- Public Domain Images (a.k.a. ‘No Copyright’ Images): Without any contribution
- Creative Commons Images: Can be or not be allowed for
- commercial use
- attribution (rework as long as credited)
- attribution-share-alike (rework under same license)
- attribution-share-alike-no-derivatives
- Stock Photos: Pay licensing fee
- Linking allowed by any means
- far use policy:
- The purpose and character of the use
- nature of the copied work (factual, opinion, ...)
- amount of copied work
- effect on copied value -> thumbnails allowed -> quoting parts and linking allowed -> summarizing and linking allowed, if need to go to link is still given
- inline images / iframe / YouTube - unclear status quo
- gifs from films - unclear
- ✓ Songs title
- Any part of a song?
- ✓ twitter via api per special API
- twitter without its API?
- ✓ public domain (older 70 years)
MIT, ...