- shihyuho/go-jenkins-trigger - GitHub Action to trigger Jenkins job in Go (5 days ago)
- shihyuho/jcconf2024-jib - Talk about Jib's benefits, usage, and extending its functionality. (1 week ago)
- softleader/dockerfile - A collection of Dockerfile for SoftLeader (1 week ago)
- shihyuho/resilience4j-issue - Sample code to report to Spring team
- shihyuho/jcconf2024-jib - Talk about Jib's benefits, usage, and extending its functionality.
- shihyuho/anonymous-configurer-issue - Sample code to report to Spring team
- Speaker Deck - https://speakerdeck.com/shihyuho/
- SlideShare - https://www.slideshare.net/MattHo2/
- Mail - methodho@gmail.com
- LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/methodho/
- Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/evermatt/