Case Converter is a web application built with Vite and ReactJS, styled using Bootstrap for a responsive and modern design. This app allows users to perform various text manipulations and view text summaries.
- Home Page:
- Toggle Mode: Switch between light and dark modes to suit your viewing preference.
- Feedback Button: Provides a modal where users can enter their email and feedback message to help us improve the app. (Note: The feedback feature is currently not functional.)
- Search Bar: A placeholder for future development, currently not functional.
- Text Area: Paste or type text into the text area for processing.
- Text Management Options:
- Clear Text: Remove all text from the text area.
- Copy Text: Copy the text to your clipboard.
- Remove Extra Spaces: Eliminate extra spaces from the text.
- Download Text as .txt File: Save the text as a
- Text Conversion Options:
- Uppercase: Convert the text to uppercase.
- Lowercase: Convert the text to lowercase.
- Title Case: Convert the text to title case.
- Sentence Case: Convert the text to sentence case.
- Text Summary:
- Character Count: Displays the number of characters in the text.
- Word Count: Shows the number of words in the text.
- Sentence Count: Counts the number of sentences in the text.
- Minutes Required to Read Text: Estimates the time it would take to read the text. (Average reading speed: 200 words per minute)
- Text Preview: Provides a preview of the text.
- About Page: Learn more about the website and explore the different text case conversion options.
- Help us Page:
- Bookmark: Add the page to your bookmarks for future access.
- Share: Share the app on your favourite social media platforms including WhatsApp, Twitter, and Instagram.
- Write a Review: Provide feedback on how Case Converter has been helpful to you. (Note: This feature is currently not functional.)
Check out the live demo of Case Converter at
To run Case Converter locally, follow these steps:
- Clone the repository:
git clone
- Install dependencies:
npm install
- Start the development server:
npm run dev
- Open your browser and navigate to
to see the application in action.
- Vite: Fast build tool for modern web projects.
- ReactJS: A JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
- Bootstrap: Front-end framework for responsive design.
If you would like to contribute to the development of Case Converter, please fork the repository and submit a pull request with your changes.
Thank you for exploring Case Converter! We hope you find it useful and look forward to your feedback and suggestions.