as part of a fat-loss or athleticism-focused circuit workout.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
335,Hollow-body knee tuck,"The hollow-body knee tuck is a bodyweight abdominal exercise performed on the floor. It is similar to both the hollow-body hold and the knee tuck or reverse crunch, combining elements of both. It primarily targets the muscles of the rectus abdominis, or “six-pack” muscles. It can be performed for reps or time, either as part of an ab-focused workout or as a component of a circuit workout.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
336,HM Air Jumping Rope,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
337,HM Alternating Lunge Reach,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
338,HM Alternating Side Plank Reach,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
339,HM Superman Plank,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
340,HM Table Pose,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
341,HM Toe Touch,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
342,HM Right Side Bird-Dog,,Stretching,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
343,HM Right Side Crunch,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
344,HM Bicycle,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
345,HM Bird-Dog Plank,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
346,HM Boat Pose,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
347,HM Bottoms Up,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
348,HM Bridge,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
349,HM Running Man Crunch,,Cardio,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
350,HM Seated Twist,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
351,HM Side-Bend Pose,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
352,HM Side-Plank Arm Wrap,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
353,HM Side-Plank with Hip Touch,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
354,HM Side-Plank with Kick,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
355,HM Side V-Up,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
356,HM Crab Crunch,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
357,HM Cross-Over Crunch,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
358,HM Crunch Pulse,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
359,HM Dead Bug,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
360,HM Single-Leg Inchworm,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
361,HM Floor Jack,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
362,HM Floor Wiper,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
363,HM Floor Kick,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
364,HM Sit-Up,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
365,HM Slow Mountain Climber,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
366,HM Slow Sit-Up,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
367,HM Half-Up,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
368,HM Hollow-Body Pulse,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
369,HM Hollow Hold,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
370,HM Inchworm,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
371,HM Right Side Hollow Hold with Pulse,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
372,HM Reverse Crunch with Frisbee,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
373,HM Left Side Bird-Dog,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
374,HM Left Side Crunch,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
375,HM Left Side Hollow Hold With Pulse,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
376,HM Reverse Crunch,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
377,HM Low Lunge With External Twist And Arm Reach,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
378,HM Mountain Climber,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
379,HM Prison Sit-Up,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
380,HM Plank Alternating Hip-Dip,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
381,HM Tuck-Up Get-Up,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
382,HM Flutter Kick,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
383,HM Plank,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
384,McGill Pull-Up,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
385,AM Leg Lift,"The captain's chair leg raise is an exercise that targets the abs and hip flexors. It involves an apparatus that allows the forearms to rest on pads and the upright torso to hang freely. Unlike the Captain’s chair knee raise, the legs are straight here.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
386,AM Decline Abs,"The decline sit-up is a core exercise that works the iliopsoas, quads, hip flexors, and adductors. The rectus abdominis and obliques are the stabilizers in this movement.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
387,Hanging crunch,"The hanging crunch an abdominal exercise that targets the rectus abdominis or ""six-pack"" muscles. It can be performed hanging from a bar, on a dip station or parallel bars, or if grip strength is a limitation, by placing the elbows in ab straps. If hanging from a straight bar is uncomfortable to the wrists or shoulders, you can also perform them hanging with a neutral grip (palms facing one another). It is similar to a hanging knee raise, but with more spinal curling and a more pronounced ""crunch"" at the top.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
388,Tyler Holt Hanging Toes-To-Bar,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
389,Side plank,"The side plank is a popular isometric abdominal exercise focusing on the oblique muscles, as well as the transversus abdominis or deep core muscles. It is sometimes paired with the curl up and bird dog as the “McGill big three” for core strength and stability. It is performed for time and can work in a warm-up or in the core-focused portion of any workout.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
390,Bird dog-,"The bird dog is a core exercise designed to help strengthen and stabilize the posterior chain. It involves lifting an opposite-side arm and leg while in a bent-leg tabletop position. It is most commonly performed as part of a dynamic warm-up, or for mobility and muscle activation anytime.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
391,Single-leg curl up,"The single-leg curl up is a bodyweight abdominal movement that teaches and reinforces abdominal “bracing” for strength training. It is usually performed along with variations of the bird dog and side plank as the “McGill big three.” The curl up can be performed for time or for reps, with or without pauses at the top position, as part of a warm-up or the core-focused component of any workout.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
392,Single-kettlebell windmill,"The single-kettlebell windmill is a dynamic kettlebell exercise emphasizing core strength and shoulder and hip mobility and stability. It is often used as a functional warm-up or for multi-directional strength work. It doesn't work as well in a metcon or conditioning setting, and shouldn't be performed under intense fatigue.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
393,UNS Foam Roll Thigh,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
394,UNS Inverted row,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
395,UNS T-spine rotation with reach,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
396,UNS Quadruped thoracic rotation,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
397,UNS Pec stretch,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
398,UNS Lat stretch,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
399,UNS Foam Roll,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
400,UNS Foam Roll Lats,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
401,UNS Rocking Adductor Stretch,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
402,UNS Bird Dog,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
403,UNS Jumping Jack,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
404,Ab wheel roll-out,The ab wheel roll-out is an exercise targeting the abdominals using an inexpensive wheel device with a handle on either side. Many trainers and strength coaches claim it's one of the best exercises for developing strength in the midsection. Beginners may have to start with a limited range of motion or just wheel planks.,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
405,Bench mountain climber,"The bench mountain climber is a bodyweight exercise that works the core, shoulders, and lower body while burning a lot of calories. Placing the hands on an elevated surface such as a bench decreases the challenge to the shoulders, allowing lifters to focus their work on the other body parts. Mountain climber variations are usually performed at a fast pace for moderate to high reps, such as 8-12 reps per leg or more.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
406,Feet-elevated bench side plank,"The feet-elevated bench side plank is an advanced version of the side plank performed with the feet elevated on a bench. It targets the same muscles as the side plank, including the obliques, shoulders, and lateral hips, but the body angle makes it more difficult than side planks on the floor. Most lifters will need to progress to this version after mastering the basic side plank first.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
407,Cross-body sit-up,"The cross-body sit-up is a bodyweight exercise targeting the ab muscles, the obliques and rectus abdominis or ""six-pack"" muscles in particular. It involves bringing the opposite-side knee and elbow together, usually alternating sides with each rep. It can be performed for time or reps as part of the ab-focused portion of any workout.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
408,Decline kayak,"The decline kayak is a core exercise targeting the obliques. It involves making a paddling motion on a decline bench with the feet anchored, using a bar or pipe for weight. It is usually performed for moderate to high reps, at least 8-12 reps per side, as part of the ab-focused portion of a workout or circuit.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
409,30 Decline Reverse Crunch,The decline reverse crunch is a core exercise targeting the lower abdominals.,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
410,Decline sit-up twist,"The decline sit-up twist is a bodyweight core exercise that targets the obliques, as well as the rectus abdominis or ""six pack"" muscles. Sit-up variations are usually performed for moderate to high reps, such as 10-15 reps per set or more, as part of the core-focused portion of a workout.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
411,30 Flat Bench Leg Raise,"The lying leg lift is a popular bodyweight exercise targeting the muscles of the abs, the rectus abdominis or “six-pack” muscles in particular. It can be performed for time or reps in the core-focused portion of any workout.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
412,30 Flutter Kick,"The flutter kick is a core exercise where the legs are held off the ground as you flutter your feet over and under each other in small motions. It targets multiple muscles of the core, but particularly the rectus abdominis or ""six-pack"" muscles. It can be performed for time or reps in the ab-focused portion of any workout.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
413,Chin-up crunch,The chin-up crunch is an exercise targeting the core and overall upper-body strength. It combines a chin-up with a knee raise or crunch to give extra emphasis to the core.,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
414,30 Gorilla Chin Oblique Crunch,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
415,Half Turkish get-up,"The half Turkish get-up is a kettlebell movement that focuses on the first portion of the Turkish get-up exercise. It is often taught as a precursor to the full Turkish get-up, but is also a valuable abdominal and shoulder exercise in its own right. It can be performed for reps or time, either in lower rep ranges for strength or higher rep ranges for technique practice or conditioning.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
416,30 Hanging Oblique Crunch,"The hanging oblique crunch an abdominal exercise that targets both the rectus abdominus or “six-pack” muscles, and the oblique muscles. It can be performed hanging from a bar, or if grip strength is a limitation, by placing the elbows in ab straps. If hanging from a straight bar is uncomfortable to the wrists or shoulder, you can also perform them hanging with a neutral grip (palms facing one another)",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
417,30 Hollow-Body Hold,"The hollow-body hold is an isometric exercise that increases strength and stability in the core muscles. It is common in gymnastics training, CrossFit training, and as a core tension and bracing drill for lifters and athletes of all types. It is performed for time and can be performed as an activation drill prior to lifting, as part of a circuit, or as equipment-free core training anytime.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
418,Parallel bars knee raise,"The parallel bars knee raise is a bodyweight exercise that targets the abs. It is performed on parallel bars, starting in the top position of a dip. Knee raises are often performed for moderate to high reps, such as 8-12 reps or more, as part of ab-focused training.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
419,30 Landmine Twist,"The landmine twist is a rotational abdominal movement performed utilizing an angled barbell anchored at floor level in a landmine device. It can also be performed by sticking a barbell in the corner of a room, preferably in a towel to protect the walls. It targets the deep muscles of the core, including both the obliques and the transversus abdominus. It can be done fast or slow, for time or reps, either in traditional muscle-focused rep ranges such as 8-12 reps per side.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
420,Parallel bars leg raise,"The parallel bars leg raise is a bodyweight exercise that targets the abs. It is performed on parallel bars, starting in the top position of a dip. Leg raises are often performed for moderate to high reps, such as 8-12 reps or more, as part of ab-focused training. However, this difficult variation may require some time to build up to those rep ranges.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
421,Otis-up-,"The Otis-up is a weighted exercise focusing on the abdominal muscles and the shoulders to a lesser degree. It primarily targets the rectus abdominis or ""six-pack"" muscles, but also involves the obliques and deep core muscles. It is normally performed on a decline bench holding a weight plate, but can also be performed with a dumbbell, kettlebell, or other weight.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
422,30 Shoulder Tap,"The shoulder tap is an exercise targeting the abdominals and core. The basic stance matches the top of a push-up position. From there, one hand is raised to tap its opposing shoulder. A tap with each hand to each opposing shoulder equals one rep.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
423,30 Spider Crawl,"The spider crawl is a bodyweight exercise that involves crawling on the floor with the knees outside of the elbows. It is different from a leopard crawl in that the hips are higher, and it's different from a bear crawl because the knees are wider. It can be done as a full-body warm-up, in short bursts for power or circuit training, or for longer durations as cardiovascular conditioning.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
424,Spider crunch,"The spider crunch is a core exercise that begins in a straight-arm plank position and involves raising one knee toward your same-side elbow to target the obliques. It is similar to a mountain climber, but with the knees out wider. It can be performed for time or reps as bodyweight ab training or conditioning.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
425,Toe-touch,"The toe-touch is a bodyweight movement that targets the muscles of the abs, the rectus abdominis or ""six-pack"" muscles in particular. It can be performed for time or reps in the ab-focused portion of any workout.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
426,30 Hanging Toes-To-Bar,"The hanging toes-to-bar is an advanced abdominal exercise in which the lifter touches their feet to a pull-up bar. There are many ways to perform this movement: strict or swinging, arms completely straight or slightly bent, legs straight or bent, each providing unique benefits and challenges. Initially, it may be a difficult move to do for a single rep, but once you build the requisite core, lat, and shoulder strength, it can be performed for higher reps.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
427,30 V-Up,"The V-up is a bodyweight movement that targets the muscles of the abs, the rectus abdominis or ""six-pack"" muscles in particular. It is similar to a suitcase crunch, but the lower back lifts off the ground at the top of each rep. It can be performed for time or reps in the ab-focused portion of any workout.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
428,Cocoon crunch,"The cocoon crunch is a bodyweight exercise targeting the ab muscles, the rectus abdominis or ""six-pack"" muscles in particular. It involves bringing your knees to your chest and your arms from overhead to center. It can be performed for time or reps as part of the ab-focused portion of any workout.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
