This is a Python library and web service for accessing Aquaero fan and pump controllers by Aqua Computer GmbH & Co. KG.
pyquaero is a community open source project. It is not endorsed by or affiliated with Aqua Computer.
The pyquaero main developer is running this software for several years now, without any negative side effects. However, it is a highly experimental software, and it is based on reverse engineering only.
- This software might damage your Aquaero device in a way that it must be repaired or replaced.
- The use of this software could lead to failure of cooling fans or aqua pumps, which might cause permanent damage to heat sensitive components of your system.
- Using this software might void your warranty.
Neither the pyquaero developers nor the manufacturer can be held liable for any damage caused by this software.
It is strongly recommended to use only the official software!
pyquaero is only compatible to a limited number of Aquaero firmware versions. Please check first whether the firmware version on your Aquaero is actually supported by pyquaero.
See the documentation for how the library and tools are used.
- Fork the Source code at Codeberg. Feel free to send pull requests.
- Found a bug? File a bug report!
pyquaero is open source software. The source code is distributed under the terms of GNU General Public License (GPLv3).
- Aqua Computer GmbH & Co. KG for donating an Aquaero LT for development purposes.
- JinTu for aerotools-ng. Without his work, pyquaero would not exist.
- The members of the Aqua Computer Forum for helping, reverse engineering and feedback.
- @DrTron for sending dump files and for testing.