This is a full-stack book management application built using Node.js, MongoDB, Elasticsearch, and Next.js. The application allows users to manage and search a collection of books. This README provides an overview of the project and instructions for setting it up and running it.
- Features
- Prerequisites
- Getting Started
- API Documentation
- Elasticsearch Setup
- Running the Application
- Create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) operations for books.
- Elasticsearch integration for efficient book searching.
- User-friendly web interface for managing and searching books.
Before you begin, ensure you have met the following requirements:
- Node.js installed.
- Mongoose installed and running in your local.
- Elasticsearch cluster set up (docker Image).
For CRUD Operation : http://localhost:8080/books
Fetching all books: request-> get, api: http://localhost:8080/books
Fetching a book: request-> get, api: http://localhost:8080/books/:id
Fetching updating: request-> put, api: http://localhost:8080/books/:id
Fetching delete: request-> delete, api: http://localhost:8080/books/:id
For ElasticSearch : http://localhost:9200
For Searching of ElasticSearch : http://localhost:8080/books/search?q=`${query}`
- const { Client } = require("@elasticsearch/elasticsearch");
- const client = new Client({ node: "http://localhost:9200" });
FrontEnd: port: http://localhost:3000
BackEnd: port: http://localhost:8080
- On creation of a book it is also created on elasticsearch.
- On updation of a book it will be updated on elasticsearch.
- On Deletion of a book it will be also deleted from elasticsearch
- When you Click on Add Book A modal will be open where you have fill data, Some of fields are mandatory to fill.
- On Clicking it will redirect you to /pages/search route
- Here in input box you can search for a query
- debouncing is applied and delay is of 2sec/2000ms
- Home button is there to redirect you to home page
- On Clicking of it a modal will open where you can Edit the text.
- On Clicking of it, that book will be deleted.
I have used context Api.
To get started with this project, follow these steps:
- Clone the repository:
git clone
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- I take all the responsibility for every single line of code.
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