429,Bench oblique crunch,"The bench oblique crunch is an exercise that targets the obliques, the muscles running alongside the rectus abdominis. The range of motion is fairly small, but it still does a great job of working these hard-to-isolate muscles. Like most crunch variations, it is usually performed for moderate to high reps, such as 8-12 reps per set or more.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
430,Full moon-,"The full moon is a bodyweight exercise targeting the muscles of the abs. It is similar to a V-up, but with the added challenge of “drawing” a circle shape in the air during each rep. It can be performed for time or reps in the core-focused portion of any workout.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
431,Push-up to side plank,"The push-up to side plank is an upper-body and core-focused exercise combining two popular bodyweight movements. It targets the chest, triceps, and shoulders with the push-up, and the obliques and hip external rotator muscles with the side plank. It can be performed as part of a dynamic warm-up or any bodyweight strength-training workout.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
432,Tyler Holt V-Up,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
433,Tyler Holt Plank,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
434,Tyler Holt Hip-Dip,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
435,Suicides,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
436,Holman Towel Straight Plank Jack,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
437,Holman Towel Hill Climber,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
438,Holman Towel Elbow Plank Jack,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
439,Holman Towel Elbow Plank Pike,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
440,Holman Towel Straight Plank Hand Reach,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
441,Holman Towel Wax-On Wax-Off,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
442,Holman Towel Wide Hill Climber,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
443,Holman Towel Dirty Dog,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
444,Holman Straight Plank Shoulder Tap,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
445,Holman Killer Abs,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
446,Holman Straight Plank Split Jack,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
447,Holman Elbow Plank Swim,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
448,Holman Elbow Plank Saw,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
449,Holman Feet-Elevated Straight Plank Toe-Tap Series,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
450,Holman Elbow Plank Pike Pull,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
451,Holman Hand-Elevated Walk-Over Push-Up,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
452,Holman Hands-Elevated Hill Climber,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
453,Holman Seated Pike,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
454,Holman Feet-Elevated Up-Down Plank,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
455,Holman Feet-Elevated Hand Tap,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
456,Holman Reverse Straight Plank with Alternating Heel Pull-In,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
457,Holman Elbow Plank,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
458,Holman Straight Plank Squat Thrust,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
459,Holman Alternating Single-Leg Pike,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
460,Holman Knee Pull-In Crunch,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
461,Holman Straight Plank with Hand Tap,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
462,Holman Straight Plank with Dirty Dog,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
463,Holman Elbow Plank Roll,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
464,Holman Froggy Push-Up,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
465,Holman Straight Plank Hand Tap to Shoulder Tap,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
466,Holman In-Out Straight Plank,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
467,Holman Bicycle,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
468,Holman Alternating Diagonal Knee Pull-in,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
469,Holman Elbow Plank with Step-Out,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
470,Holman Alternating Slow L-Raise,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
471,Holman Feet-Elevated Plank with Shoulder Tap,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
472,Holman Feet-Elevated Inchworm Pike to Straight Plank Push-Up,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
473,Holman Feet-Elevated Up-Down Elbow Plank,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
474,Holman Feet-Elevated Plank Pike Pull,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
475,Holman Feet-Elevated Alternating Single-Leg Hip Raise,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
476,Holman Feet-Elevated Plank Pike Pull to Push-Up,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
477,Holman Standing Heel Click,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
478,Holman Straight Plank Right-Left Jack to Split Jack,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
479,Holman Elbow Plank Jack to Ninja Knees,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
480,Holman Right Side Elbow Plank with Left Leg Swing,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
481,Holman Left Side Elbow Plank with Right Leg Swing,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
482,Holman Straight Plank with Alternating Diagonal Sit-Back,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
483,Holman Boat Press with Leg Extension,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
484,Holman Shoulder Tap to Dirty Dog,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
485,Holman Standing Russian Twist,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
486,Holman Hovering Plank with Shoulder Tap,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
487,Holman Elbow Plank to Stacked Plank Hip Drop,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
488,Holman Elbow Plank to Walk-Up Pike,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
489,Holman Hill Climber,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
490,Holman Straight Plank Pike to Renegade Row,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
491,Holman Alternating Hip Drop to Push-Up,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
492,Holman Crab Kick,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
493,Holman Wounded Bear Crawl,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
494,Holman Alternating Crab Reach,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
495,Holman Hovering Panther Core Stabilizer,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
496,Holman Burpee to Forward Lunge,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
497,Holman Seated Knee Pull-In Series,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
498,Holman Elbow Plank Pike,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
499,Holman Elbow Plank Jack to Straight Plank Split Jack,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
500,Holman Boat Pull-Over,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
501,Holman Squat Pulse to Plyometric Jump,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
502,Holman Hands Down Heel Click,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
503,Holman Straight Plank to Kick-Up,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
504,Holman Hands-Elevated Split Jack,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
505,Holman Feet-Elevated Plank Reach,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
506,Holman Hand-Elevated Side Plank Semicircle,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
507,Holman Hands-Elevated Straight Plank Pike,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
508,Holman Alternating Rolling Elbow Plank,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
509,Holman Elbow Plank Jack,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
510,Holman Squat Thrust to Alternating Knee-In,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
511,Holman Supine Double Pike,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
512,Holman Elbow Plank Alternating Pike,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
513,Holman Seated Killer Abs,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
514,Holman Side Plank Hip Drop,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
515,Holman Wide Hill Climber,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
516,Holman Straight-Legged Bicycle,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
517,Holman Stair Toe Tap,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
518,Holman Elbow Plank Ninja,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
519,Holman Traveling Stair Climb Push-Up,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
520,Holman Hands-Elevated Burpee,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
521,Holman Straight Plank Donkey Kick,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
522,Holman Feet-Elevated Straight Plank Pike Pull,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
523,Holman Towel Burpee,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
524,Holman Elbow Plank to Alternating Side Plank Crunch,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
525,Holman Straight-Legged Hip Raise,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
526,Holman Feet-Elevated Hill Climber,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
527,Holman Ninja Knee Hill Climber,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
528,Holman Feet-Elevated Shoulder Tap,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
529,Holman Feet-Elevated Hip Raise,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
530,Holman Left Hand Right Foot Crab Reach,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
531,Holman Alternating Crab Flip to Froggy Push-Up to Kicks,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
532,Holman Right Hand Left Foot Sleeping Crab,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
533,Holman Left Hand Right Foot Sleeping Crab,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
534,Holman Straight Plank with Alternating Leg Kick-Under,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
535,Holman Right Hip Drop Push-Up,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
536,Holman Right Side Diagonal Burpee,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
537,Holman Left Hip Drop Push-Up,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
538,Holman Right Leg 7-Up Crunch,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
539,Holman Left Leg 7-Up Crunch,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
540,Holman Straight Plank Jack,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
541,Holman Feet-Elevated Couch Hill Climber,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
542,Holman Feet-Elevated Right Side Plank,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
543,Holman Alternating Up-Down Plank to Push-Up,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
544,Holman Straight Plank Pike,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
545,Holman Ninja Knee Straight Plank,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
546,Holman Reverse Crunch to Hip Raise,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
547,Holman Straight Plank Quick Reach,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
548,Holman Alternating Diagonal Straight Plank,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
549,Holman Feet-Elevated Left Side Plank,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
550,Holman Right Hand Left Foot Crab Reach,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
551,Holman Low-Impact Crab Kick,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
552,Holman Alternating Crab Flip to Froggy Push-Up,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
553,Holman High-Impact Crab Kick,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
554,Holman Single-Leg Right Pike,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
555,Holman Single-Leg Left Pike,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
556,Holman Shoulder Tap to Hand Tap,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
557,Holman Towel Reverse Plank Jack,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
558,Holman Side-to-Side Twist,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
559,Holman Crab Kick with Hop,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
560,Holman Crab Reach to Crab Kick,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
561,Holman Wide Squat Side-to-Side Obliques,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
562,Holman Side Plank Crunch,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
563,Total Fitness Ab Tuck,"The hollow-body knee tuck is a bodyweight abdominal exercise performed on the floor. It is similar to both the hollow-body hold and the knee tuck or reverse crunch, combining elements of both. It primarily targets the muscles of the rectus abdominis, or “six-pack” muscles. It can be performed for reps or time, either as part of an ab-focused workout or as a component of a circuit workout.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
564,Active hang from bar,"The active hang from bar is a static exercise that involves isometrically squeezing the shoulders into the sockets and activating the muscles of the upper back and core. It can be used to improve pull-up form or to do more pull-ups, but also has postural and shoulder health benefits.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
565,Cat-cow,Cat-cow is a traditional yoga pose that is also popular in fitness and strength training. It targets spinal mobility and control of the vertebral column. It can be performed for time or reps as part of a dynamic warm-up or as a mobility or restorative exercise anytime. It can also work as part of a yoga or bodyweight sequence with other poses.,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
566,Crab walk,"The crab walk is a full-body exercise that has been popular in schools and gym classes for decades. It's a full-body coordination challenge that also burns serious calories, making it an excellent inclusion in a full-body warm-up or bodyweight circuit workout.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
567,Lunge with overhead reach,The lunge with overhead reach is a full-body bodyweight movement targeting the quads and shoulders. It has both strength and mobility benefits and can be performed one leg at a time or alternating for time or for reps.,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
568,Hang from bar,"The hang from bar is a static exercise that involves hanging from a bar by two hands. It can either be an ""active hang,"" where you pack the shoulders and activate the muscles of the upper back, or a ""passive hang,"" where you let the shoulders unpack and let the muscles of the upper body stretch. A passive hang may not be appropriate for all people depending on their shoulder health, but many coaches believe hanging can be healthy for the shoulders when done properly.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
569,Total Fitness Hollow Hold,"The hollow-body hold is an isometric exercise that increases strength and stability in the core muscles. It is common in gymnastics training, CrossFit training, and as a core tension and bracing drill for lifters and athletes of all types. It is performed for time and can be performed as an activation drill prior to lifting, as part of a circuit, or as equipment-free core training anytime.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
570,Total Fitness Side Plank,"The side plank is a popular isometric abdominal exercise focusing on the oblique muscles, as well as the transversus abdominis or deep core muscles. It is sometimes paired with the curl up and bird dog as the “McGill big three” for core strength and stability. It is performed for time and can work in a warm-up or in the core-focused portion of any workout.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
571,Side plank pulse,"The side plank pulse is a dynamic version of the side plank exercise focusing on the oblique muscles, as well as the transversus abdominis or deep core muscles. It can be performed for time or reps and can work in a warm-up or in the core-focused portion of any workout.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
572,Total Fitness Spider Crawl (Unweighted),"The spider crawl is a bodyweight exercise that involves crawling on the floor with the knees outside of the elbows. It is different from a leopard crawl in that the hips are higher, and it's different from a bear crawl because the knees are wider. It can be done as a full-body warm-up, in short bursts for power or circuit training, or for longer durations as cardiovascular conditioning.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
573,Total Fitness V-Up,"The V-up is a bodyweight movement that targets the muscles of the abs, the rectus abdominis or ""six-pack"" muscles in particular. It is similar to a suitcase crunch, but the lower back lifts off the ground at the top of each rep. It can be performed for time or reps in the ab-focused portion of any workout.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
