Backend of every online payment application via wallet is there
. After running this program in spring boot we have to hit this url to see all the API's in swagger http://localhost:8089/swagger-ui.html#/
ONLINE WALLET PAYMENT APP | Online Wallet Payment Application where you can send and receive money and pay different bills. Java, Spring Boot, MySQL, used to generate different end points. Features:
- Services Offered
- User Login and Signup.
- Link bank with wallet, Add money to wallet and deposit to bank.
- Add Beneficiary to wallet and transfer money to different users.
- User can get all transaction history, bill payments.
- Backend
- Built authentication while login and logout using key.
- Stored the data on MySQL and used it for Authentication.
- Deployed the website on GitHub.
- collaborative project built by a team of 3, delivered in 6 days.
- Spring
- Spring Boot
- Spring data JPA
- Hibernate