Emotion prediction using EEG waves and neural networks
-> Signals from 23 participants were recorded along with the participants’ self-assessment of their affective state after each stimulus, in terms of valence, arousal, and dominance.
-> The “DREAMER” variable is structured as follows:
-> Data: {1×23 cell}
-> EEG_SamplingRate: 128
-> EEG_Electrodes: {'AF3' 'F7' 'F3' 'FC5' 'T7' 'P7' 'O1' 'O2' 'P8' 'T8' 'FC6' 'F4' 'F8' 'AF4’}
-> noOfSubjects: 23
-> noOfVideoSequences: 18
“Valence” is the level of pleasantness that an event generates and is defined along a continuum from negative to positive.
“Arousal” is the state when you feel excited or very alert, for example, due to fear, stress, or anger.
“Dominance” - this feature is used to determine how strongly a particular emotion is felt
Mapping of Valence, Arousal, and Dominance to the emotions predicted
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[2] S. Katsigiannis, N. Ramzan, “DREAMER: A Database for Emotion Recognition Through EEG and ECG Signals from Wireless Low-cost Off-the-Shelf Devices,” IEEE Journal