This folder contains the necessary program files to generate run catalog web application.
- Python file the defines and creates itemcatalog.db.
- Python file used to populate itemcatalog.db.
- Python file to run item catalog application.
- templates
- main.html
- catalog.html
- items.html
- publicitems.html
- description.html
- publicdescription.html
- additem.html
- edititem.html
- deleteitem.html
- login.html
- static
- style.css
- client_secrets.json
- file containing authorization key for google sign-in
This project can be run on a Linux-based virtual machine that comes pre-installed with the PostgreSQL database, python and other necessary software.
- Download the following software to run the project.
- Download VirtualBox from here.Install the platform package for your operating system. No need to download the extension package or SDK.There is also no need to launch VirtualBox.
- Download "Vagrant" from the following git repository.
git clone
- On your Terminal navigate to "fullstack-nanodegree-vm" folder cloned from the above GIT repository. Navigate to vagrant subdirectory.
cd vagrant
- Use the following command to clone the project repository.
git clone
- Run the following commands to install the required software.
- Navigate to the "vagrant" directory where above mentioned software is downloaded.
- To install the Linux VM. Run the following command.
vagrant up
- Once Vagrant up is finished running,run the following command to login to VM
vagrant ssh
- All the files in "vagrant" directory on your terminal will appear in the "/vagrant" directory on the VM
- At the VM shell prompt
cd /vagrant/catalog
to go back to shell prompt
- Open any internet browser window and connect to host.
- Connecting http://localhost:8000 will open the item catalog application.
- Website displays book categories and the latest items added to the database.
- When a user not logged in all catalogs and their corresponding items are displayed. Add item and edit/delete item options are not available.
- A login button enables users to login to the database. Authorization is verified using Google Plus sign-in.
- All the new users are automatically logged into the database.
- Once a user is logged-in add item privileges are provided.
- User is provided edit and delete privileges only to the items created by the user.