574,MetaBurn Alternating Knee-to-Elbow Mountain Climber,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
575,Alternating sit-through with crunch-,"The alternating sit-through with crunch is a full-body movement that starts in a bear crawl position and ends with a leg kicked out to the side. In between reps, you perform a crunch. It is commonly performed for reps or time in bodyweight circuits and animal-style flows, but can also work on its own or as part of a dynamic warm-up or mobility sequence.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
576,MetaBurn Alternating Toe-Touch,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
577,MetaBurn Janda Sit-Up,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
578,MetaBurn Oblique Roll Crunch,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
579,MetaBurn Plank Jack,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
580,MetaBurn Plank To Alternating Side Plank,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
581,MetaBurn Plank Up-Down,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
582,MetaBurn Plank Wiper,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
583,MetaBurn Plank With Alternating Toe-Touch,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
584,MetaBurn Plyo Push-Up,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
585,MetaBurn Psycho Crunch,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
586,MetaBurn Scapular Retraction Plank,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
587,MetaBurn Scapular Retraction Plank Hold,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
588,MetaBurn Scorpion,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
589,MetaBurn Side Crawler,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
590,MetaBurn Side Plank Oblique Crunch,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
591,MetaBurn Sit-Through,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
592,MetaBurn Sit-Up To V-Up,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
593,MetaBurn Sit-Up With Rotation,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
594,MetaBurn Split-Leg Crunch,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
595,MetaBurn Tabletop Hip Thrust,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
596,MetaBurn Tabletop With Russian Kick,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
597,MetaBurn Toe Driver Abs,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
598,MetaBurn-V-Up,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
599,X-body V-up,"The X-body V-up is a bodyweight abdominal exercise performed on the floor. It is similar to the popular V-up exercise, but is performed with the arms and legs out wide in an X-shape. It primarily targets the muscles of the rectus abdominis, or “six-pack” muscles. It can be performed for reps or time, either as part of an ab-focused workout or as a component of a circuit workout.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
600,MetaBurn Swivel Crunch,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
601,Robertson Core-Engaged Dead Bug,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
602,FYR2 Double-Under,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
603,FYR2 Fire Feet with Burpee Tuck Jump Drill,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
604,FYR2 Flutter Kick,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
605,FYR2 Half-Moon,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
606,FYR2 Leopard Crawl,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
607,FYR2 Plank Alternating Front Step,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
608,FYR2 Shoulder Tap,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
609,Hand shift plank,The hand shift plank is a progression of the straight-arm plank exercise where you maintain a plank position as you shift your hands side to side. The additional movement forces the core muscles to work harder to stabilize.,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
610,Cross-body plank march,"The cross-body plank march is an exercise targeting the entire core but especially the obliques. It’s more difficult than a standard plank, with the extra stabilization challenge of bringing one knee at a time off the ground toward the opposing elbow. This will increase the challenge to the core and shoulder muscles, but also present a coordination and balance challenge.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
611,Bent-knee Copenhagen hip adduction,"The bent-knee Copenhagen hip adduction is an advanced exercise that combines the isometric stabilization of the Copenhagen plank with dynamic adductions to challenge the core stabilizers and adductors. This exercise targets the same muscles as the side plank, including the obliques, shoulders, and lateral hips, but places extra emphasis on the adductors and is more difficult than side planks on the floor. Most lifters will need to progress to this version after mastering the basic side plank or Copenhagen plank first.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
612,Copenhagen plank,"The Copenhagen plank is an advanced version of the side plank performed with one foot on a bench and the other foot hovering under it. This exercise targets the same muscles as the side plank, including the obliques, shoulders, and lateral hips, but places extra emphasis on the adductors and is more difficult than side planks on the floor. Most lifters will need to progress to this version after mastering the basic side plank or feet-elevated side plank first.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
613,ACFT Hanging leg tuck,"The hanging leg tuck is an exercise targeting the entire body, including the arms, upper back, abs, and hip flexors. This specific exercise is part of the new Army Combat Fitness Test or ACFT. It is performe while hanging from a bar and combines elements of a pull-up with a leg raise. Experienced lifters make these look easy, but beginners may need time to build up to sets of 8-12 reps.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
614,Alternating hanging knee raise,"The alternating hanging knee raise is an exercise targeting the abs, but which also works the lats and hip flexors. Rather than performing both legs at a time, you lift one knee at a time and alternate with each rep as if marching in place. Knee raises are often performed for moderate to high reps, such as 8-12 reps or more, as part of ab-focused training.",Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
615,Plank To Sphinx,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
616,Twisting Mountain Climbers,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
617,Jack Knives,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
618,Hanging Leg Raises,,Strength,Abdominals,Body Only,Intermediate,,
619,Dumbbell suitcase crunch,"The dumbbell suitcase crunch is a weighted version of a popular abdominal training exercise. The simple addition of a weight makes the suitcase crunch far more difficult, helping build the ""six pack"" muscles and providing a different stimulus to the core during training.",Strength,Abdominals,Medicine Ball,Intermediate,9.0,Average
620,Medicine ball rotational throw,"The medicine ball rotational throw is an explosive exercise targeting the abdominals, including the obliques, as well as the hips and upper back. It involves standing sideways to the wall and twisting the torso to hurl a medicine ball into the wall, then catching the ball on the ricochet. It can be performed for lower reps with a focus on power, or for higher reps with a focus on fat loss and conditioning.",Strength,Abdominals,Medicine Ball,Intermediate,0.0,Average
621,Hollow-hold ball toss,"The hollow-hold ball toss is a more difficult version of the hollow-body hold exercise. It involves tossing a ball to a partner while maintaining an isometric hold in the hollow-body position. It can be done for reps or time in any ab-focused workout, or in an ""I go, you go"" format.",Strength,Abdominals,Medicine Ball,Intermediate,0.0,
622,Partner front Russian twist and pass,"The partner front Russian twist and pass is a weighted version of a popular abdominal training exercise that also utilizes a training partner to add another dynamic component. It targets the oblique muscles, as well as the deep muscles of the core and the rectus abdominis or ""six pack"" muscles. It can be done for reps or time in an ab-focused portion of any workout.",Strength,Abdominals,Medicine Ball,Beginner,0.0,Average
623,Sit-up with single-arm overhand throw,"The sit-up with single-arm overhand throw is an exercise targeting the core muscles, but the inclusion of the throw also brings in other upper-body muscles. When you come to the top of the sit-up position, you throw a medicine ball using one arm to a partner who then throws it right back to you to be caught with both hands. It can be performed for time or reps as part of the ab-focused portion of any workout.",Plyometrics,Abdominals,Medicine Ball,Intermediate,0.0,
624,Medicine ball partner twist,"The medicine ball partner twist is a plyometrics exercise targeting the core muscles, particularly the obliques. You and a partner stand back to back and rotate in unison to pass a medicine ball back and forth on alternating sides.",Plyometrics,Abdominals,Medicine Ball,Intermediate,0.0,
625,Partner side Russian twist and pass,"The partner side Russian twist and pass is a weighted version of a popular abdominal training exercise that also utilizes a training partner to add another dynamic component. It primarily targets the oblique muscles, as well as the deep muscles of the core and the rectus abdominis or ""six pack"" muscles. It can be done for reps or time in an ab-focused portion of any workout.",Strength,Abdominals,Medicine Ball,Beginner,0.0,
626,Medicine ball half moon,"The medicine ball half moon is a dynamic core exercise performed around and over a medicine ball or other short, stationary object. It is similar in some ways to a V-up or reverse crunch, and targets both the obliques and the rectus abdominis or ""six-pack"" muscles. It can be performed for reps or for time, usually in dedicated ab training or as part of a medicine ball and bodyweight circuit workout.",Strength,Abdominals,Medicine Ball,Intermediate,,
627,Exercise ball roll-out,"The exercise ball roll-out is an exercise that strengthens the core, shoulders and upper- back muscles. It starts in a plank-style position, with the arms resting on a ball. Then, roll the ball out in front of you as far as you can while maintaining a strong, neutral spinal position. The lack of stability from the ball increases the degree of difficulty. This is a difficult movement, and beginners may need to use a limited range of motion.",Strength,Abdominals,Medicine Ball,Intermediate,,
628,Medicine ball pass,"The medicine ball pass is a simple partner-based exercise that involves throwing a weighted ball back and forth. It can be part of a dynamic warm-up for lifting or athletics, but can also work as active rest or as a component of circuit training.",Strength,Abdominals,Medicine Ball,Intermediate,,
629,Partner medicine ball sit-up,"The partner medicine ball sit-up is a more difficult version of the traditional abdominal exercise. Two partners pass a medicine ball back and forth at the top of each rep, so each one must alternate a weighted rep with an unweighted rep. This technique can be done for reps or time in any ab-focused workout, in an ""I go, you go"" format.",Strength,Abdominals,Medicine Ball,Intermediate,,
630,Medicine ball Russian twist,"The medicine ball Russian twist is a weighted version of a popular abdominal training exercise. It targets the oblique muscles, as well as the deep muscles of the core and the rectus abdominis or ""six pack"" muscles. It can be done for reps or time in the ab-focused portion of any workout.",Strength,Abdominals,Medicine Ball,Intermediate,,
631,30 Medicine Ball Slam,"The medicine ball slam is an explosive exercise for developing power, strength, and speed. Muscles worked include the abdominals, legs, triceps, shoulders, and lats. The slams are usually done in rapid succession to complete one set. It can also be a component of a power or athleticism-focused circuit workout.",Strength,Abdominals,Medicine Ball,Intermediate,,
632,Medicine ball twist,"The medicine ball twist is an exercise targeting the abdominal muscles, particularly the obliques. It is similar in many ways to a Russian twist exercise. The ball is held tight to the chest throughout the movement, and then the torso is rotated from side to side for the desired number of reps or a set amount of time.",Strength,Abdominals,Medicine Ball,Intermediate,,
633,FYR2 Medicine Ball Complex,,Strength,Abdominals,Medicine Ball,Intermediate,,
634,FYR2 Medicine Ball Fire-Feet Drill,,Strength,Abdominals,Medicine Ball,Intermediate,,
635,FYR2 Medicine Ball Knees-to-Chest,,Strength,Abdominals,Medicine Ball,Intermediate,,
636,FYR2 Medicine Ball Mountain Climber,,Strength,Abdominals,Medicine Ball,Intermediate,,
637,Decline oblique crunch,"The decline oblique crunch is a popular bodyweight exercise targeting the obliques and the rectus abdominis or ""six-pack"" muscles. It is usually performed for high reps, such as 10-15 reps per set or more, as part of the ab-focused portion of a workout.",Strength,Abdominals,None,Intermediate,8.5,Average
638,Decline sit-up,"The decline sit-up is a bodyweight core exercise that works the rectus abdominis or ""six pack"" muscles. Sit-up variations are usually performed for moderate to high reps, such as 10-15 reps per set or more, as part of the core-focused portion of a workout.",Strength,Abdominals,None,Intermediate,,
639,Hanging Windshield Wiper,"The hanging windshield wiper is an advanced abdominal training exercise that is also extremely challenging to other muscles of the upper body, including the lats (latissimus dorsi), biceps, and grip. It requires—and builds—great strength in the rectus abdominis or ""six-pack"" muscles, as well as the obliques and deep core muscles. If you can't perform it hanging from a bar, the lying windshield wiper on the floor provides some of the same benefits.",Strength,Abdominals,None,Intermediate,,
640,Exercise Ball Pull-In,The exercise ball knee roll-in is an abdominal exercise that involves supporting yourself with your hands in a plank or push-up position and drawing the knees in toward the chest. This is a fairly advanced abdominal move requiring core strength.,Strength,Abdominals,Exercise Ball,Intermediate,8.9,Average
641,Exercise ball crunch,"The exercise ball crunch is a popular gym exercise targeting the abdominals. Unlike crunches on the floor or a bench, by using a ball you can increase the range of motion and both stretch and contract the abs on every rep. The ball crunch can be performed for low reps with a slower tempo focusing on a hard contraction, or for higher reps.",Strength,Abdominals,Exercise Ball,Intermediate,8.4,Average
642,Feet-elevated crunch,"The feet-elevated crunch is a variation on the basic crunch, a very popular ab move. Resting the feet on a bench takes some of the hip flexor activation out of the movement, focusing the stress more on the abs. It may have a small range of motion, but this movement produces a major burn.",Strength,Abdominals,Exercise Ball,Intermediate,7.3,Average
643,Weighted Ball Side Bend,,Strength,Abdominals,Exercise Ball,Beginner,6.4,Average
644,Swiss Ball Ab Roll-Out,"The exercise ball roll-out is an exercise that strengthens the core, shoulders and upper- back muscles. It starts in a plank-style position, with the arms resting on a ball. Then, you roll the ball out in front of you as far as you can while maintaining a strong, neutral spinal position. The lack of stability from the ball increases the degree of difficulty. This is a difficult movement, and beginners may need to use a limited range of motion.",Strength,Abdominals,Exercise Ball,Intermediate,,
645,Exercise Ball Cable Crunch - Gethin Variation,"The exercise ball crunch is a popular gym exercise targeting the abdominals. Unlike crunches on the floor or a bench, by using a ball, you can increase the range of motion and both stretch and contract the abs on every rep. The ball crunch can be performed for low reps with a slower tempo, focusing on a hard contraction, or for higher reps.",Strength,Abdominals,Cable,Intermediate,,
646,Exercise ball squat and twist,"The exercise ball squat and twist is a combination exercise targeting the quads, but also the obliques because of the twisting motion with each repetition. The exercise ball is held close to the chest throughout. Because it is a lightweight movement, it is usually performed for high reps or for time, and can be a great part of a bodyweight and exercise ball circuit.",Strength,Abdominals,Exercise Ball,Intermediate,,
647,Swiss Ball V-Up With Foot Pass,"The exercise ball V-up is a popular movement to target the abdominal muscles, particularly the rectus abdominis or ""six-pack"" muscles. It involves passing an exercise ball or yoga ball back and forth between the hands and feet while performing V-ups. It can be performed for reps or time as part of any ab-focused workout or bodyweight circuit.",Strength,Abdominals,Exercise Ball,Intermediate,,
648,Exercise ball pike,"The exercise ball pike is a challenging move that targets the core. It involves thrusting the hips into full flexion over a ball, then extending out to a foot-elevated plank with the feet on the ball. It's a challenging move from a strength perspective, but also for balance. It can be the centerpiece of an ab workout or go along with other body weight or ball movements in an ab circuit.",Strength,Abdominals,Exercise Ball,Intermediate,,
