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An npm package for use with <svg><use xlink:href=""></use></svg>

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npm i @shgysk8zer0/svg-use-symbols


  • Parsing from JSON and YAML files
    • Creating multiple outputs by using an array of objects with output and icons
    • Creating a single output file by using simple id and path object
  • Creating from directories
  • Fetching SVGs from URLs
  • Migrating from svg-sprite-generate (converts CSV to JSON or YAML)



This generates a series of <symbol>s, which have the counterpart of <use> for using the icons on a webiste:

  <use xlink:href="/path/to/icons.svg#id"></use>


Usage: @shgysk8zer0/svg-use-symbols [options]

An npm package for use with `<svg><use xlink:href=""></use></svg>`

  -V, --version                output the version number
  -c, --config [config]        JSON or YAML config file
  -d, --directory [directory]  path to directory of SVGs
  -e, --encoding [encoding]    encoding (default: "utf8")
  -f, --format [format]        output format for migrating from CSV (default: "json")
  -l, --list [list]            comma separated list of SVGs
  -m, --migrate [migrate]      path to deprecated CSV config file
  -o, --output [output]        output file
  -h, --help                   display help for command
svg-use-symbols -c path/to/config.yml -o img/icons.svg
svg use-symbols -d path/to/svgs/ -o img/icons.svg
svg-use-symbols -l icons/1.svg,icons/2.svg -o img/icons.svg


Simple usage

import { generateSymbols } from '@shgysk8zer0/svg-use-symbols';

await generateSymbols('config.json');

Using require()

const { generateSymbols } = require('@shgysk8zer0/svg-use-symbols');

// Top-level await not allowed

Advanced usage

import { generateSymbol, writeSVG } from '@shgysk8zer0/svg-use-symbols';
const controller = new AbortController();

const config = {
  "file-media": "octicons/file-media.svg",
  "external": "",

const symbols = await Promise.all(
  Object.entries(config).map(async ([id, path]) => {
    try {
      const symbol = await generateSymbol(id, path, { encoding: 'utf8', signal });
      // Mutate symbol, perhaps?
      return symbol;
    } catch(err) {

await writeSVG('output.svg', symbols, { encoding: 'utf8' });

Config files

This supports YAML, JSON, and to a limited extent, CSV. CSV is temporarily offered for those migrating from svg-sprite-generator and will be removed in v2. Please see the section on migrating.

For JSON and YAML, two different formats are supported:

  "id": "path/to/icon.svg",
  "another": ""

This will create <symbol id=":id">s with id taken from the key and contents from the SVG file at the given path/URL. This MUST have output (-o or --output) set. This also applies for the temporarily supported CSV config files.

It may also use:

    "output": "path/to/output.svg",
    "icons": {
      "id": "path/to/icon.svg",
      "another": ""
    "output": "path/to/output2.svg",
    "icons": {
      "id": "path/to/another-icon.svg",
      "another": ""

This will create output files output.svg and output2.svg, each containing there respective <symbol>s.

Migrating from svg-sprite-generator

svg-use-symbols -m path/to/config.csv -o path/to/config.json
# Or
svg-use-symbols --migrate path/to/config.csv --format json --output /path/to/config.json
# Or
svg-use-symbols --migrate path/to/config.csv --format yaml --output /path/to/config.yaml