Leetcode notes in Python Python cheat sheet for daily work and coding interveiws for those not good at memorizing. Array Two-pointer algorithms Fisher-Yates shuffling Boyer-Moore majority voting Python Features OOP in Python Mutable and immutable objects ASCII Yield Reference copy Math XOR Infinity Data Structures Built-in hashset Built-in hashmap Built-in string Built-in array Built-in list Linked list Binary tree Heap Randomized set Trie Monotonic stack Algorithms Built-in sort Implement sort Quick select Binary search Bucket sort Graph DFS to Traverse All Paths from Start to End Topological Sort Union Find Minimum Spanning Tree Hierholzer's Algorithm Dijkstra's Algorithm Bellman-ford Algorithm Floyd-Warshall Algorithm Math Divide two integers Pow(X, n) sqrt(x) Bit-wise Manipulation Sum of two integers DP House Robber House Robber II Coin Change OOD Library Management System Other tricks Connected chain Dummy_head