SelectelSharp is .net SDK for Selectel Cloud Storage written on C# in Async style. At this moment most of API methods are implemented, but some of them are still in development.
For more information see:
PM> Install-Package SelectelSharpCore
Create client
Everything is starts with SelectelClient initialization:
var client = new SelectelClient();
If you working behind a network Proxy, you should pass proxy parameters to the constructor, something like that:
var client = new SelectelClient("", "domain\\whoami", "pa$$w0rd");
Authorize it
Almost every method in API needs token to perform I/O operations under your storage. You should call AuthorizeAsync method to obtain it. Pass your client id and storage password to this method.
await client.AuthorizeAsync("userId", "userKey");
If authorization was successful, client will recieve authrization token. In other case it will throw WebException.
Call API methods
Now you could could Api methods, for example:
var result = await client.CreateContainerAsync("new-container");
Storage methods
- GetStorageInfoAsync
Container methods
- GetContainersListAsync
- GetContainerInfoAsync
- GetContainerFilesAsync
- CreateContainerAsync
- SetContainerMetaAsync
- SetContainerToGalleryAsync
- DeleteContainerAsync
File methods
- GetFileAsync
- UploadFileAsync
- SetFileMetaAsync
- DeleteFileAsync
Archive methods
- UploadArchiveAsync
More methods coming soon...