649,Exercise ball bird dog,"The exercise ball bird dog is a dynamic movement focusing on the glutes and the postural muscles of the upper back. When performing it, use an exercise ball that is tall enough to support your chest and core, but short enough to allow your hands and knees to reach the ground. It is slightly easier than a bodyweight bird dog and can work as a regression for that movement. It can be done for time or reps as part of a warm-up, paired with movements in a workout, or as a mobility or recovery exercise.",Strength,Abdominals,Exercise Ball,Intermediate,,
650,Exercise ball superman,"The exercise ball superman is a slightly more advanced variation of the bodyweight superman exercise. It targets many muscles along the posterior or backside of the body, including the rear deltoids, trapezius, spinal erectors, glutes, and hamstrings. It can be done for time or reps as part of a warm-up, paired with movements in a workout, or as a mobility or recovery exercise.",Strength,Abdominals,Exercise Ball,Intermediate,,
651,BOSU cross-body crunch,"The BOSU cross-body crunch is a dynamic abdominal exercise performed on a BOSU ball or other stability training device. It targets several of the muscles in the core, including the obliques and the rectus abdominis or ""six-pack"" muscles. It is usually performed in alternating reps, either for time or a number of reps, as part of an ab-focused workout or a circuit involving body weight or the BOSU ball.",Strength,Abdominals,Exercise Ball,Intermediate,,
652,Exercise Ball Knee Tuck - Gethin Varation,The exercise ball knee roll-in is an abdominal exercise that involves supporting yourself with your hands in a plank or push-up position and drawing the knees in toward the chest. This is a fairly advanced abdominal move requiring core strength.,Strength,Abdominals,Exercise Ball,Intermediate,,
653,Alternating Exercise Ball Knee Tucks - Gethin Variation,The exercise ball knee roll-in is an abdominal exercise that involves supporting yourself with your hands in a plank or push-up position and drawing the knees in toward the chest. This is a fairly advanced abdominal move requiring core strength.,Strength,Abdominals,Exercise Ball,Intermediate,,
654,AM Ball Crunch,"The exercise ball crunch is a popular gym exercise targeting the abdominals. Unlike crunches on the floor or a bench, by using a ball, you can increase the range of motion and both stretch and contract the abs on every rep. The ball crunch can be performed for low reps with a slower tempo, focusing on a hard contraction, or for higher reps.",Strength,Abdominals,Exercise Ball,Intermediate,,
655,30 Bosu Cable Reverse Crunch,,Strength,Abdominals,Exercise Ball,Intermediate,,
656,BOSU knee tuck,"The BOSU knee tuck is a dynamic abdominal movement performed on a BOSU ball or other stability training device. It primarily targets the rectus abdominis or ""six-pack"" muscles of the core. It can be performed for time or reps as part of an ab-focused workout or a circuit involving body weight or the BOSU ball.",Strength,Abdominals,Exercise Ball,Intermediate,,
657,30 Side Plank On Ball,"The feet-elevated side plank on ball is a more advanced version of a traditional bodyweight side plank. The feet are balanced on an exercise ball, providing a balance challenge but also increasing the load placed upon the obliques and shoulder muscles. It is usually performed for timed holds, either one side at a time or alternating sides. If a ball is unavailable, some of the benefits of the movement can be obtained by performing side planks with the feet elevated on a couch, chair, bench, or other stable object.",Strength,Abdominals,Exercise Ball,Intermediate,,
658,Hanging exercise ball leg raise,"The hanging exercise ball leg raise is an exercise targeting the abs and hip flexors. Instead of resting the forearms on the pads of an apparatus, it's performed hanging from a bar with an exercise ball held between the legs.",Strength,Abdominals,Exercise Ball,Intermediate,,
659,Taylor Exercise Ball Stir-The-Pot,,Strength,Abdominals,Exercise Ball,Intermediate,,
660,FYR2 Air Ball,,Strength,Abdominals,Exercise Ball,Intermediate,,
661,Feet-elevated plank on ball,"The feet-elevated plank is a variation on the straight-arm plank, a bodyweight standard. The feet are elevated on a ball to align the body parallel to the floor and provide a greater stabilization challenge. This makes it more difficult than straight-arm planks on the floor, but also puts more emphasis on the shoulder muscles. It is often used as a shoulder and core warm-up, or as a burnout movement for a chest or shoulder workout.",Strength,Abdominals,Exercise Ball,Intermediate,,
662,Band Hip Adductions,,Strength,Adductors,Bands,Beginner,8.6,Average
663,Lateral Band Walk,,Strength,Abductors,Bands,Intermediate,0.0,
664,FYR2 Standing Banded Leg Abduction,,Strength,Abductors,Bands,Intermediate,,
665,Iliotibial band SMR,"Iliotibial band self-myofascial release (SMR) is a self-administered soft-tissue treatment for the lower body, usually using a foam roller or other ""trigger point"" massage tool. By applying pressure strategically to the IT band along the side of the upper leg, some people find they can cause this often painful and tight area to relax or ""release."" IT band SMR is often accompanied by SMR on the glute or quad muscles, or by stretches that target the glutes or quads.",Stretching,Abductors,Foam Roll,Intermediate,8.2,Average
666,Adductor SMR,"Adductor self-myofascial release (SMR) is a self-administered soft-tissue treatment for the lower body, usually using a foam roller, lacrosse ball, or other ""trigger point"" massage tool. By applying pressure strategically to the adductor muscles in the inner thigh region, some people find they can cause this often painful and tight muscle to relax or ""release."" Adductor SMR is often accompanied by SMR on the iliotibial (IT) band or glutes (TFL muscles), or by stretches that target the adductors.",Stretching,Adductors,Foam Roll,Beginner,4.0,Average
667,Lying Bent Leg Groin,,Stretching,Adductors,Other,Beginner,2.8,Average
668,Lateral box jump,"The lateral box jump is a plyometric exercise targeting lateral agility and lower-body strength. It's a great move for athletes in many sports, including basketball, skiing, and tennis.",Plyometrics,Adductors,Other,Intermediate,0.0,
669,Thigh adductor,"The thigh adductor machine is a lower-body exercise that targets the muscles of the inner thighs. It is usually performed for moderate to high reps, such as 8-12 reps per set or more, as part of lower-body training.",Strength,Adductors,Machine,Intermediate,9.0,Average
670,Thigh abductor,"The thigh abductor is a lower-body exercise that targets the muscles of the outer hips and glutes. It is usually performed for moderate to high reps, such as 8-12 reps per set or more, as part of lower-body training.",Strength,Abductors,Machine,Intermediate,8.2,Average
671,Standing Hip Circles,,Stretching,Abductors,Body Only,Beginner,8.8,Average
672,Groiners,,Stretching,Adductors,Body Only,Beginner,8.8,Average
673,Fire Hydrant,,Strength,Abductors,Body Only,Beginner,8.0,Average
674,Windmills,,Stretching,Abductors,Body Only,Intermediate,8.0,Average
675,Side Leg Raises,,Stretching,Adductors,Body Only,Beginner,7.7,Average
676,Lateral hop,"The lateral hop is an explosive bodyweight exercise that consists of a two-legged hop to the side. It targets the lower body, including the quads, glutes, and hamstrings. Performed for reps, it also provides a serious cardiovascular challenge. It can be performed for time or reps and is especially effective in a fat-loss or athleticism-focused circuit or workout.",Plyometrics,Adductors,Body Only,Intermediate,7.3,Average
677,Monster Walk,,Strength,Abductors,Body Only,Intermediate,6.7,Average
678,Side Lying Groin Stretch,,Stretching,Adductors,Body Only,Intermediate,3.8,Average
679,IT Band and Glute Stretch,,Stretching,Abductors,Body Only,Intermediate,2.4,Average
680,Single-leg lying cross-over stretch,"The single-leg lying cross-over stretch is a simple bodyweight stretch targeting the lower back, hips, and glutes. It involves rotating a single leg over the body while lying flat on the back. It is commonly included in dynamic warm-ups, but can also be performed as full-body mobility work anytime.",Stretching,Abductors,Body Only,Beginner,1.6,Average
681,Carioca quick step,"The carioca quick step is a lateral bodyweight exercise targeting the adductors but also promoting agility and overall conditioning. It’s a favorite of football players, particularly defensive backs, because it mimics the way they have to track wide receivers downfield. It can also help mobilize the hips for athletes and lifters of all ability levels.",Plyometrics,Adductors,Body Only,Intermediate,0.0,
682,Standing hip circle,"The standing hip circle is a bodyweight exercise targeting the hips and abductor muscles. It is a classic way to ""limber up"" after sitting for a long period or before a lower-body workout or sports. It requires no equipment and can be helpful for everyone from beginners to advanced fitness enthusiasts.",Stretching,Abductors,Body Only,Intermediate,0.0,Average
683,Lateral cone hop,"The lateral cone hop is an agility drill that involves jumping over cones or other short hurdles side to side rather than front to back. It can be performed for reps or for time and can be beneficial for track athletes, basketball players, or any other athletes who need explosive lateral power.",Plyometrics,Adductors,Body Only,Intermediate,0.0,
684,Side-To-Side Adductor Stretch,,Strength,Adductors,Body Only,Intermediate,,
685,Dynamic pigeon stretch,"The dynamic pigeon stretch is a lower-body stretch targeting the glutes, hips, and piriformis. It is influenced by the pigeon pose from yoga, but involves moving in and out of the pose. It can be part of a dynamic warm-up or mobility work performed anytime.",Strength,Abductors,Body Only,Intermediate,,
686,Cross-over jack,"The cross-over jack is a variation on the jumping jack, a popular calisthenics exercise used to improve overall conditioning. The difference between the jumping jack and the cross-over jack is that with the latter, the feet don't just come together each rep, they cross over each other. It's a great way to add variety to your warm-up or conditioning work.",Strength,Abductors,Body Only,Intermediate,,
687,Traveling thigh killa,"The traveling thigh killa is a challenging lower-body bodyweight exercise that builds muscular endurance with a series of hops forward and backward, as well as bodyweight squats. It can be performed for time or reps, usually in a circuit workout or as a lower-body finisher.",Strength,Abductors,Body Only,Intermediate,,
688,FYR Thigh Killa,"The thigh killa is a challenging lower-body bodyweight exercise that builds muscular endurance with a series of hops and bodyweight squats. It can be performed for time or reps, usually in a circuit workout or as a lower-body finisher.",Strength,Abductors,Body Only,Intermediate,,
689,HM Straddle Stretch,,Stretching,Abductors,Body Only,Intermediate,,
690,HM Right Leg Swing,,Stretching,Abductors,Body Only,Intermediate,,
691,HM Right Side-Kick,,Stretching,Abductors,Body Only,Intermediate,,
692,HM Frog Stretch,,Strength,Abductors,Body Only,Intermediate,,
693,HM Kick-Out,,Strength,Abductors,Body Only,Intermediate,,
694,HM Left Leg Swing,,Strength,Adductors,Body Only,Intermediate,,
695,UNS Foam Roll Adductor,,Strength,Adductors,Body Only,Intermediate,,
696,MetaBurn Groiner,,Strength,Abductors,Body Only,Intermediate,,
697,Side-lying leg adduction scissor,"The side-lying leg adduction scissor is a dynamic core exercise that combines the isometric hold of a side-lying leg lift with leg adductions to further challenge the core and adductors. It targets multiple muscles of the core, primarily the rectus abdominis or ""six-pack"" muscles. It can be performed for time or reps in the ab-focused portion of any workout.",Strength,Adductors,Body Only,Intermediate,,
698,Groin and Back Stretch,,Stretching,Adductors,None,Beginner,7.1,Average
700,Incline dumbbell biceps curl,"The incline dumbbell biceps curl is an exercise targeting the biceps and performed face up on an incline bench. This creates a vertical arm angle, which helps to isolate the biceps and limit involvement of the shoulder muscles. This curl variation is usually performed for moderate to high reps, such as 8-12 reps per set or more, as part of upper-body or arm-focused training.",Strength,Biceps,Bands,Intermediate,,
701,Banded biceps curl in squat position,"The banded biceps curl in squat position is an exercise targeting the biceps, although it also works the core and lower body.",Strength,Biceps,Bands,Intermediate,,
702,Banded Hammer Press - Gethin Variation,The machine chest press is an upper body exercise targeting the pectoral muscles.,Strength,Biceps,Bands,Intermediate,,
703,Band standing concentration curl,"The band standing concentration curl is a variation of a popular biceps-focused exercise utilizing a band instead of a dumbbell. It allows you to focus on one biceps at a time and really squeeze out intense peak contractions. Band concentration curls are usually performed for moderate to high reps, such as 8-12 reps per set or more, as part of an upper-body or arm-focused workout.",Strength,Biceps,Bands,Intermediate,,
704,Brachialis SMR,"Brachialis self-myofascial release (SMR) is a self-administered soft-tissue treatment for the upper body, usually using a foam roller, lacrosse ball, or other ""trigger point"" massage tool. By applying pressure strategically to the biceps or brachialis muscles of the upper arm, some people find they can cause this often painful and tight muscle to relax or ""release."" Brachialis SMR is often accompanied by SMR on the triceps muscles or pectorals, or by stretches that target the biceps or pecs.",Stretching,Biceps,Foam Roll,Beginner,3.2,Average
705,Wide-grip barbell curl,"The wide-grip barbell curl is a variation of the classic barbell curl with the grip wider than shoulder width. It is thought that this helps build the inner or ""short"" head of the biceps muscles. This movement is usually performed for moderate to high reps, such as 8-12 reps per set.",Strength,Biceps,Barbell,Beginner,9.3,Average
706,EZ-bar spider curl,"The EZ-bar spider curl is an exercise targeting the biceps and performed face down on either an incline bench or on the flat side of a preacher bench. The EZ-bar makes for a more comfortable wrist position, while the angle helps to isolate the biceps and limit involvement of the shoulder muscles. This curl variation is usually performed for moderate to high reps, such as 8-12 reps per set or more, as part of upper-body or arm-focused training.",Strength,Biceps,Barbell,Intermediate,9.2,Average
707,Barbell Curl,"The barbell curl is an arm exercise that is also one of the most recognizable movements in all of bodybuilding and fitness. It helps build sleeve-popping biceps and allows heavier loading than many other curl variations. It is usually performed in moderate to high reps, such as 8-12 reps per set, as part of the arm-focused portion of any workout.",Strength,Biceps,Barbell,Intermediate,9.0,Average
708,Close-grip EZ-bar curl,"The close-grip EZ-bar curl is an exercise targeting the biceps, particularly the long head. The main difference between this exercise and standard EZ-bar curls is that the hands are positioned closer together on the bar. It is thought that this helps build the outer biceps head and the peak. This curl variation is usually performed for moderate to high reps, such as 8-12 reps per set.",Strength,Biceps,Barbell,Beginner,8.9,Average
709,Preacher Curl,"The EZ-bar preacher curl is a classic exercise for building bigger biceps. This move is all about isolation. With the back of the upper arms against the pad, it’s next to impossible to cheat. Go light, get a great pump, and build that peak!",Strength,Biceps,Barbell,Intermediate,8.8,Average
710,Barbell Curls Lying Against An Incline,,Strength,Biceps,Barbell,Beginner,8.8,Average
711,Seated Close-Grip Concentration Barbell Curl,,Strength,Biceps,Barbell,Beginner,8.8,Average
712,Close-grip barbell curl,"The close-grip barbell curl is a curl variation where the hands are closer than shoulder width. It is thought that this helps build the outer biceps head and the peak. This curl variation is usually performed for moderate to high reps, such as 8-12 reps per set.",Strength,Biceps,Barbell,Beginner,8.6,Average
713,Drag curl,"The drag curl is a biceps exercise that attempts to remove the influence of the front deltoids on the classic curl. With the elbows kept back, the barbell ""drags"" up the torso. It is usually performed for moderate to high reps, such as 8-15 reps per set, as part of an upper-body or arms-focused workout.",Strength,Biceps,Barbell,Beginner,8.5,Average
714,Reverse-grip barbell curl,"The reverse-grip barbell curl is a variation on the biceps curl where the palms face downward. The switch from an underhand to an overhand grip brings the forearm and brachialis muscles more into the exercise. If it is uncomfortable to the wrists, try performing it on the angles of an EZ-curl bar.",Strength,Biceps,Barbell,Intermediate,8.2,Average
715,Lying High Bench Barbell Curl,,Strength,Biceps,Barbell,Beginner,5.8,Average
716,Seated wide-grip curl to close-grip curl,"The seated wide-grip curl to close-grip curl is a variation on the classic seated dumbbell curl. It is thought that wide-grip curls target the inner head of the biceps more, while close-grip curls target the outer head or peak. This variation allows you to get the benefits of both.",Strength,Biceps,Barbell,Beginner,0.0,
