Given three distinct numbers A, B and C. Find the number with value in middle (Try to do it with minimum comparisons).
Example 1:
Input: A = 978, B = 518, C = 300 Output: 518 Explanation: Since 518>300 and 518<978, so 518 is the middle element.
Example 2:
Input: A = 162, B = 934, C = 200 Output: 200 Exaplanation: Since 200>162 && 200<934, So, 200 is the middle element.
Your Task: You don't need to read input or print anything.Your task is to complete the function middle() which takes three integers A,B and C as input parameters and returns the number which has middle value.
Expected Time Complexity:O(1) Expected Auxillary Space:O(1)
Constraints: 1<=A,B,C<=109 A,B,C are distinct.
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