- Upload CSV File (Done)
- Data Visualization (Ongoing)
- Data Cleanup
- Feature Selection (Basic Version Done)
- Classification (Basic Version Done)
Build the Container using Docker
$ docker image build -t streamlit:app .
Now, run the docker image on port 8501 (default for Streamlit Apps)
$ docker container run -p 8501:8501 -d streamlit:app
Create and Activate Virtual Environment using Conda
$ conda create --name streamlit_app python=3.7 $ source activate streamlit_app
or venv
$ python3 -m venv streamlit_app $ source streamlit_app/bin/activate
Install the
file$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Run the app
$ streamlit run app.py
- awesome-streamlit: List of Awesome Streamlit Apps
- Streamlit App Gallery: Official Streamlit Apps Gallery
- Best-of: Best-of lists with Python and other languages
- Best-of Streamlit: Best-of list of Streamlit Apps
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