717,Seated Straigh-Bar Curl Superset,"The seated wide-grip curl to close-grip curl is a variation on the classic seated dumbbell curl. The variation is that the range of motion changes in alternating fashion—one more traditional, one where you’re bringing the weight in more from the side.",Strength,Biceps,Barbell,Beginner,0.0,
718,Dave Draper Forehead Curl,,Strength,Biceps,Barbell,Intermediate,,
719,Reverse-grip EZ-bar curl,"The reverse-grip EZ-bar curl is an exercise targeting the biceps and forearms. Because grip strength is a limitation with this move, it is often performed for moderate to high reps as part of an upper-body or arm-focused workout.",Strength,Biceps,Barbell,Intermediate,,
720,EZ-Bar Spider Curl - Gethin Variation,The EZ-bar spider curl is an isolation exercise targeting the biceps and performed face-down on an incline bench. The EZ-bar makes for a more comfortable wrist position.,Strength,Biceps,Barbell,Intermediate,,
721,Barbell curl-,"The barbell curl is an arm exercise that is also one of the most recognizable movements in all of bodybuilding and fitness. It helps build sleeve-popping biceps and allows heavier loading than many other curl variations. It is usually performed in moderate to high reps, such as 8-12 reps per set, as part of the arm-focused portion of any workout.",Strength,Biceps,Barbell,Intermediate,,
722,Paul Carter Barbell Curl,"The barbell curl is an arm exercise that is also one of the most recognizable movements in all of bodybuilding and fitness. It helps build sleeve-popping biceps and allows heavier loading than many other curl variations. It is usually performed in moderate to high reps, such as 8-12 reps per set, as part of the arm-focused portion of any workout.",Strength,Biceps,Barbell,Intermediate,,
723,Standing band biceps curl,The standing band biceps curl is an arm-focused exercise using a band for resistance. This variation is usually performed for moderate to high reps as part of an arms-focused or upper-body workout.,Strength,Biceps,Barbell,Intermediate,,
724,Close-Grip EZ-Bar Curl - Gethin Variation,"The close-grip EZ-bar curl is an exercise targeting the biceps, particularly the long head. The main difference between this exercise and standard barbell curls is that the hands are positioned closer together on the bar. It is thought that this helps build the outer biceps head and the peak. This curl variation is usually performed for moderate to high reps, like at least 8-12 reps per set.",Strength,Biceps,Barbell,Intermediate,,
725,Seated Barbell Curl,,Strength,Biceps,Barbell,Intermediate,,
726,AM Standing Barbell Curl,"The standing EZ-bar curl is an immenselyp popular exercise targeting the biceps. It is commonly performed for moderate to high reps as part of an upper body or arms-focused workout. Many gyms even have EZ-bars at fixed weights, allowing for easy weight changes.",Strength,Biceps,Barbell,Intermediate,,
727,EZ-bar preacher curl,"The EZ-bar preacher curl is a classic exercise for building bigger biceps. This move is all about isolation. With the back of the upper arms against the pad, it's next to impossible to use momentum which forces the muscles to work harder.",Strength,Biceps,Barbell,Intermediate,,
728,30 Arms Standing Barbell Curl,,Strength,Biceps,Barbell,Intermediate,,
729,30 Arms Incline Biceps Curl,,Strength,Biceps,Barbell,Intermediate,,
730,"Bicep Curls ""21s""",,Strength,Biceps,Barbell,Intermediate,,
731,Incline Hammer Curls,,Strength,Biceps,Dumbbell,Beginner,9.5,Average
732,Hammer Curls,"This curl is performed simultaneously with dumbbells but without wrist supination. Throughout each rep, the wrists remain neutral, like a carpenter hammering a nail.",Strength,Biceps,Dumbbell,Intermediate,9.1,Average
733,Biceps curl to shoulder press,"The biceps curl to shoulder press is a dumbbell complex that combines two exercises that build and strengthen the biceps and shoulders or deltoids. It is usually performed one rep of each movement at a time, although you could perform more reps of each, or increase the reps in successive rounds (e.g., 1 rep in round 1, 2 reps in round 2, etc.). No matter how you structure the sets and reps, it is a time-efficient way to hit two crucial upper-body muscles in any workout.",Strength,Biceps,Dumbbell,Beginner,9.1,Average
734,Concentration curl,"The concentration curl is a classic exercise for building the biceps one arm at a time. It can be performed bent over or kneeling, but is more often performed seated on a bench. It's great for emphasizing the biceps peak and is often used to finish a biceps workout. Like most curl variations, these are usually performed for moderate to high reps, such as 8-12 reps per set or more.",Strength,Biceps,Dumbbell,Intermediate,9.0,Average
735,Flexor Incline Dumbbell Curls,,Strength,Biceps,Dumbbell,Beginner,9.0,Average
736,Dumbbell Bicep Curl,"The dumbbell biceps curl is a single-joint exercise for building bigger and stronger biceps. Popular among gym goers of all experience levels, this move can be done seated or standing. It is generally performed for moderate to high reps, such as 8-12 reps or higher, as part of the arm-focused portion of a workout.",Strength,Biceps,Dumbbell,Intermediate,8.9,Average
737,Cross-body hammer curl,"The cross-body hammer curl is a dumbbell exercise that targets the biceps, brachialis, and forearm muscles. Rather than lifting the weights directly in front of the body, you lift them across the torso. Throughout each rep, the wrists remain neutral, like a carpenter hammering a nail. This helps isolate the brachialis muscles on each arm. It is generally performed for moderate to high reps, such as 8-12 reps or more, as part of the arm-focused portion of a workout.",Strength,Biceps,Dumbbell,Beginner,8.9,Average
738,Dumbbell Alternate Bicep Curl,"The alternating biceps curl is a single-joint exercise for building bigger and stronger biceps one arm at a time. Popular among gym goers of all experience levels, this move can be done seated or standing. It is generally performed for moderate to high reps, such as 8-12 reps or higher, as part of the arm-focused portion of a workout.",Strength,Biceps,Dumbbell,Intermediate,8.7,Average
739,Single-arm dumbbell preacher curl,"The single-arm dumbbell preacher curl is an exercise that focuses on building the biceps, particularly the biceps peak. Most people will go light on this movement, performing it for moderate to high reps as part of an upper-body or arms-focused workout.",Strength,Biceps,Dumbbell,Intermediate,8.7,Average
740,Alternate Incline Dumbbell Curl,"The alternating incline dumbbell biceps curl is an exercise targeting the biceps and performed face up on an incline bench. This creates a vertical arm angle which helps to isolate the biceps and limit involvement of the shoulder muscles. This curl variation is usually performed for moderate to high reps, such as 8-12 rep per arm or more, as part of upper-body or arm-focused training.",Strength,Biceps,Dumbbell,Intermediate,8.7,Average
741,Standing concentration curl,"The standing concentration curl is a variation on the more common seated concentration curl, which is a staple of bodybuilding arm routines. It can serve as a substitute for preacher curl variations if a preacher bench is unavailable and is also a classic way to focus in on the biceps peak. It is usually performed for moderate to high reps, such as 8-10 reps per set, with a focus on strict form and controlled tempo.",Strength,Biceps,Dumbbell,Beginner,8.7,Average
742,Alternating incline dumbbell biceps curl,"The alternating incline dumbbell biceps curl is an exercise targeting the biceps and performed face up on an incline bench. This creates a vertical arm angle which helps to isolate the biceps and limit involvement of the shoulder muscles. This curl variation is usually performed for moderate to high reps, such as 8-12 rep per arm or more, as part of upper-body or arm-focused training.",Strength,Biceps,Dumbbell,Intermediate,8.6,Average
743,Alternate Hammer Curl,"The alternating hammer curl is performed with dumbbells but without wrist supination. Throughout each rep, the wrists remain neutral, like a carpenter hammering a nail.",Strength,Biceps,Dumbbell,Intermediate,8.6,Average
744,Seated dumbbell biceps curl,"The seated dumbbell biceps curl is a popular exercise for building bigger biceps. While curls can effectively be performed standing as well, performing them seated can enforce strict form and perhaps boost the mind-muscle connection. Like most curl variations, these are usually performed for moderate to high reps, such as 8-12 reps per set or more.",Strength,Biceps,Dumbbell,Intermediate,8.6,Average
745,Preacher Hammer Dumbbell Curl,,Strength,Biceps,Dumbbell,Beginner,8.6,Average
746,Dumbbell preacher curl,"The dumbbell preacher curl is an exercise that focuses on building the biceps, particularly the biceps peak. All you need is a pair of dumbbells and a preacher bench. It's usually performed for moderate to high reps as part of an upper-body or arms-focused workout.",Strength,Biceps,Dumbbell,Intermediate,8.3,Average
747,Lying Supine Dumbbell Curl,,Strength,Biceps,Dumbbell,Beginner,8.3,Average
748,Standing Dumbbell Reverse Curl,"With the reverse-grip dumbbell curl, the palms face down, not up. This unorthodox wrist position simultaneously targets the biceps while also building forearm and grip strength. The move can performed standing or seated.",Strength,Biceps,Dumbbell,Beginner,8.1,Average
749,Palms-out incline biceps curl,"The palms-out incline biceps curl is an exercise targeting the biceps. It is largely similar to the incline dumbbell curl, but the palms-out position targets the long head of the biceps, which is responsible for the biceps ""peak."" This curl variation is usually performed for moderate to high reps, such as 8-12 reps per set or more, as part of upper-body or arm-focused training.",Strength,Biceps,Dumbbell,Beginner,8.0,Average
750,Straight-arm plank with biceps curl,"The straight-arm plank with biceps curl is a hybrid movement that trains the abdominal and biceps muscles simultaneously. It can address multiple muscle groups in a time-efficient muscle-building or circuit-style workout, while also providing an additional cardiovascular challenge.",Strength,Biceps,Dumbbell,Beginner,7.7,Average
751,Face-down incline dumbbell biceps curl,"The face-down incline dumbbell biceps curl is an exercise targeting the biceps and performed face down on an incline bench. This creates a vertical arm angle, which helps to isolate the biceps and limit involvement of the shoulder muscles. This curl variation is usually performed for moderate to high reps, such as 8-12 reps per set or more, as part of upper-body or arm-focused training.",Strength,Biceps,Dumbbell,Beginner,7.6,Average
752,Seated Dumbbell Inner Biceps Curl,,Strength,Biceps,Dumbbell,Beginner,7.4,Average
753,Standing Inner-Biceps Curl,,Strength,Biceps,Dumbbell,Beginner,7.4,Average
754,Seated hammer curl,"The seated hammer curl is a popular exercise for building bigger biceps and forearms. The movement resembles hammering a nail—hence the name. While curls can effectively be performed standing as well, performing them seated can enforce strict form and perhaps boost the mind-muscle connection. Like most curl variations, these are usually performed for moderate to high reps, such as 8-12 reps per set or more.",Strength,Biceps,Dumbbell,Intermediate,,
755,Paul Carter Incline Dumbbell Biceps Curl,The incline dumbbell biceps curl is an isolation exercise targeting the biceps. This variation targets the long head of the biceps more than a traditional curl and there is more overall tension to this muscle.,Strength,Biceps,Dumbbell,Intermediate,,
756,Paul Carter Concentration Curl,"The concentration curl is a classic exercise for building the biceps one arm at a time. It can be performed bent over or kneeling, but is more often performed seated on a bench. It's great for emphasizing the biceps peak and is often used to finish a biceps workout. Like most curl variations, these are usually performed for moderate to high reps, such as 8-12 reps per set or more.",Strength,Biceps,Dumbbell,Intermediate,,
757,FYR Dumbbell Curl,"The dumbbell biceps curl is a single-joint exercise for building bigger and stronger biceps. Popular among gym goers of all experience levels, this move can be done seated or standing. It is generally performed for moderate to high reps, such as 8-12 reps or higher, as part of the arm-focused portion of a workout.",Strength,Biceps,Dumbbell,Intermediate,,
758,Dumbbell biceps curl to upright row,"The dumbbell biceps curl to upright row is a dumbbell complex that combines two exercises that build and strengthen the biceps, traps, and the middle head of the deltoids. It is usually performed one rep of each movement at a time, although you could perform more reps of each, or increase the reps in successive rounds (e.g., 1 rep in round 1, 2 reps in round 2, etc.). No matter how you structure the sets and reps, it is a time-efficient way to hit multiple upper-body muscles in any workout.",Strength,Biceps,Dumbbell,Intermediate,,
759,FYR Dumbbell Hammer Curl,"This curl is performed simultaneously with dumbbells but without wrist supination. Throughout each rep, the wrists remain neutral, like a carpenter hammering a nail.",Strength,Biceps,Dumbbell,Intermediate,,
760,Dumbbell overhead hold with single-arm curl,"The dumbbell overhead hold with single-arm curl combines an isometric overhead hold with a curl for the other arm. The two movements collectively target the muscles of the shoulders and arms, while providing a surprising core challenge. Expect to be challenged, even with light weight.",Strength,Biceps,Dumbbell,Intermediate,,
761,FYR Kneeling Biceps,The kneeling concentration curl allows you to target the biceps without having the ability to use momentum from the rest of your body to move the weight.,Strength,Biceps,Dumbbell,Intermediate,,
762,Lunge hold dumbbell curl,"The lunge hold dumbbell curl is a challenging complex that combines an isometric hold at the bottom of a lunge with a dumbbell biceps curl. The two exercises combine to target the legs, core, and biceps. The curl will determine the amount of weight you can use, but even a light weight will make the lunge hold seriously challenging.",Strength,Biceps,Dumbbell,Intermediate,,
763,FYR Dumbbell Biceps Curl,"The dumbbell biceps curl is a single-joint exercise for building bigger and stronger biceps. Popular among gym goers of all experience levels, this move can be done seated or standing. It is generally performed for moderate to high reps, such as 8-12 reps or higher, as part of the arm-focused portion of a workout.",Strength,Biceps,Dumbbell,Intermediate,,
764,Alternating dumbbell snatch,"The alternating dumbbell snatch is an explosive exercise that builds full-body power and targets the muscles of the hips, back, and shoulders. Performing it by alternating arms gives each arm the chance to recover, allowing you to do a greater amount of quality work. It can be performed for low reps with a focus on power and speed, or for higher reps to build muscle or as part of a metabolic conditioning circuit.",Strength,Biceps,Dumbbell,Intermediate,,
765,TBS Incline Dumbbell Curl,The incline dumbbell biceps curl is an isolation exercise targeting the biceps. This variation targets the long head of the biceps more than a traditional curl and there is more overall tension to this muscle.,Strength,Biceps,Dumbbell,Intermediate,,
766,TBS Hammer Curl,"The alternating hammer curl is performed with dumbbells but without wrist supination. Throughout each rep, the wrists remain neutral, like a carpenter hammering a nail.",Strength,Biceps,Dumbbell,Intermediate,,
767,Reverse-grip dumbbell curl,"With the reverse-grip dumbbell curl, the palms face down, not up. This unorthodox wrist position simultaneously targets the biceps while also building forearm and grip strength. The move can be performed standing or seated. Because grip is a limiting factor, it is usually performed for moderate to high reps, such as 8-10 reps per set.",Strength,Biceps,Dumbbell,Intermediate,,
768,Incline Dumbbell Curl - Gethin Variation,The incline dumbbell biceps curl is an isolation exercise targeting the biceps. This variation targets the long head of the biceps more than a traditional curl and there is more overall tension to this muscle.,Strength,Biceps,Dumbbell,Intermediate,,
769,Hammer curl,"The hammer curl is a dumbbell movement that focuses on the biceps, brachialis, and forearm muscles. Throughout each rep, the wrists remain neutral, like a carpenter hammering a nail. It is generally performed for moderate to high reps, such as 8-12 reps or more, as part of the arm-focused portion of a workout.",Strength,Biceps,Dumbbell,Intermediate,,
770,Seated Dumbbell Curl - Gethin Variation,"The seated dumbbell biceps curl is a standard exercise for building bigger biceps. While dumbbell biceps curls can be performed standing, this version involves sitting on a bench.",Strength,Biceps,Dumbbell,Intermediate,,
771,Dumbbell Hammer Curl - Gethin Variation,"This curl is performed simultaneously with dumbbells but without wrist supination. Throughout each rep, the wrists remain neutral, like a carpenter hammering a nail.",Strength,Biceps,Dumbbell,Intermediate,,
772,Single-arm seated dumbbell curl,"The single-arm seated dumbbell curl is a popular exercise for building bigger biceps. Performing it one arm at a time may allow you to use slightly heavier weight, while focusing on really feeling the mind-muscle connection in the working arm. Like most curl variations, these are usually performed for moderate to high reps, such as 8-12 reps per set or more.",Strength,Biceps,Dumbbell,Intermediate,,
