- ☑ Create a rust library to compute rolling OHLC.
- ☑ Use created crate as a dependency to read JSON data and produce output in given format.
- ☑ Provide tests.
- ☑ Provide benchmarks.
The time taken for the functions to process each ticker was measured using the Struct std::time::Instant.
The following code describes the measurement parameters -
for ticker in data {
let now: Instant = Instant::now();
//ticker processing code here
let elapsed: std::time::Duration = now.elapsed();
let output: f32 = elapsed.as_nanos() as f32;
mode.push(output as i32);
let mean = statistical::mean(&bencher);
let median = statistical::median(&bencher);
let mode = statistical::mode(&mode).unwrap();
let sd = statistical::standard_deviation(&bencher, Some(mean));
- The algorithm which has O(n) time complexity, completes processing a ticker with the following stats :
Due to O(n) time complexity, the time taken to processing goes on increasing linearly as the amount of tickers processed increases (around 476200 ns was the highest for this dataset).
- On the other hand the update algorithm that uses Deque(s), completes processing a ticker completes processing a ticker with the following stats :
I have provided two tests in the library that will take the "output files" as their input and compare it with the expected "correct" provided to us.
The first test compares the output provided 'ohlc-5m-a.txt', with the output produced by this code.
The second test compares an expected output where some tickers occur with a gap of more than 300_000 ms, and makes sure the open-high-low-close should change accordingly.
Both these tests pass successfully.