With SysPeek, users can quickly access vital information about their system, including details about the CPU, memory, storage, operating system, network connections, and more. This user-friendly tool offers a straightforward interface, making it easy for both novice and experienced users.
CLIENT: React, Hooks, Ant Design 5+, Electron, Node
SYSTEM API: SystemInformation npm package from -> (https://systeminformation.io/)
- Get detailed insights into your computer's hardware components.
- Access info about your OS, Hardware, software, and drivers and many more.
- Monitor CPU, disk, and network usage in real-time. (in progress..)
- View IP, DNS, and network adapters information.
- Check disk space and file system details.
- Show current detected Bluetooth, WiFi, Printers, USB Devices.
- Deployable on Windows, Linux, macOS
- React 18+
- Node, NPM
- Python with pip
- VSCODE With ES6+ Module
Clone the project
git clone https://github.com/shehari007/SysPeek-hwinfo-react-electron-app.git
Go to the project directory
cd SysPeek-hwinfo-ract-electron-app
Install dependencies
npm install
Start the Electron Project in Windows
npm run electron:start
Project will open in window mode not in browser as normal react app would, Happy Hacking!
Deployment is never been easy before, package.json is already configured for every platform (Window, Linux, MacOs). Just need to run build commands for each platform as follows:
npm run electron:package:win
npm run electron:package:linux
npm run electron:package:mac
Running these commands will give you a package file (Windows->NSIS .exe) || (Linux->.deb) || (macOS->.dmg).
If you have any feedback, please reach out at shehariyar@gmail.com dont't forget to give us a star if you like this project.