773,Lying Cable Curl - Gethin Variation,The lying cable biceps curl is an isolation exercise that eliminates the possibility of using momentum from the lower body to raise the weight.,Strength,Biceps,Dumbbell,Intermediate,,
774,Dumbbell biceps curl,"The dumbbell biceps curl is a single-joint exercise for building bigger and stronger biceps. Popular among gym goers of all experience levels, this move can be done seated or standing. It is generally performed for moderate to high reps, such as 8-12 reps or higher, as part of the arm-focused portion of a workout.",Strength,Biceps,Dumbbell,Intermediate,,
775,Seated Biceps Hammer Curl,,Strength,Biceps,Dumbbell,Intermediate,,
776,HM Alternating Reverse Lunge With Biceps Curl,,Strength,Biceps,Dumbbell,Intermediate,,
777,AM Hammer Curls,"This curl is performed simultaneously with dumbbells but without wrist supination. Throughout each rep, the wrists remain neutral, like a carpenter hammering a nail.",Strength,Biceps,Dumbbell,Intermediate,,
778,AM Seated Hammer Curls,"The seated hammer curl is a popular exercise for building bigger biceps. The movement resembles hammering a nail—hence the name. While hammer can be performed standing, this version involves sitting on a bench.",Strength,Biceps,Dumbbell,Intermediate,,
779,Seated alternating biceps curl,"The seated alternating biceps curl is an exercise that builds bigger and stronger biceps. The alternating technique allows one arm to rest briefly while the other arm lifts. It is usually performed for moderate to high reps, such as 8-12 reps or more, as part of the upper-body or arm-focused portion of a workout.",Strength,Biceps,Dumbbell,Intermediate,,
780,Alternating hammer curl,"The alternating hammer curl is performed with dumbbells but without wrist supination. Throughout each rep, the wrists remain neutral, like a carpenter hammering a nail. It is generally performed for moderate to high reps, such as 8-12 reps or more, as part of the arm-focused portion of a workout.",Strength,Biceps,Dumbbell,Intermediate,,
781,Alternating biceps curl,"The alternating biceps curl is a single-joint exercise for building bigger and stronger biceps one arm at a time. Popular among gym goers of all experience levels, this move can be done seated or standing. It is generally performed for moderate to high reps, such as 8-12 reps or higher, as part of the arm-focused portion of a workout.",Strength,Biceps,Dumbbell,Intermediate,,
782,Holman Slow Biceps Curl,,Strength,Biceps,Dumbbell,Intermediate,,
783,Holman Biceps Curl to Chest Punch,,Strength,Biceps,Dumbbell,Intermediate,,
784,Holman Right Arm Heavy Biceps Curl,,Strength,Biceps,Dumbbell,Intermediate,,
785,Holman Left Arm Heavy Biceps Curl,,Strength,Biceps,Dumbbell,Intermediate,,
786,Holman Alternating Front Lunge Biceps Curl,,Strength,Biceps,Dumbbell,Intermediate,,
787,Holman Weighted Double-Time Biceps Curl,,Strength,Biceps,Dumbbell,Intermediate,,
788,Holman Heavy Right Arm Biceps Curl,,Strength,Biceps,Dumbbell,Intermediate,,
789,Holman Heavy Left Arm Biceps Curl,,Strength,Biceps,Dumbbell,Intermediate,,
790,MetaBurn Dumbbell Drag Curl,,Strength,Biceps,Dumbbell,Intermediate,,
791,MetaBurn Hammer Curl to Overhead Press,,Strength,Biceps,Dumbbell,Intermediate,,
792,MetaBurn Biceps Curl To Lateral Raise,,Strength,Biceps,Dumbbell,Intermediate,,
793,FYR2 Alternating Dumbbell Curl,,Strength,Biceps,Dumbbell,Intermediate,,
794,FYR2 Pulse Biceps Curl,,Strength,Biceps,Dumbbell,Intermediate,,
795,FYR2 Seesaw Dumbbell Biceps Curl,,Strength,Biceps,Dumbbell,Intermediate,,
796,FYR2 Single-Dumbbell Biceps Curl,,Strength,Biceps,Dumbbell,Intermediate,,
797,FYR2 Dumbbell Curl-Row Complex,,Strength,Biceps,Dumbbell,Intermediate,,
798,30 Arms Standing Dumbbell Hammer Curl 21s,,Strength,Biceps,Dumbbell,Intermediate,,
799,30 Arms Standing Biceps Curl,,Strength,Biceps,Dumbbell,Intermediate,,
800,30 Arms Standing Alternating Hammer Curl,,Strength,Biceps,Dumbbell,Intermediate,,
801,30 Arms Standing Alternating Biceps Curl,,Strength,Biceps,Dumbbell,Intermediate,,
802,30 Arms Single-Arm Hammer Preacher Curl,,Strength,Biceps,Dumbbell,Intermediate,,
803,30 Arms Single-Arm Dumbbell Preacher Curl,,Strength,Biceps,Dumbbell,Intermediate,,
804,30 Arms Seated Dumbbell Concentration Curl,,Strength,Biceps,Dumbbell,Intermediate,,
805,30 Arms Seated Biceps Curl,,Strength,Biceps,Dumbbell,Intermediate,,
806,30 Arms Seated Alternating Biceps Curl,,Strength,Biceps,Dumbbell,Intermediate,,
807,30 Arms Incline Hammer Curl,,Strength,Biceps,Dumbbell,Intermediate,,
808,30 Arms Incline Dumbbell Triceps Extension,,Strength,Biceps,Dumbbell,Intermediate,,
809,30 Arms Hammer Curl,,Strength,Biceps,Dumbbell,Intermediate,,
810,Reverse Plate Curls,,Strength,Biceps,Other,Beginner,7.2,Average
811,Standing Biceps Stretch,,Stretching,Biceps,Other,Beginner,7.1,Average
812,Suspended Curl,,Strength,Biceps,Other,Beginner,0.0,Average
813,Plate hammer curl,"The plate hammer curl is an exercise that targets the long head of the biceps as well as the brachialis and brachioradialis muscles. Typically hammer curls are done with dumbbells, but in this case, holding a weight plate places the hands in the same neutral position.",Strength,Biceps,Other,Beginner,0.0,Average
814,Barbell spider curl,"The barbell spider curl is an exercise targeting the biceps and performed face down on either an incline bench or on the flat side of a preacher bench. The vertical bench angle helps to isolate the biceps and limit involvement of the shoulder muscles. This curl variation is usually performed for moderate to high reps, such as 8-12 reps per set or more, as part of upper-body or arm-focused training.",Strength,Biceps,Other,Intermediate,,
815,Barbell forehead curl,"The barbell forehead curl is a classic movement from the Golden Age of bodybuilding and is often associated with Dave ""The Blond Bomber"" Draper. The barbell is brought up to your forehead instead of to your chest, emphasizing the squeeze and peak contraction. It is usually performed for moderate to high reps, such as 8-12 reps per set.",Strength,Biceps,Other,Intermediate,,
816,Overhead cable curl,"Also known as a crucifix curl, the overhead cable curl is a biceps-focused exercise performed between two cable stacks, using a pair of D-handles. The arms and elbows are held at shoulder height throughout the movement, and both hands curl in toward the ears. This position is designed to eliminate shoulder involvement and momentum, while targeting the biceps peak. This movement is generally done for moderate to high reps, such as 8-12 reps per set or more, as part of arm-focused training.",Strength,Biceps,Cable,Intermediate,9.0,Average
817,Standing One-Arm Cable Curl,The single-arm cable biceps curl is a single-joint isolation exercise for building the biceps. This move is intended to be strict and deliberate; this is not an exercise for using momentum or otherwise cheating.,Strength,Biceps,Cable,Beginner,8.8,Average
818,Reverse Cable Curl,,Strength,Biceps,Cable,Beginner,8.7,Average
819,Standing Biceps Cable Curl,"The cable straight-bar biceps curl takes a classic bodybuilding exercise, the standing barbell curl, and replaces the barbell with a handle attached to a cable. This is a common burnout move performed for moderate to high reps, such as 8-12 reps per set, as part of an upper-body or arm-focused workout.",Strength,Biceps,Cable,Intermediate,8.5,Average
820,Cable rope hammer curl,"The cable rope hammer curl is a popular arm-focused exercise performed with a rope handle attached by a cable to a weight stack. It uses a neutral (palms facing one another) grip, which targets the forearms and brachialis muscles in addition to the biceps. Because grip is a limitation, it is usually performed for moderate to high reps, such as 8-12 reps per set or more.",Strength,Biceps,Cable,Intermediate,8.2,Average
821,Lying cable biceps curl,"The lying cable biceps curl is a cable exercise that targets the biceps. It is performed lying on the back, either on a bench or the ground, with the feet facing toward a cable stack. This movement is usually performed for moderate to high reps for a burn and pump as part of an arm-focused workout.",Strength,Biceps,Cable,Beginner,8.2,Average
822,Cable rope preacher hammer curl,"The cable rope preacher hammer curl is a single-joint arm exercise that builds strength and size in the biceps using a cable stack, a preacher bench, and a rope grip. The neutral or ""hammer"" grip amplifies activation of both the grip and the brachialis muscles, building arm thickness. The angle of the bench also effectively removes the shoulders from the movement, largely isolating the biceps. It is generally performed for higher reps, at least 8-15 per set.",Strength,Biceps,Cable,Beginner,7.5,Average
823,Lying Close-Grip Bar Curl On High Pulley,The lying high-cable biceps curl is an unusual move for building the biceps—but it’s a highly effective one. Lying prone and curling down toward you provides a different stimulus than more standard approaches allow.,Strength,Biceps,Cable,Beginner,7.1,Average
824,Cable EZ-Bar Preacher Curl - Gethin Variation,"The cable preacher curl is a single-joint arm exercise that builds strength and size in the biceps using a cable stack and a preacher bench. It is popular in muscle-building arm workouts because the angle of the bench effectively removes the shoulders from the movement, largely isolating the biceps. It is generally performed for higher reps, at least 8-15 per set.",Strength,Biceps,Cable,Intermediate,,
825,Squatting cable EZ-bar biceps curl,"The squatting cable EZ-bar biceps curl is an exercise that builds and strengthens the biceps while the lower body is in a static squat position. It is usually performed for higher rep sets, such as 8-12 reps per set or more, in combination with other curls or arm training. It is most similar in arm positioning to a preacher curl, but has some unique benefits to the lower body, as well.",Strength,Biceps,Cable,Intermediate,,
826,Cable straight-bar biceps curl,"The cable straight-bar biceps curl takes a classic bodybuilding exercise, the standing barbell curl, and replaces the barbell with a handle attached to a cable. This is a common burnout move performed for moderate to high reps, such as 8-12 reps per set, as part of an upper-body or arm-focused workout.",Strength,Biceps,Cable,Intermediate,,
827,Standing reverse-grip cable curl,"The standing reverse-grip cable curl takes a classic bodybuilding exercise, the reverse barbell curl, and tweaks it by using a handle attached to a cable stack instead. It targets the forearm muscles and brachialis to a greater degree than underhand biceps curl variations. Because grip is a limitation, this move is commonly performed for moderate to high reps, such as 8-12 reps per set or more, as part of an upper-body or arm-focused workout.",Strength,Biceps,Cable,Intermediate,,
828,Lying high-cable biceps curl,The lying high-cable biceps curl is a single-joint exercise targeting the biceps in a prone (face-up) position. It is usually performed for moderate to high reps as part of the arm-focused portion of a workout.,Strength,Biceps,Cable,Intermediate,,
829,High-Pulley Cable Curl - Gethin Variation,"Also known as a crucifix curl, the overhead cable curl is a biceps-focused exercise performed between two cable stacks, using a pair of D-handles. The arms and elbows are held at shoulder height throughout the movement, and both hands curl in toward the ears. This position is designed to eliminate shoulder involvement and momentum, while targeting the biceps peak. This movement is generally done for moderate to high reps, such as 8-12 reps per set or more, as part of arm-focused training.",Strength,Biceps,Cable,Intermediate,,
830,Standing High Cable Curl - Gethin Variation,"The cable straight-bar biceps curl takes a classic bodybuilding exercise, the standing barbell curl, and replaces the barbell with a handle attached to a cable. This is a common burnout move performed for moderate to high reps, such as 8-12 reps per set, as part of an upper-body or arm-focused workout.",Strength,Biceps,Cable,Intermediate,,
831,High Cable Curls,The lying high-cable biceps curl is a single-joint exercise targeting the biceps in a prone (face-up) position. It is usually performed for moderate to high reps as part of the arm-focused portion of a workout.,Strength,Biceps,Cable,Intermediate,,
832,Seated cable biceps curl,The seated cable biceps curl is a single-joint arm exercise intended to isolate the biceps. The seated position helps eliminate the use of momentum. This movement is usually performed for moderate to high reps for a burn and pump as part of an arm-focused workout.,Strength,Biceps,Cable,Intermediate,,
833,Lying Close-Grip Bar Curl On High Pulley - Gethin Variation,The lying high-cable biceps curl is an unusual move for building the biceps—but it’s a highly effective one. Lying prone and curling down toward you provides a different stimulus than more standard approaches allow.,Strength,Biceps,Cable,Intermediate,,
834,Standing Cable Curl - Gethin Variation,"The cable straight-bar biceps curl takes a classic bodybuilding exercise, the standing barbell curl, and replaces the barbell with a handle attached to a cable. This is a common burnout move performed for moderate to high reps, such as 8-12 reps per set, as part of an upper-body or arm-focused workout.",Strength,Biceps,Cable,Intermediate,,
835,Double Arm Cable Biceps Curl,,Strength,Biceps,Cable,Intermediate,,
836,AM Cable Biceps Curl,"The cable straight-bar biceps curl takes a classic bodybuilding exercise, the standing barbell curl, and replaces the barbell with a handle attached to a cable. This is a common burnout move performed for moderate to high reps, such as 8-12 reps per set, as part of an upper-body or arm-focused workout.",Strength,Biceps,Cable,Intermediate,,
837,Single-arm cable biceps curl,"The single-arm cable biceps curl is a single-joint isolation exercise for building the biceps. This move is intended to be strict and deliberate; this is not an exercise for using momentum or otherwise cheating. It is usually performed for moderate to high reps, such as 8-12 reps or more per set, as part of an arm-focused workout.",Strength,Biceps,Cable,Intermediate,,
838,UP Cable Curl With Straight Bar,,Strength,Biceps,Cable,Intermediate,,
839,30 Arms Cable Rope Hammer Curl,,Strength,Biceps,Cable,Intermediate,,
840,30 Arms Squatting Cable Straight-Bar Curl,,Strength,Biceps,Cable,Intermediate,,
841,30 Arms High Cable Curl,,Strength,Biceps,Cable,Intermediate,,
842,30 Arms Cable Straight-Bar Curl,,Strength,Biceps,Cable,Intermediate,,
843,30 Arms Cable Concentration Curl,,Strength,Biceps,Cable,Intermediate,,
844,30 Arms BFR High Cable Curl,,Strength,Biceps,Cable,Intermediate,,
845,BFR cable rope hammer curl,"The blood flow restriction (BFR) cable rope hammer curl is an arm movement that builds biceps size and strength using a cable stack, rope grip, and blood flow restriction bands. It is popular in high-rep ""pump""-style arm workouts. The bands should be placed as high as possible on your arms, at a tightness of no greater than 8 on a scale of 10. Most BFR workouts recommend using a far lighter weight than usual, perhaps as low as 25-50 percent of a normal working weight.",Strength,Biceps,Cable,Intermediate,,
846,Machine Bicep Curl,,Strength,Biceps,Machine,Beginner,9.0,Average
847,Machine Preacher Curls,The machine preacher curl is an isolation exercise targeting the biceps.,Strength,Biceps,Machine,Beginner,8.3,Average
848,Single-arm machine preacher curl,"The single-arm machine preacher curl is a popular exercise to build size and strength in the biceps. It approximates the motion of a free-weight preacher curl, but uses a selectorized weight stack or plate-loaded machine. Many such machines offer different grips and grip widths. Machine biceps curls are often done for moderate to high reps, such as 8-12 reps per set or more, as part of the upper-body or arm-focused portion of a workout.",Strength,Biceps,Machine,Intermediate,,
849,Machine preacher curl,"The machine preacher curl is a popular exercise to build size and strength in the biceps. It approximates the motion of a free-weight preacher curl, but uses a selectorized weight stack or plate-loaded machine. Many such machines offer different grips and grip widths. Machine biceps curls are often done for moderate to high reps, such as 8-12 reps per set or more, as part of the upper-body or arm-focused portion of a workout.",Strength,Biceps,Machine,Intermediate,,
850,Smith machine drag curl,"The Smith machine drag curl is a biceps-focused exercise using the bar in a Smith machine. It is usually trained in moderate to high reps, at least 8-15 reps per set, and can work in the biceps-focused portion of any workout.",Strength,Biceps,Machine,Intermediate,,
851,30 Arms BFR Machine Preacher Curl,,Strength,Biceps,Machine,Intermediate,,
852,Seated Biceps,,Stretching,Biceps,Body Only,Beginner,5.0,Average
853,TBS Chin-Up,"The a chin-up is a variation of the pull-up exercise in which the reps are performed with the palms facing toward the body, in an underhand position, with a grip that is narrower than shoulder-width. Like other pull-up variations, it builds strength and muscle in the upper back, biceps, and core, but it utilizes the biceps slightly more than overhand pull-ups. It can be used as a more shoulder-friendly alternative to straight-bar pull-ups, or to help perform more reps than you can perform overhand.",Strength,Biceps,Body Only,Intermediate,,
