OnHand is a recipe search tool for the cook looking to make something new with what they already have on hand. A convenient, in-app shopping list keeps track of any additional ingredients needed for the user's next culinary adventure.
A search may be performed using one or multiple ingredients to find recipes that include those ingredients. Everything used in the recipe is displayed on screen below the title and a photo of the finished dish. Once the item is clicked, it will be added to the shopping list displayed on screen. If an item is already on the list, an alert will display. Each item on the list may be deleted if the user changes their mind and the list may also be completely cleared. Buttons allowing the list to be copied or emailed (via the default email client) are also available on the shopping list. Search terms, search results, and the shopping list will be maintained throughout the user's session allowing them to perform multiple searches and browse to the recipe pages without losing their shopping list.
- Start Page
- Search Results (with empty shopping list)
- Notification if search returns no recipes
- Search Results (with populated shopping list)
- Recipe Page (opens in the same window after user clicks the title link)
- Email Page (populated with shopping list - opens after user clicks the Email List button)
- Confirmation that list has been copied successfully
- JavaScript
- jQuery
- Shari Hobbs - (https://github.com/sharihobbs)
- Spinner Icon - Copyright (c) 2015 Tobias Ahlin - (http://tobiasahlin.com/spinkit/)
- Thanks to friends and slack community peeps who offered their time and valuable feedback.