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Godot Keyring
🔑 Godot Keyring

"Godot Keyring" is a Godot addon to interact with the OS keyring.

The addon itself is a wrapper of keychain by @hrantzsch to allow cross-platform support.

📙 Usage

func store_password(user: String, password: String) -> void:
    if password.is_empty() or user.is_empty():
        print("Trying to store non valid credentials.")

    Keyring.set_password("my_cool_application", "credentials", user, password)

func login(user: String) -> void:
    var password := Keyring.get_password("my_cool_application", "credentials", user)
    if password.is_empty():
    # Use password

🛠️ Building


Run the scons command to build the addon:

$ scons

You can also specify to which platform compile:

$ scons platform=windows

✨ Credits

"Godot Keyring" logo by @archaeopteryz

💼 License

Licensed under the MIT license, see LICENSE

The code in "src/keychain" is licensed under the MIT license, see keychain/LICENSE