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243 lines (146 loc) · 6.94 KB Mock HTTP API

Mock HTTP testing library for stubbing HTTP responses from text or resources on the classpath (xml files, etc.) and verification of client behavior and state.

This library is still under development. Feel free to use, contribute but there could be changes to the API until it reaches 1.0 status. Of course, we'll try to keep breaking changes to a minimum.

Table of Contents

  • [Example Usage] (#example-usage)
  • [Maven Information] (#maven-information)
  • [License] (#License)

Groovy Examples

Most of the examples documented here are using Groovy instead of Java. Feel free to use Java if you wish. There is no Groovy requirement (Groovy is great and you should really check it out though!).

Getting it on your classpath



The artifacts are available in the Maven Central Repository.


If you need to add this to your project manually, you can download it directly from the maven central repository:

Download Jar

Example Usage

Useful Imports

To achieve a fluid, readable API, Hamcrest matchers are used. There are a few static imports which you'll likely want to use to maintain readability in your tests:

import static javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse.*
import static software.sham.http.matchers.HttpMatchers.*
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.*

Hello World

The simplest usage of this library is to create a MockHttpServer, and set it up to respond the same regardless of what requests it receives. Once you have instantiated the MockHttpServer, it is listening on localhost on the port you provided.

import software.sham.http.MockHttpServer
import static software.sham.http.matchers.HttpMatchers.*

MockHttpServer server = new MockHttpServer(8080)
server.respondTo(anyRequest()).withBody('Hello World!')

// ... clients can now connect to port 8080 and send HTTP requests.


Handling different methods and paths

You can instruct the MockHttpServer to respond to specific paths. When a requests does not match anything, the server responds with a 404 status code. When you use respondTo to match HTTP requests, the server responds with status code 200 and an empty response body unless you instruct it to do otherwise.

MockHttpServer server = new MockHttpServer()
server.respondTo(get('/about-us')).withBody('We are awesome')

Matching other request details

You can also match on the request body, and combine matchers using "and"

server.respondTo(path('/query').and(queryParam('q', 'cartoon+robot'))

You can also use [Hamcrest Matchers] ( if you need more control.

import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.*

.withHeader('Location', '')

Matcher Priority

Each time you call server.respondTo, your matcher takes priority over previous matchers. This means you should configure more general matchers first, and follow on with more specific ones

server.respondTo(get().and(header("Accept", "text/xml")).withStatus(404).withBody("<huh />")
server.respondTo(get("/images")).withHeader("Content-Type", "text/html").withResource("/images/index.html")
server.respondTo(get("/images/logo.png")).withHeader("Content-Type", "image/png").withResource("/images/logo.png")

Doing more with the response

You can control the response status, body, and headers

    .withBody('Sorry, buddy')
    .withHeader('Content-Type', 'text/plain')
    .withHeader('Last-Modified', 'Tue, 15 Jan 2017 12:45:26 GMT')

Dynamic responses

Your response can use information from the request to generate the response body

    .withBody() { ClientRequest request ->
        return doSomethingComplicatedWith(request.getBody())

Asserting on request information

In order to make sure the HTTP client sent the requests you expected, you can find out what requests the server received.

assertEquals(3, server.requests.size())

ClientRequest request = server.requests.find() { it.method == 'GET' && it.path == '/widget/inventory' }

assertEquals('application/json', request.header['Content-Type'])

Waiting for requests to be received

You can also delay some processing until after a request has been received.




boolean completed = server.waitFor(path('/step/3'), 1000) // timeout in milliseconds

Finding an available port

If you don't particularly care what port the HTTP server listens to, you can allow it to find an available port.

MockHttpServer server = new MockHttpServer()
int thePortItChose = server.port

Supporting SSL

To mock an HTTPS server, use MockHttpsServer in the place of MockHttpServer.

MockHttpsServer server = new MockHttpsServer(443)

Your HTTPS client will need to use a keystore that contains the mock server's certificate.
sham-mock.keystore and sham-mock.truststore is available on the classpath, and its password is password.

The commands used to generate the key, certificate, and stores is as follows:

openssl genrsa 2048 > sham-mock.key
openssl genrsa -des3 -out sham-mock.key 2048

openssl req -new -x509 -nodes -sha1 -subj '/O=Sham/CN=localhost' -days 3650 -key sham-mock.key > sham-mock.crt

openssl pkcs12 -inkey sham-mock.key -in sham-mock.crt -export -out cert-key.pkcs12
keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore cert-key.pkcs12 -srcstoretype pkcs12 -destkeystore sham-mock.keystore

keytool -import -alias 1 -file sham-mock.crt -keystore sham-mock.truststore


Copyright 2015 Ryan Hoegg.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.