854,Pull-up - Gethin Variation,"The pull-up is a multi-joint bodyweight exercise that builds strength and muscle in the upper back, biceps, and core. It is often used as a measurement tool in military or tactical fitness tests, and is an excellent gauge of “relative strength” which is strength in relation to bodyweight.",Strength,Biceps,Body Only,Intermediate,,
855,UN Pull-Up Supinated,,Strength,Biceps,Body Only,Intermediate,,
856,UN Pull-Up Pronated,,Strength,Biceps,Body Only,Intermediate,,
857,UN Pull-Up Neutral,,Strength,Biceps,Body Only,Intermediate,,
858,EZ-Bar Curl,"The standing EZ-bar curl is an immensely popular exercise targeting the biceps. It is commonly performed for moderate to high reps as part of an upper body or arms-focused workout. Many gyms even have EZ-bars at fixed weights, allowing for easy weight changes.",Strength,Biceps,E-Z Curl Bar,Intermediate,9.1,Average
859,Reverse Barbell Preacher Curls,"The reverse-grip barbell curl is a variation on the biceps curl where the palms face downward. The switch from an underhand to an overhand grip brings the forearm and brachialis muscles more into the exercise. If it is uncomfortable to the wrists, try performing it on the angles of an EZ-curl bar.",Strength,Biceps,E-Z Curl Bar,Beginner,8.8,Average
860,Close-Grip EZ-Bar Curl with Band,,Strength,Biceps,E-Z Curl Bar,Beginner,7.9,Average
861,Standing EZ-Bar Curl - Gethin Variation,"The standing EZ-bar curl is an immenselyp popular exercise targeting the biceps. It is commonly performed for moderate to high reps as part of an upper body or arms-focused workout. Many gyms even have EZ-bars at fixed weights, allowing for easy weight changes.",Strength,Biceps,E-Z Curl Bar,Intermediate,,
862,TBS EZ-Bar Curl,"The standing EZ-bar curl is an immenselyp popular exercise targeting the biceps. It is commonly performed for moderate to high reps as part of an upper body or arms-focused workout. Many gyms even have EZ-bars at fixed weights, allowing for easy weight changes.",Strength,Biceps,E-Z Curl Bar,Intermediate,,
863,Standing EZ-bar curl,"The standing EZ-bar curl is a popular exercise targeting the biceps. It is commonly performed for moderate to high reps as part of an upper-body or arm-focused workout. Many gyms even have EZ-bars at fixed weights, allowing for easy weight changes.",Strength,Biceps,E-Z Curl Bar,Intermediate,,
864,30 Arms Standing Overhand EZ-Bar Curl,,Strength,Biceps,E-Z Curl Bar,Intermediate,,
865,30 Arms EZ-Bar Spider Curl,,Strength,Biceps,E-Z Curl Bar,Intermediate,,
866,30 Arms EZ-Bar Preacher Curl,,Strength,Biceps,E-Z Curl Bar,Intermediate,,
867,30 Arms Standing EZ-Bar Curl,,Strength,Biceps,E-Z Curl Bar,Intermediate,,
868,Calf Raises - With Bands,,Strength,Calves,Bands,Beginner,4.8,Average
869,Peroneals Stretch,,Stretching,Calves,Bands,Intermediate,3.3,Average
870,Posterior Tibialis Stretch,,Stretching,Calves,Bands,Intermediate,1.0,Average
871,Calf SMR,"Calf self-myofascial release (SMR) is a self-administered soft-tissue treatment for the lower body, usually using a foam roller, lacrosse ball, or other ""trigger point"" massage tool. By applying pressure strategically to the calf muscles of the lower leg, some people find they can cause this often painful and tight muscle to relax or ""release."" Calf SMR is often accompanied by SMR on the quadriceps muscles, or by stretches that target the calves.",Stretching,Calves,Foam Roll,Beginner,6.0,Average
872,Rocking Standing Calf Raise,,Strength,Calves,Barbell,Beginner,8.7,Average
873,Standing barbell calf raise,"The standing barbell calf raise is a popular exercise to target the calf muscles of the lower leg, particularly the gastrocnemius muscle. It can be performed for time or for reps, either using a barbell or Smith machine bar if balance is a problem.",Strength,Calves,Barbell,Beginner,8.2,Average
874,Barbell Seated Calf Raise,,Strength,Calves,Barbell,Beginner,7.6,Average
875,Smith machine standing calf raise,"The Smith machine standing calf raise is a machine-based exercise targeting the muscles of the calves, particularly the gastrocnemius or upper calf muscle. It is usually performed for moderate to high reps, such as 8-12 reps per set or more, as part of the lower-body portion of a workout.",Strength,Calves,Barbell,Intermediate,,
876,Calf Raise On A Dumbbell,,Strength,Calves,Dumbbell,Beginner,4.8,Average
877,Standing Dumbbell Calf Raise,"The standing dumbbell calf raise is a popular exercise to target the calf muscles of the lower leg, and in particular the gastrocnemius muscles. It can be performed for time or for reps, either two dumbbells, or one if balance is a problem and you would like to use your free hand to hold a fixed object.",Strength,Calves,Dumbbell,Intermediate,,
878,Single-leg standing dumbbell calf raise,"The single-leg standing dumbbell calf raise is a popular exercise to target the calf muscles of the lower leg, particularly the gastrocnemius muscle. It can be performed for time or for reps, either with two dumbbells or with one if balance is a problem and you would like to use your free hand to hold a fixed object.",Strength,Calves,Dumbbell,Intermediate,,
879,Dumbbell walking calf raise,"The dumbbell walking calf raise is a dynamic exercise targeting the calf muscles of the lower leg, particularly the gastrocnemius muscle. It can be performed for distance or for reps.",Strength,Calves,Dumbbell,Intermediate,,
880,Balance Board,,Strength,Calves,Other,Beginner,7.5,Average
881,Weighted donkey calf raise,"The weighted donkey calk raise is a strength and muscle-building exercise focused on the muscles of the lower leg, most prominently the gastrocnemius muscle. While traditional donkey calf raises involved either a specific machine or carrying another person on one's back, this method uses a weight belt. It can be done in traditional muscle-building rep ranges, or for higher reps as part of lower-body training.",Strength,Calves,Other,Intermediate,7.4,Average
882,Anterior Tibialis-SMR,,Stretching,Calves,Other,Beginner,5.3,Average
884,Agility Ladder,,Cardio,Calves,Other,Intermediate,,
885,Single-leg machine seated calf raise,"The single-leg machine seated calf raise is an exercise targeting the calf muscles of the lower leg, particularly the soleus muscle. It is usually performed for moderate to high reps, such as 8-12 reps per set, but occasionally for higher reps of 20 per set or more.",Strength,Calves,Other,Intermediate,,
886,Smith Machine Calf Raise,"The Smith machine standing calf raise is a machine-based exercise targeting the muscles of the calves, particularly the gastrocnemius or upper calf muscle. It is usually performed for moderate to high reps, such as 8-12 reps per set or more, as part of the lower-body portion of a workout.",Strength,Calves,Machine,Intermediate,9.2,Average
887,Standing Calf Raises,"The standing calf raise is a popular movement to target the calf muscles of the lower leg, and in particular the gastrocnemius muscles. When unweighted, it is usually performed for high reps or for time.",Strength,Calves,Machine,Beginner,9.0,Average
888,Seated Calf Raise,"The machine seated calf raise is an exercise targeting the calf muscles of the lower leg, particularly the soleus muscle. It is usually performed for moderate to high reps, such as 8-12 reps per set, and occasionally for very high burnout-focused sets of 50-100 total reps.",Strength,Calves,Machine,Intermediate,8.7,Average
889,Calf Press On The Leg Press Machine,"The leg press calf raise is an exercise that uses the leg press machine to work the calves. With the toes and balls of your feet on the platform but heels off, you push forward to work the calves.",Strength,Calves,Machine,Intermediate,8.7,Average
890,Calf Press,"The standing calf raise is a popular movement to target the calf muscles of the lower leg, and in particular the gastrocnemius muscles. When unweighted, it is usually performed for high reps or for time.",Strength,Calves,Machine,Beginner,8.5,Average
891,Smith Machine Reverse Calf Raises,,Strength,Calves,Machine,Beginner,7.3,Average
892,Seated Single-Leg Calf Press - Gethin Variation,"The single-leg machine seated calf raise is an exercise targeting the calf muscles of the lower leg, particularly the soleus muscle. It is usually performed for moderate to high reps, such as 8-12 reps per set, but occasionally for higher reps of 20 per set or more.",Strength,Calves,Machine,Intermediate,,
893,Seated Calf Raise - Gethin Variation,"The machine seated calf raise is an exercise targeting the calf muscles of the lower leg, particularly the soleus muscle. It is usually performed for moderate to high reps, such as 8-12 reps per set, and occasionally for very high burnout-focused sets of 50-100 total reps.",Strength,Calves,Machine,Intermediate,,
894,Donkey Calf Raise - Gethin Variation,"The donkey calk raise is a strength and muscle-building exercise focused on the muscles of the lower leg, most prominently the gastrocnemius muscle. While traditional donkey calf raises involved either a specific machine or carrying another person on one's back, this method uses a weight belt. It can be done in traditional muscle-building rep ranges, or for higher reps as part of lower-body training.",Strength,Calves,Machine,Intermediate,,
895,Standing Calf Raise Facing Hack Squat Machine - Gethin Variation,The reverse hack squat calf raise is a varation of the standing calf raise to target them in a different manner.,Strength,Calves,Machine,Intermediate,,
896,Calf Press On A Hack Squat Machine - Gethin Variation,The hack squat calf raise is a variation of the standing calf raise to target them in a different manner than seated or fully standing.,Strength,Calves,Machine,Intermediate,,
897,Smith Machine Standing Calf Raises - Gethin Variation,"The Smith machine standing calf raise is a machine-based exercise targeting the muscles of the calves, particularly the gastrocnemius or upper calf muscle. It is usually performed for moderate to high reps, such as 8-12 reps per set or more, as part of the lower-body portion of a workout.",Strength,Calves,Machine,Intermediate,,
898,Hack squat calf raise,"The hack squat calf raise is a variation of the standing calf raise performed in a hack squat machine. This allows for heavy loading, but also shoulder comfort from the pads of the hack squat. Calf raise variations are often performed for relatively high reps, such as 10-20 reps per set or more.",Strength,Calves,Machine,Intermediate,,
899,Seated Calf Press - Gethin Variation,"The machine seated calf raise is an exercise targeting the calf muscles of the lower leg, particularly the soleus muscle. It is usually performed for moderate to high reps, such as 8-12 reps per set, and occasionally for very high burnout-focused sets of 50-100 total reps.",Strength,Calves,Machine,Intermediate,,
900,Leg press calf raise,"The leg press calf raise is a variation of the standing calf raise performed in a leg press machine. This allows for heavy loading, but also shoulder comfort from the pads of the leg press. Calf raise variations are often performed for relatively high reps, such as 10-20 reps per set or more.",Strength,Calves,Machine,Intermediate,,
901,Machine seated calf raise,"The machine seated calf raise is an exercise targeting the calf muscles of the lower leg, particularly the soleus muscle. It is usually performed for moderate to high reps, such as 8-12 reps per set, and occasionally for very high burnout-focused sets of 50-100 total reps.",Strength,Calves,Machine,Intermediate,,
902,30 Legs Seated Calf Raise,,Strength,Calves,Machine,Intermediate,,
903,30 Legs Standing Calf Raise,,Strength,Calves,Machine,Intermediate,,
904,Peroneals-SMR,,Stretching,Calves,Body Only,Intermediate,6.4,Average
905,Knee Circles,,Stretching,Calves,Body Only,Beginner,6.3,Average
906,Standing Gastrocnemius Calf Stretch,,Stretching,Calves,Body Only,Intermediate,5.6,Average
907,Wall calf stretch,The wall calf stretch is a stretch targeting the calf muscles. This is a simple way to stretch these often-tight muscles without any equipment needed.,Stretching,Calves,Body Only,Intermediate,5.3,Average
908,Seated Calf Stretch,,Stretching,Calves,Body Only,Intermediate,4.1,Average
909,Standing Calf Raise,"The standing calf raise is a popular movement to target the calf muscles of the lower leg, and in particular the gastrocnemius muscles. When unweighted, it is usually performed for high reps or for time.",Strength,Calves,Body Only,Intermediate,,
910,Standing calf raise-,"The standing calf raise is a popular movement to target the calf muscles of the lower leg, particularly the gastrocnemius muscle. When unweighted, it is usually performed for high reps or for time.",Strength,Calves,Body Only,Intermediate,,
911,HM Left Calf-Spike Sumo Pulse,,Strength,Calves,Body Only,Intermediate,,
912,Ankle Circles,,Stretching,Calves,None,Beginner,7.2,Average
913,Calf Stretch Elbows Against Wall,,Stretching,Calves,None,Beginner,4.9,Average
914,Standing Soleus And Achilles Stretch,,Stretching,Calves,None,Beginner,4.2,Average
915,Cross Over - With Bands,,Strength,Chest,Bands,Beginner,8.3,Average
916,Bench Press - With Bands,,Strength,Chest,Bands,Beginner,5.5,Average
917,Bench Press With Short Bands,,Powerlifting,Chest,Bands,Beginner,0.0,
918,Feet-Elevated TRX Push-Up,,Strength,Chest,Bands,Beginner,0.0,
919,Band-suspended kettlebell bench press,"The band-suspended kettlebell bench press is a bench press variation where kettlebells or weight plates are hung from the ends of a barbell by looped bands. The suspended weights can be in addition to normally loaded weight plates, or in the place of them. Because the instability of the weights makes the lift difficult, this bench press variety is a popular accessory movement for building the traditional bench press in powerlifting training.",Strength,Chest,Bands,Intermediate,,
920,HM Banded Cross-Over Pull,,Strength,Chest,Bands,Intermediate,,
921,Rusin Band Pull-Apart,,Strength,Chest,Bands,Intermediate,,
922,UNS Banded Push-Up,,Strength,Chest,Bands,Intermediate,,
923,Taylor Band-Assisted One-Arm Push-Up,,Strength,Chest,Bands,Intermediate,,
924,Incline band bench press,"The incline band bench press is variation of the incline press, a popular upper-body exercise targeting the upper pectoral muscles. While it can be a strength-focused movement, it is usually performed for moderate to high reps, such as 8-12 reps per set or more, as part of upper-body or chest-focused training.",Strength,Chest,Bands,Intermediate,,
925,Band push-up,"The band push-up is a progression of the popular bodyweight version of the exercise commonly used in military and tactical physical fitness tests. Adding the dynamic resistance of the band matches the strength curve of the push-up and helps build upper-body muscle and strength, emphasizing the chest, triceps, and shoulders, but also working the upper back and core.",Strength,Chest,Bands,Intermediate,,
926,Band chest fly,"Similar to the cable chest fly, the band chest fly is a single-joint movement that works the pectoral muscles. The fly is common in upper-body and chest-focused muscle-building workouts, and the band variation works well as a pre-exhaust at the beginning of a workout or a finishing movement at the end. It is often used in combination with other presses or flyes to target the chest from different angles.",Strength,Chest,Bands,Intermediate,,
927,Close-grip bench press,"The close-grip bench press is a popular exercise targeting the triceps and chest. The main difference between this exercise and the standard bench press is that the hands and elbows are placed closer together, which places more of an emphasis on the triceps. The close-grip bench press is often used as an accessory movement for the traditional bench press, or as a triceps builder for arm training. Similar to the bench press, it can be trained in low reps for strength or higher reps for muscle or strength endurance.",Strength,Chest,Barbell,Intermediate,9.1,Average
928,Barbell Bench Press - Medium Grip,"The bench press is a compound exercise that builds strength and muscle in the chest and triceps. When many people think of listing, the bench press is often the first exercise that comes to mind",Strength,Chest,Barbell,Intermediate,9.0,Average
929,Decline barbell bench press,"The decline barbell bench press is a popular upper-body exercise targeting the lower pectoral muscles. While it can be a strength-focused movement, it is usually performed for moderate to high reps, such as 8-12 reps per set or more, as part of upper-body or chest-focused training.",Strength,Chest,Barbell,Intermediate,8.9,Average
930,Wide-grip bench press,"The wide-grip bench press is a compound exercise targeting the chest and, to a lesser extent, the triceps. The main difference between this exercise and the standard bench press is that the hands are placed farther apart on the bar. Many lifters find they can handle more weight going wide than with narrower grips, although it's also worth noting that plenty of banged-up lifters have said benching with a wide grip may also have contributed to their shoulder injuries and pain. The wide-grip bench is often used as a chest-building movement in chest or upper-body workouts, or as an accessory movement for the traditional bench press.",Strength,Chest,Barbell,Beginner,8.9,Average
931,Wide-Grip Decline Barbell Bench Press,,Strength,Chest,Barbell,Beginner,8.9,Average
932,Barbell Incline Bench Press Medium-Grip,The incline bench press is an upper body compound movement that targets the upper chest.,Strength,Chest,Barbell,Intermediate,8.8,Average
933,Neck Press,,Strength,Chest,Barbell,Beginner,8.8,Average
934,Front Raise And Pullover,,Strength,Chest,Barbell,Beginner,8.3,Average
