HhP: Hierarchical heterogeneity analysis via penalization
Mingyang Ren renmingyang17@mails.ucas.ac.cn
Mingyang Ren, Qingzhao Zhang, Sanguo Zhang, Tingyan Zhong, Jian Huang, Shuangge Ma. 2020. Hierarchical Cancer Heterogeneity Analysis Based On Histopathological Imaging Features. Manuscript.
function.R: This file includes all main functions to implement the proposed method. Detailed descriptions and usage of these functions are also provided in this R file.
sim-func.R: This file includes functions for generating simulated data and evaluating performances of the proposed method.
main.R: This file is used to conduct simulation studies.
LUAD.R: This file is used to perform hierarchical heterogeneity analysis for the LUAD image data.