- Client: Flutter, GetX
- Architecture: MVC
User state persistence
Firebase signup, login (using email and password), and sign out using Firebase Auth
Image file upload (to Firebase Storage) using Image Picker library
Custom user model for Firebase Firestore database
Getx snackbars indicating the status (error/success)
Set up your Firebase project with your Flutter project's bundle id and download the services.json file and then move it to the project/android/app directory.
Go to the Authentication tab and enable email password sign-in.
Create a database in Firestore and edit the rules (allow read, write; ) after it is set up, or any other custom rule.
**Note: Image Picker plugin requires additional configurational steps for ioS devices. ** For more information, refer here.
in lib/controller/auth_controllers registerUser function --> await firestore.collection('users'). Change 'users' to your Firestore's collection name.
in lib/controller/auth_controllers _uploadToStorage function --> Reference ref = firebaseStorage.ref().child('profilePics'). Change 'profilePics' to the name you want to store the photos as in your Firebase Storage.
review the lib/controller/auth_controllers file diligently and make changes according to the functionalities you require.
you can modify the existing code according to your design requirements.
classpath and other configurations have already been set up inside the android/app/build.gradle file and google services dependency has been added to the project-level build.gradle file.
min SDK version is set to 19.
Versions used in the project-:
- Flutter - ^3.1
- get: ^4.6.5
- firebase_core: ^1.18.0
- firebase_auth: ^3.3.20
- firebase_storage: ^10.2.18
- cloud_firestore: ^3.1.18
- image_picker: ^0.8.5+3