Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/yourusername/project-name.git
2.Navigate into the project directory:
cd server
3.Install dependencies for server:
npm install or yarn
These are the environment variables required to run the application:
MONGO_URI: The URI for connecting to MongoDB.
JWT: Secret key used for JWT token generation.
SMTP_HOST: SMTP host for sending emails.
SMTP_PORT: Port for SMTP connection.
SMTP_SERVICE: Service for SMTP connection.
SMTP_MAIL: Email address used for SMTP authentication.
SMTP_PASSWORD: Password for SMTP authentication.
CLOUD_NAME: Cloud name for Cloudinary integration.
API_KEY: API key for Cloudinary integration.
API_SECRET: API secret for Cloudinary integration.
STRIPE_API_KEY: Public API key for Stripe integration
STRIPE_SECRET_KEY: Secret API key for Stripe integration
5.npm run dev
6.cd ../client
7.npm run dev