935,Board bench press,"The board bench press is an upper-body exercise that is commonly performed as an assistance movement for the bench press. It targets the same muscles as the bench press, including the chest and shoulders, but really focuses on the triceps. Because you can load it more heavily than a full bench press, it allows you to overload the triceps and lock out of the bench press.",Powerlifting,Chest,Barbell,Intermediate,7.7,Average
936,Barbell Bench Press-Wide Grip,"The wide-grip bench pressis a compound exercise targeting the chest, primarily. The main difference between this exercise and the standard bench press is that the hands are placed wider apart on the bar.",Strength,Chest,Barbell,Beginner,7.6,Average
937,Wide-Grip Decline Barbell Pullover,,Strength,Chest,Barbell,Beginner,7.3,Average
938,Barbell Guillotine Bench Press,,Strength,Chest,Barbell,Beginner,6.7,Average
939,Band-suspended kettlebell bench press,"The band-suspended kettlebell bench press is a bench press variation where kettlebells or weight plates are hung from the ends of a barbell by looped bands. The suspended weights can be in addition to normally loaded weight plates, or in the place of them. Because the instability of the weights makes the lift difficult, this bench press variety is a popular accessory movement for building the traditional bench press in powerlifting training.",Strength,Chest,Bands,Intermediate,,
940,Paul Carter Incline Bench Press,The incline bench press is an upper body compound movement that targets the upper chest.,Strength,Chest,Barbell,Intermediate,,
941,Incline bench press,"The incline bench press is a popular barbell exercise targeting the chest muscles, particularly the upper pectoral muscles. While it can be a strength-focused movement, it is usually performed for moderate to high reps, such as 8-12 reps per set or more, as part of upper-body or chest-focused training.",Strength,Chest,Barbell,Intermediate,,
942,Bench press,"The bench press is a popular barbell exercise that builds strength and muscle in the chest, triceps, and shoulders. It is a popular way to measure overall upper-body strength, and is contested in the sport of powerlifting. When many people think of lifting, the bench press is often the first exercise that comes to mind. It can be performed for low reps for strength, higher reps for muscle, or for higher reps to build or measure strength endurance, like in the 225-pound bench press rep test in the NFL combine.",Strength,Chest,Barbell,Intermediate,,
943,TBS Close-Grip Bench Press,The close-grip bench pressis a compound exercise targeting the triceps and chest. The main difference between this exercise and the standard bench press is that the hands and elbows are placed closer together.,Strength,Chest,Barbell,Intermediate,,
944,AM Flat Bench Barbell Press,"The bench press is a compound exercise that builds strength and muscle in the chest and triceps. When many people think of listing, the bench press is often the first exercise that comes to mind",Strength,Chest,Barbell,Intermediate,,
945,UP Bench Press,"The bench press is a compound exercise that builds strength and muscle in the chest and triceps. When many people think of listing, the bench press is often the first exercise that comes to mind",Strength,Chest,Barbell,Intermediate,,
946,UP Close-Grip Bench Press,The close-grip bench pressis a compound exercise targeting the triceps and chest. The main difference between this exercise and the standard bench press is that the hands and elbows are placed closer together.,Strength,Chest,Barbell,Intermediate,,
947,King Maker Barbell Bench Press,"The bench press is a compound exercise that builds strength and muscle in the chest and triceps. When many people think of listing, the bench press is often the first exercise that comes to mind",Strength,Chest,Barbell,Intermediate,,
948,King Maker Incline Barbell Bench Press,The incline bench press is an upper body compound movement that targets the upper chest.,Strength,Chest,Barbell,Intermediate,,
949,30 Chest Incline Barbell Bench Press,,Strength,Chest,Barbell,Intermediate,,
950,30 Chest Barbell Bench Press,,Strength,Chest,Barbell,Intermediate,,
951,30 Chest 30-Degree Incline Dumbbell Press,,Strength,Chest,Barbell,Intermediate,,
952,Spoto press,"The Spoto press is a variation of the popular barbell exercise the bench press that builds strength and muscle in the chest, triceps, and shoulders. It differs from the bench press in that the lifter pauses for a few seconds at the bottom of the movement before pressing the bar back up. This pause removes all momentum and increases the time under tension for the chest and shoulder muscles to help develop upper-body musculature and strength.",Strength,Chest,Barbell,Intermediate,,
953,Kettlebell plyo push-up,"The kettlebell plyo push-up is an explosive upper-body movement that uses a kettlebell primarily as a platform for the hands. A short step, dumbbell, or other stationary object could also be used in place of the kettlebell. It can be performed for reps or time, either for low reps to build explosive power or for higher reps for conditioning.",Strength,Chest,Kettlebells,Intermediate,8.0,Average
954,Extended Range One-Arm Kettlebell Floor Press,,Strength,Chest,Kettlebells,Beginner,6.3,Average
955,Kettlebell alternating floor press,"The kettlebell alternating floor press limits the range of motion you would achieve with a dumbbell or kettlebell bench press, but still targets the chest, triceps, and anterior delts. This allows you to build strength in the top portion of the lift, overload the triceps, and work on strengthening the shoulder stabilizers.",Strength,Chest,Kettlebells,Beginner,6.0,Average
956,One-Arm Kettlebell Floor Press,,Strength,Chest,Kettlebells,Beginner,0.0,
957,Leg-Over Floor Press,,Strength,Chest,Kettlebells,Beginner,0.0,
958,Band-suspended kettlebell bench press,"The band-suspended kettlebell bench press is a bench press variation where kettlebells or weight plates are hung from the ends of a barbell by looped bands. The suspended weights can be in addition to normally loaded weight plates, or in the place of them. Because the instability of the weights makes the lift difficult, this bench press variety is a popular accessory movement for building the traditional bench press in powerlifting training.",Strength,Chest,Bands,Intermediate,,
959,FYR2 Push-Up to Kettlebell Hike Combo,,Strength,Chest,Kettlebells,Intermediate,,
960,Pushups,"The push-up is a popular bodyweight exercise that is commonly used in military and tactical physical fitness tests. It’s a classic movement to build upper-body muscle and strength, emphasizing the chest, triceps, and shoulders, but also working the upper back and core.",Strength,Chest,Body Only,Intermediate,9.2,Average
961,Incline Push-Up,"The hands-elevated push-up is a variation on the push-up, a body-weight standard. The hands are elevated, so that your body is aligned at an angle to the floor rather than parallel.",Strength,Chest,Body Only,Intermediate,8.8,Average
962,Hands-elevated push-up,"The hands-elevated push-up is a variation on the classic push-up where the hands are placed on a bench or other elevated surface. Having the hands higher than the feet makes it easier than push-ups on the floor, but also puts the emphasis more on the triceps. It can be used as a substitute for floor push-ups or as a mechanical dropset after maxing out on floor push-ups.",Strength,Chest,Body Only,Beginner,8.7,Average
963,Decline Push-Up,"The feet-elevated push-up is a variation on the push-up, a body-weight standard. The feet are elevated, so that your body is aligned at an angle to the floor rather than parallel.",Strength,Chest,Body Only,Intermediate,8.6,Average
964,Single-Arm Push-Up,,Strength,Chest,Body Only,Beginner,8.6,Average
965,Close push-up to wide push-up,"The close push-up to wide push-up combines two variations of a push-up to emphasize the strengthening of different muscles. The close push-up emphasizes the triceps, while the wide push-up emphasizes the chest and shoulders.",Strength,Chest,Body Only,Intermediate,8.5,Average
966,Wide-grip hands-elevated push-up,"The wide-grip hands-elevated push-up is a variation on the elevated push-up performed with the hands farther apart than with a standard push-up. Having the hands higher than the feet makes it easier than wide-grip push-ups on the floor, but the extra width also puts more emphasis on the chest muscles. It can be used as a substitute for wide-grip floor push-ups, or as a mechanical dropset after maxing out on floor push-ups.",Strength,Chest,Body Only,Beginner,8.5,Average
967,Push-Ups With Feet On An Exercise Ball,,Strength,Chest,Body Only,Intermediate,8.5,Average
968,Feet-elevated push-up,"The feet-elevated push-up is a variation on the push-up, a bodyweight standard. The feet are elevated so that your body is aligned at an angle to the floor rather than parallel. This makes it more difficult than push-ups on the floor, but also puts more emphasis on the shoulder muscles. It is often used as a bodyweight substitute for incline presses, or as a burnout movement for a chest or shoulder workout.",Strength,Chest,Body Only,Intermediate,8.5,Average
969,Isometric Wipers,The typewriter push-up is an advanced push-up variation where the hands are extra wide and you lower toward each hand in alternating reps. It is more challenging to each working arm than traditional push-ups and also stretches and challenges the chest.,Strength,Chest,Body Only,Beginner,8.4,Average
970,Clock push-up,"The clock push-up is a series of regular push-ups performed one at a time, moving your hands one step to the side between each one until you've completed a full circle. It targets the same muscles as traditional push-ups, such as the chest, triceps, and shoulders, but adds an endurance and core challenge to traditional push-ups.",Strength,Chest,Body Only,Beginner,8.4,Average
971,Incline Push-Up Depth Jump,,Plyometrics,Chest,Body Only,Intermediate,8.3,Average
972,Push-Up Wide,"The wide push-up is a variation of the push-up with the hands wider than shoulder-width apart. It targets upper-body muscle groups including the chest, shoulders, and triceps, but has more of a chest emphasis than narrower-grip push-up variations. If wide push-ups lead to pain in the front of your shoulder, opt for a narrower version.",Strength,Chest,Body Only,Beginner,8.3,Average
973,Sphinx push-up,"The sphinx push-up is a difficult variation of the push-up that ends with the forearms on the ground in front of the body, rather than with the chest on the ground. It puts more stress on the triceps than traditional push-ups. It can be performed for time or reps in any bodyweight workout or during any arms-focused portion of a workout.",Strength,Chest,Body Only,Intermediate,8.0,Average
974,Close-Hands Push-Up,"The close push-up is an upper-body exercise that targets the chest, triceps, and shoulders. The close hand position places more emphasis on the triceps.",Strength,Chest,Body Only,Beginner,7.8,Average
975,Tiger-bend push-up,The tiger-bend push-up is an advanced push-up variation where you shift onto your forearms at the bottom position and then back onto your hands and up again. It targets the triceps far more than regular push-ups.,Strength,Chest,Body Only,Beginner,7.6,Average
976,Plyo push-up,"The plyo push-up is a bodyweight exercise aimed at increasing upper-body power and strength. It targets the muscles of the chest, triceps, and shoulders, and can be trained in low reps for power and strength, or higher reps for conditioning.",Plyometrics,Chest,Body Only,Beginner,7.5,Average
977,Close-grip hands-elevated push-up,"The close-grip hands-elevated push-up is a variation on the classic push-up where the hands are placed on a bench or other elevated surface. Having the hands higher than the feet makes it easier than close-grip push-ups on the floor, but also puts the emphasis more on the triceps. It can be used as a substitute for floor push-ups or close-grip push-ups, or as a mechanical dropset after maxing out on floor push-ups.",Strength,Chest,Body Only,Intermediate,7.4,Average
978,Suspended push-up,"The suspended push-up is a bodyweight pushing exercise performed on a suspension strap system or gymnastic rings. It targets the chest, shoulders, and triceps, but is also challenging to the core and upper back. It can work in traditional strength and muscle-building rep ranges or for higher reps.",Strength,Chest,Body Only,Intermediate,7.3,Average
979,Push Up to Side Plank,"The push-up to side plank is an upper-body and core-focused exercise combining two popular bodyweight movements. It targets the chest, triceps, and shoulders with the push-up, and the obliques and hip external rotator muscles with the side plank. It can be performed as part of a dynamic warm-up or any bodyweight strength-training workout.",Strength,Chest,Body Only,Intermediate,7.1,Average
980,Isometric Chest Squeezes,,Plyometrics,Chest,Body Only,Beginner,7.1,Average
981,Side-to-side push-up,The side-to-side push-up is a variation of the push-up exercise where you side-step the opposite hand and foot and perform a push-up.,Strength,Chest,Body Only,Beginner,6.7,Average
982,Typewriter push-up,The typewriter push-up is an advanced push-up variation where the hands are extra wide and you lower toward each hand in alternating reps. It is more challenging to each working arm than traditional push-ups and also stretches and challenges the chest.,Strength,Chest,Body Only,Beginner,0.0,
983,Diamond push-up,"The diamond push-up is an advanced variation of the push-up exercise performed with the hands in a diamond shape. It increases the challenge to the triceps, but also targets the chest and shoulders.",Strength,Chest,Body Only,Intermediate,0.0,
984,Judo push-up,"The judo push-up is an advanced push-up variation that blends elements of the yoga poses downward- and upward-facing dog. This movement increases the demands on the shoulders, but also has mobility benefits. It can work in a dynamic warm-up or mobility-focused workout, but also in bodyweight strength training.",Strength,Chest,Body Only,Beginner,0.0,
985,Superman Push-Up,,Plyometrics,Chest,Body Only,Beginner,0.0,
986,Wide push-up,"The wide push-up is a variation of the push-up with the hands wider than shoulder-width apart. It targets upper-body muscle groups including the chest, shoulders, and triceps, but has more of a chest emphasis than narrower-grip push-up variations. If wide push-ups lead to pain in the front of your shoulder, opt for a narrower version.",Strength,Chest,Body Only,Beginner,0.0,
987,One-Arm Push-Up,,Strength,Chest,Body Only,Beginner,0.0,
988,Clapping Push-Up,"Also known as a plyo push-up, the clapping push-up is a bodyweight exercise aimed at increasing upper-body power and strength. It targets the muscles of the chest, triceps, and shoulders, and can be trained in low reps for power and strength, or higher reps for conditioning.",Plyometrics,Chest,Body Only,Beginner,0.0,
989,Staggered push-up,"The staggered push-up is a variation of the push-up exercise where your hand position is staggered, with one hand forward and one back. It targets the same muscles as a traditional push-up, including the chest, triceps, and shoulders, but is more difficult to the rear arm and core.",Strength,Chest,Body Only,Beginner,0.0,Average
990,Reverse-grip hands-elevated push-up,"The reverse-grip hands-elevated push-up is a bodyweight exercise performed on a Smith machine or other elevated surface. It targets the chest, triceps, and shoulders. It can work as a regression of floor reverse-grip push-ups, or in a progressive mechanical dropset moving the bar up once you reach failure at a lower height.",Strength,Chest,Body Only,Beginner,0.0,Average
991,Triple Clap Push-Up,,Plyometrics,Chest,Body Only,Beginner,0.0,
992,Side kick-through push-up,"The side kick-through push-up is a full-body movement that begins in a bear crawl position and ends with a leg kicked out to the side, with a push-up performed between kick-throughs. It is commonly performed for reps or timed bodyweight circuits and animal-style flows, but can also work on its own or as part of a dynamic warm-up or mobility sequence.",Strength,Chest,Body Only,Intermediate,,
993,Swimming,,Cardio,Chest,Body Only,Intermediate,,
994,FYR Push-Up,"The push-up is a popular bodyweight exercise that is commonly used in military and tactical physical fitness tests. It’s a classic movement to build upper-body muscle and strength, emphasizing the chest, triceps, and shoulders, but also working the upper back and core.",Strength,Chest,Body Only,Intermediate,,
995,Frog push-up,"The frog push-up is an advanced push-up variation that is performed with the legs bent and butt in the air. It heavily targets the triceps and shoulders, but is also quite challenging to the core.",Strength,Chest,Body Only,Intermediate,,
996,Wide push-up plank hold,"The wide push-up plank hold is a full-body exercise targeting the core. Because the arms aren't directly under the body, it can be more difficult than traditional push-up planks, especially for the upper back and chest, but also for the core.",Strength,Chest,Body Only,Intermediate,,
997,Close push-up,"The close push-up is an upper-body exercise that targets the chest, triceps, and shoulders. The close hand position places more emphasis on the triceps.",Strength,Chest,Body Only,Intermediate,,
998,Push-Up - Gethin Variation,"The push-up is a popular bodyweight exercise that is commonly used in military and tactical physical fitness tests. It’s a classic movement to build upper-body muscle and strength, emphasizing the chest, triceps, and shoulders, but also working the upper back and core.",Strength,Chest,Body Only,Intermediate,,