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File metadata and controls

54 lines (44 loc) · 4.26 KB


GADS-Android-stream provides a socket interface for streaming realtime(almost) screen capture data out of Android devices. It is being used by GADS for remote control of devices.
Supported Android SDK >= 23.
Should be working on simulators as well - tested on Pixel 4 API 29

Project uses MediaProjection and ImageReader APIs to get frames from the device screen and in theory should work for all devices.

NB I am not an Android developer. This project is a mix of official Android documentation, StackOverflow, googling and ChatGPT. I do not claim that it is good, it probably can be improved, but it serves its intended purpose.


  • Reasonable quality - ImageReader dimensions are scaled down by factor of 2 and then the Bitmaps are compressed to JPEG which reduces quality even further, despite that the quality is good on higher resolution devices and acceptable on lower resolution devices
  • Usable to smooth fps - acceptable even on my Sony Xperia XA from 2016
  • Non-zero latency, might be a few frames behind, like 0.5-1 sec
  • Frames are only sent when something changes on the screen, so you might not see a frame on initial connect
  • Easy socket interface - directly sends JPEG encoded image data that can be consumed on the other end
  • Automatic rotation handling - JPEGs will respect the current device rotation

Starting the JPEG stream

  • Download the latest apk file from the Github releases
  • Execute adb install -r gads-stream.apk
  1. Run from terminal
    • Give recording permissions with adb shell appops set PROJECT_MEDIA allow
    • Start the stream app with adb shell am start -n
      • From terminal you also have the option to control the JPEG quality with adb shell am start -a android.intent.action.MAIN -n --ei jpegQuality 100
      • jpegQuality accepts values between 1-100 where 1 is the lowest quality and 100 is the highest quality. Default is 100 if you don't provide it. Reducing the quality increases the FPS but values below 75 seem to provide negligible improvements.
    • To hide the transparent activity tap Home on the device or run adb shell input keyevent KEYCODE_HOME
    • Forward the stream socket to the PC with adb forward tcp:YOUR_PORT tcp:1991 or directly connect to it using the IP address of the device itself
  2. Run manually
    • Find the GADS-Stream application on the device
    • Start it
    • Allow recording permissions
    • Tap Home to hide the transparent activity that was loaded
    • Forward the stream socket to the PC with adb forward tcp:YOUR_PORT tcp:1991 or directly connect to it using the IP address of the device itself
  • NB This is a websocket, not an http server. To display in browser you need to consume the JPEGs and render them or create an MJPEG stream out of them using something else. Personally I use Go to create an MJPEG stream from the JPEGs received over the websocket to easily display the stream on an endpoint.

Huawei P20 Pro


Sony Xperia XA 2016 with rotation


Experimental instrumentation

There is experimental control for devices through Android Instrumentation. It is implemented with an endlessly running UI test that starts a Websocket connection. On structured JSON message received by the Websocket, the Instrumentation can tap, swipe and type text on the device really fast.

  • Start the instrumentation after installing GADS-Stream with adb shell am instrument -w -e debug false
  • Forward the Websocket connection to the host computer with adb forward tcp:YOUR_PORT tcp:1992
  • Connect to the Websocket through Postman for example on ws://localhost:YOUR_PORT
  • Send a JSON as message:
    • {"action":"typeText", "text": "text_to_type"}
    • {"action":"swipe", "startX": int, "startY": int, "endX":int, "endY": int}
    • {"action":"tap", "x": int, "y": int}
    • {"action":"executeShellCommand", "shellCommand":"shell command string"}