Available to play here! Made in the GameMaker game engine, Stumble Duel is a physics-based fighting game where players rapidly move back and forth to stay balanced and knock each other over! Be careful! You have to keep your center of balance supported. Make sure to move in the direction that offsets any leaning.
Every round you win, you grow bigger (and become harder to balance). First to win 3 rounds takes the crown! Can be played Singleplayer or Local-Multiplayer
[ A ] Player 1 move left
[ D ] Player 1 move right
[ Left ] Player 2 move left
[ Right ] Player 2 move right
The meaningful stuff can be found in /stumble-duel/objects
Most of the objects are just UI elements, but here are the notable ones:
- objPlayerUpper: controls Player 1 movement and collisions between players
- objEnemyUpper: controls Player 2/AI movement
- objCurtain: controls game logic and transitions between rounds (the stuff the happens when the curtain falls; i.e. resetting players back to starting positions, making the winner of the previous round grow, etc.)
You can play Stumble Duel here, or you can run it on your machine by downloading the repo and opening /stumble-duel/stumble-duel.yyp in the GameMaker game engine.
- Soundtrack: spliced from Party's Cancelled - RoccoW (CC by 3.0)
- Cheering loop: https://freesound.org/people/mglennsound/sounds/678545/ (CC0)
- Sword clash effect: heavy_sword_hit_w_ringout_03_01142023.mp3 by Artninja (CC by 4.0)
- Cursor assets: https://kenney.nl/assets/cursor-pixel-pack (CC0)
All other assets and code made by Ifedolapo Shiloh Olotu
Originally made in 96 hours the GMTK 2024 Game Jam! Original submission available here